Chapter 9- The Email

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Finally, I force myself to reply to Christian's text.

*Yes, sir. Very nice indeed.*

Not a minute after I hit send, my phone pings.

*Ah, but did you behave yourself, Miss Steele?*

I am now completely convinced. He must know. There's got to be a camera somewhere in my room. I wave my hand around just in case to let him know I know.

*Any misbehavior was completely unconscious, Mr. Grey*

I wait for a reply but it's long in coming. I decide to hit the shower and get dressed instead of focusing on it.

Before I've even finished drying off, I hear the doorbell.

Who in their right mind would show up here at 8:30 in the morning? None of our friends ring the doorbell anyway. We don't have a peephole, so I just open the door.

A young man with a pony tail is standing there in a uniform-style polo shirt and khaki pants, looking enthusiastic and cheery. It's way too early for that. He's holding a large box.

"Hello," I say in surprise. Just not what I expected. I'm not sure what I expected.

"Miss Steele?" I nod. He suddenly looks very uncomfortable, attempting to look everywhere but at me. He is failing miserably.

I realize I'm in my tiny towel and nothing else, dripping wet. I guess it's time I invest in a bathrobe.

"I have a delivery for you, may I come in to set it up?"

I take a step back and grant him entry.

"Where would you like me to set this up?" he asks.

"Well, what is it?"

"It's a pre-release MacBook Pro."

Of course it is.

"On the dining room table is fine," I say, leading him there. "Now, will you excuse me, I really should get dressed."

I head into my room, feeling his eyes on my ass as I walk. I slam the door behind me.

Picking up my phone, I see I have a new text message from Christian Grey.

*I think I will have to hold you responsible for unconscious indiscretions. Doesn't seem fair you should have a free pass just because you're asleep, Miss Steele*

My fingers fly over the keys in reply.

*I don't particularly think that's fair. Meanwhile, what's with the computer?*

He replies right away this time.

*Good, it was delivered. It's for research. I want you to know what you're getting yourself into.*

Ha, like I didn't get a first-hand demonstration last night.

*I already have an idea of what I'm getting myself into and I have the sore ass to prove it.*

"Miss Steele?" I hear the tech guy call from the other room.

I quickly throw on a pair of jeans and a tank top, not bothering to waste time on a bra or underwear. At least I'm more covered than I was when I met the poor guy.

Walking out of my room, I see that the computer is all set up. I sit down next to him at the table.

"Now, Miss Steele, I'm going to show you how to set up your new Grey Industries email address and how to access the internet. Is there anything else you'd like to do on this computer?"

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