Chapter 12-Smooth Moves

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At 10am on the dot, there's a soft knock on my door before Kate starts pushing it open slowly. I'm not fully awake yet, my cybersex session with Christian went fairly late and I realize the laptop is still open on my bed and I guess I fell asleep without getting under the covers.

And without putting on pajamas.

"Uh, just, uh, give me a second, Kate!" I sputter, desperately trying to cover myself up before she walks in. I find a giant t-shirt on the floor and toss it on. When I look up, Kate is standing in the doorway with a huge grin on her face. Something tells me she got a peek before I got the shirt the whole way on.

"Anastasia," she scolds me playfully. "I hope you enjoyed your lesson last night." She sidles over to me with the hot wax already heated up. She lays a towel on my bed and closes my laptop. "Did Mr. Grey give you any homework?"

"Damn you, Katherine Kavanagh, you are enjoying this way too much," I say, blush rushing to my cheeks.

She laughs, throwing her head back. Her strawberry blonde curls bounce slightly, as do her breasts. She's still in her 30 Seconds to Mars t-shirt, which usually does very little for her figure, but her breasts this morning are like peaks, straining against the fabric. I can nearly make out the little pink tips...

"Alright, Steele. On the bed. Spread 'em." Her demeanor changes drastically and she reminds me so much of Christian that I immediately feel myself moisten.

"May I pee first?" I ask.

She rolls her eyes dramatically. "I suppose. Just don't chicken out on me, okay?"

I rush out of the room and down the hall to our tiny bathroom. "Get it together, Steele, she's your roommate!" I mutter, splashing a bit of water on my face before heading back.

When I come back in, Kate is standing in front of my bed with the wax on the floor by her feet. "Okay, sit," she says, pointing directly in front of her.

I do, and realize that this is really happening. I'm about to show Kate my whole naked crotch. Yep, this isn't awkward at all.

"Now, Ana, relax," she says, her voice softening. She puts her hands on my shoulders. "It's just like Sunday when I did your legs, okay. It's just," she hesitates for a moment. "More of the same."

I smile weakly in reply. I try to stare straight ahead, but her breasts are right there, distracting me. I look back up at her face.

"Now, uh," she stammers. That's weird. Kate doesn't stammer. I've never heard her stammer. "Just, um, lie back." I hesitate, but she pushes my shoulders back until she's practically pinning me to the bed. She looks at me a long moment before standing back up. My breathing gets heavier and I can feel my heart beating in my chest. Surely she can hear it.

"It's nothing I haven't seen before, you know." It sounds like she's trying to convince herself. She licks her lips nervously and I feel my pulse quicken.

She seems to gather herself for a moment and kneels in front of me, about eye-level with my crotch. I actively decide not to watch. I stare at the ceiling then decide I need a pillow to scream into. The anticipation is killing me. Both of my inevitable arousal and the pain I know to expect. I reach out an arm and grab my fluffiest pillow and squeeze it to my face.

"Here, you have to spread your legs, Ana. Put your feet up here and scooch down."

I do as she says. Just the same as I did last night with Christian on the computer. I feel myself tighten and hear some sort of a muffled noise from Kate that I am simply too anxious to interpret right now.

"I'm going to, uh, put some talcum powder on first, so don't freak out." I murmur into my pillow by way of a response. I feel Kate moving around below me but nothing more.

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