6: Jajangmyeon: Take Her Back

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"So what's your plan?" Mina asked me as I told her about my plan on winning Nayeon back.

"To make her love me again. I think that sounds like a plan. Don't you think so?" I answered confidently.

"That doesn't sound like a plan. That's more of a goal Jeong, and you need a plan to achieve that goal." She explained and I looked at her helplessly. I don't have a plan damn it.

"Does that mean I d-don't have a plan?" I cluelessly asked her.

"Exactly! Stupid." She sneered as she rolled her eyes on me.

"Oh shit. What am I suppose to do then?" I panicked. I don't know how to initiate a plan.

"Think of a plan. That's what you should do." She said as if she's done playing stupid with me. I can memorize all the nerves in a person's brain but couldn't think of a plan to win my ex back.

"What plan?" An authorative voice said, came from a small figure that suddenly emerged from the door.

"Babe! How long have you been there?" Mina said excitedly as she saw her girlfriend standing at the door.

"I just arrived." Chaeyoung said and approached Mina and tiptoed to kiss her in the forehead. "So what's the plan that you were just talking about? I'm good at planning, count me in." My eyes lit from what she said. Maybe she can help me, she's a prosecutor after all.

Wait, what does her being a prosecutor had to do with this? Nevermind.

"Well, it's a plan on how Jeongyeon will win back her ex who's a famous star right now." Mina said and Chaeyoung laughed.

"Oh! Nayeon unnie, I remember. But unnie, do you even stand a chance?" She chuckled and i gave her a look.

"Oh you don't belittle me Chaeng because you're the only one who's little here." It was my turn to laugh and Mina laughed along with me that made Chaeyoung give us a killing stare.

"Babe, why are you laughing?" Chaeyoung pouted to Mina losing all her tough image as a prosecutor.

"Because it's funny. Don't worry, I still love you though." Mina said that made me gave them a bored look. I hate seeing their bullshit. It's not even cute.

"Oh stop that sweet stuffs. Help me first please!" I cutted their sweet moment. I need a plan.

"Yeah, right." Chaeyoung rolled her eyes and sat beside me. "So what made you think you'll win her back though. Like, seriously. She is an idol." She looked at me seriously this time.

"Well, something actually happened. You see, she was my first patient when I started working here. I performed the surgery on her contusion. We had a talk that night on the rooftop and... we kissed." I hesitantly told her. Well, she knows about me and Nayeon, all of our friends did. But, it's a bit embarrassing now because we broke up, and it's been 10 years already. So I'm not actually confident on telling anyone that I kissed Nayeon.

"That's a goddamn good start unnie. But you just mentioned you performed her surgery, right?" I nodded. "You probably stitched her." I nodded again. "Then you have to remove it. You'll meet her again, so start it out by talking to her and sorting things out first." My eyes widened, how can I not think about that. I really am stupid.

"You're a genius Chaeng!" I stood up and cupped her cheeks. "Thank you!" I said and kissed her forehead.

"Hey! That's Mina's property. You're gross unnie!" Chaeyoung said as she wiped her forehead with her hand. I just smiled at her and started walking outside the room.

"Where are you going?" Mina asked.

"I'll set up an appointment, Minari." I excitedly answered.

I stepped out of Mina's office and walked towards the nurse station to set up my appointment with Nayeon. I was jumping while walking to the nurse station showing how excited am I.

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