Chapter 19- Graduation

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I tenderly shift in my seat between a couple hundred of my closest friends in the "S" section. After Christian didn't assault me in an abandoned classroom, I had to rush to find Kate and then to find my spot in the procession, barely sharing a word with her out of nervousness. Rushing and pearl panties do not go well together. At least not when you don't want to come.

Kate's speech is great. She must have been working on it very hard. It was good when she practiced in front of me last week, but it wasn't a showstopper. Towards the end of the speech, her eyes meet mine in the crowd and she smiles. I feel the cream leak out of me onto the pearls, onto my skirt. At least I have the hideous robe to cover up.

She doesn't miss a beat, though, her eyes only resting on mine for a moment before she looks out over the crowd again. My gaze flits over to Christian, who is eyeing me intently. He shakes his head "no" so slightly that it would be imperceptible to an onlooker, but I see it.

Don't come yet, is what he's telling me.

I clap enthusiastically at the end of Kate's speech, watching as she goes to sit down next to Christian on the stage. They exchange an odd look before he stands up, buttoning his jacket.

"Look at him!" I hear a squeaky voice behind me.

I don't take my eyes off Christian as he approaches the lectern, but then I hear another voice say, "He's so hot. I wonder if he's single."

I bristle slightly, but keep my cool. Turning around fully, I have to catch my breath when the pearls slide over me. Christ! I am not going to make it. I lean conspiratorially towards the girls. "I heard somewhere that he might be gay."

"Damn," says one girl.

"All the best ones," says her friend.

I turn around again to face the stage, slower this time, keeping my breath as steady as possible.

I have no idea what his speech was about. His eyes never meet mine the entire time, but a small smile creeping up the sides of his mouth means he knows I'm watching him. I can't pull my eyes away from him to look at Kate, though I'm dying to know what she's thinking. I don't even really know what I'm thinking.

Before long, it's over. Everyone's standing up and clapping. He's gotten a standing ovation. Damn, I really should have listened to the speech.

I join the rest of the crowd, standing, clapping, panting (that part's just me I think) when he looks straight at me and smirks.

Is this the signal? Is it time? Why now? Is it that the noise is meant to cover me? Would he make it that easy?

But before I can think, everyone is sitting down and I am nearly at the edge of a body-wracking orgasm, standing alone in the S's. I blush and sit down, pulling my eyes away from Christian's laughing ones.

When my ass hits the chair this time, I let out an audible gasp. Everyone within a yard of me turns to look, but I fake a coughing fit and they look away.

By the time I compose myself to look up at the stage again, Christian is no longer looking at me. He's back in his chair, next to Kate. Chatting. They're having a freaking conversation.

Oh my god, what are they talking about?

She throws her head back to laugh as the first of the A's climb the stairs to receive their diplomas. Christian pulls himself to stand again, shaking the hands of graduates, offering them congratulations. He's beaming from ear-to-ear and though I don't know why, I'm embarrassed.

Maybe it's the threat of being discovered in my near-orgasmic state.

Maybe it's the possibility that Kate and Christian were talking about me.

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