Ch 17- Be Careful What You Wish For

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I come to a few moments later, Christian cradling me in his arms. I'm unbound and under the covers.

"What happened?"

He smiles kindly down at me.

"You passed out."

Passed out? My mind flies through the implications. I could have a heart problem or a blood pressure issue or...

Christian laughs gently at me. "Don't worry. It's nothing to be concerned about. The French have a name for this, it's called La Petite Morte. It usually happens because you're not getting quite enough blood to your brain." He smiles widely. "It's all concentrated... elsewhere."

I blush crimson and snuggle into him slightly before catching myself. Christian stiffens beneath me, my face in his chest hair, before carefully extracting himself from me.

"Come eat some food, then you should get some sleep, Miss Steele. You have a big day tomorrow," he says, walking out of the room and coming back with a super fluffy white bathrobe for me. I climb out of bed and don the robe. It's luxurious in the way 1000-thread count sheets and silk underwear are. Having experienced these things since meeting Christian Grey, I can attest that they are the indulgences in life that seem unimportant until you finally try them. Then it's hard to imagine how you did without them for so long.

We sit down to our ice cream and tea, probably the oddest room service order I've ever heard of, and I shoot him a quizzical look while stuffing a spoonful of salted caramel ice cream in my mouth. "What's tomorrow?"

"Don't tell me you've forgotten about your own graduation."

Fuck. I'm graduating from college tomorrow. I stop completely, the spoon halfway to my open mouth, freaking out.

"What time is it?" I ask quietly, still not moving.

"It's a little after five a.m." he says nonchalantly.

Holy shit! My father is supposed to pick me up at my apartment in three and a half hours!

I drop my spoon completely, letting it clatter into the bowl, fling my chair back and stand, spinning in place, trying to figure out what my next step should be.

"Whoa, slow down, Anastasia."

I stop and look at Christian, a deer in the headlights. I can't think. I can't plan. All I can do is panic.

"Let me help you. What is your schedule like? Do you have family coming into town?"

I nod. "Dad's picking me up at 8:30. We're having breakfast then I have to be at the school at 10. Graduation then lunch." I take a shaky breath. "But I have to get home, I have to shower. I have to... find some underwear..."

"Sit down, Anastasia."

His demeanor has changed again and I know I have to do as he says. I want to do as he says. Surprisingly, I find myself calming completely when I grab my chair again and sit down. Christian is going to tell me what to do. He'll take care of everything.

"First thing's first. Text your father. Ask him to meet you at breakfast and you'll find your own way there." He hands me my phone — why did he have my phone? — and I send the text immediately.

"Why don't you text Kate to bring your cap and gown to the school, but I have some clothes here for you."

By the time we finish up our late night snack, it's almost 6 a.m.

"Is it alright if I take a shower now?"

I'm sitting there, my napkin on my lap still, looking innocent. I don't want to delay much longer. I have to be presentable today. I'm meeting my dad, for god's sake! I can't stink of Christian Grey and all the sex we've had! I silently beg him to let me spend some time remaking myself into the sweet co-ed Ray knows me as.

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