19: Blessing

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I held her trembling hands under the table as we wait for her parents to arrive. We're currently at the restaurant where we agreed to have lunch with her family to discuss about our marriage.

I didn't bring any of my family member. Tzuyu is at the site right now, and my father is in Switzerland handling his restaurant as the CEO and the main chef, so he couldn't come.

"Calm down love. You're more nervous than me." I joked to ease her nervousness. But I guess it didn't helped at all.

We heard the dinging sound of the bell, meaning that the door of the VIP room that we are in opened and someone entered.

We turned to look at the entrance and one by one, we saw her family came in. Her mom and dad walking together and her sister who's looking through her phone.

All of us bowed as a respect for each other. Her father is looking so serious while her mom gave me a smile as soon as they came in.

They sat down along with us and I called the waiter to serve the food that we ordered earlier.

"So you are the Yoo Jeongyeon that my daughter is talking about?" Nayeon's mother said smiling at me.

"I am Mrs. Im." I said and bowed once again. The distance between our seats is too far to offer a handshake.

"So you're the one marrying my daughter?" Her father said in its authoritative voice. He sure is scary speaking and looking at me like that.

"Indeed sir." I answered confidently. Showing him that I'm confident with my decision on marrying her eldest.

"I don't want to be rude, but I'm not giving you my blessing." He stated and her wife held his arms, telling him to stop. "You're both women with an image to hold. What you're doing is a mistake in the eye of the society." He continued to say what he was saying.

"Dad! Please stop it." Nayeon shouted, I squeezed her hand that I was holding to stop her from talking back to her father. I don't want her to ruin her relationship with her father because of me.

"With all due respect sir, I don't care what the society thinks." I said and all of their eyes widened in surprise, including Nayeon. I guess they never expected me to talk back to her father. "You should know that by now. Because if I did care, we wouldn't be here right now because I wouldn't have asked Nayeon to marry me in the first place."

"If I do everything by the norms, I would still be in agony right now by not pursuing my happiness which is Nayeon." His glare is glued on me, he's mad right now. I get it, but I continued to speak out my thoughts.

"They don't have a say in who I choose to love or who I choose to marry. If loving her is so wrong in the eyes of the people, then they don't have to look. I didn't ask them to get involved in my life. And not to be so arrogant sir, but I believe I deserve your blessing." I stated in my most confident way of speaking. If I would stand down, I will never gain his blessing.

"What makes you think that way?" He seriously asked as he tapped his fingers on the table.

"Because I may not offer you grandchildren, but I can offer you my sincerity."

There was a few minutes of silence between us until he lifted his hand.

"Leave the both of us alone for a few minutes." Nayeon's father said, everyone stood up and was ready to leave except for Nayeon.

She looked at me asking for my permission, so I just nodded at her and smiled. She then stood up following her mother.

When they were completely gone, he leaned his elbows on the table and clasped his hands, resting his chin on it.

"You know I was just trying to protect my daughter." He said as he looked at me straight in the eyes.

"I understand sir. But don't you think supporting what makes her happy is a part of protecting her?" He sighed as I said those words to him. I wish he would get what I was trying to imply.

"Jeongyeon. Do you know what's my daughter's favorite food?" He asked in a toned down voice, different from how he talked to me earlier.

I was confused for a few seconds, but answered anyways.

"She likes pho the most sir." I said pointing at the dishes that is served on the table.

"You even knew something that even her father didn't." He was getting a bit emotional, but he was keeping himself composed. "Thank you for opening my eyes and making me realize your sincerity."

He stood up and fixed his suit, he then offered me his hand for a handshake.

"Congratulations Dr. Yoo Jeongyeon, you just earned my blessing."

A smile appeared on my lips as I excitedly stood up and took the hand of my soon to be father-in-law. I can't hide my happiness as of now.

"Thank you si--"

"Father, call me father." He cutted my words and my smile became wider.

"Thank you father." I said as we shook our hands together. It makes me proud, to think that I gained the blessing of Nayeon's father.

Now, the only thing to think about is the wedding.

After that, we called the others back in. They noticed how the atmosphere changed between me and father, but they didn't asked and just enjoyed the meal.

Nayeon threw a few looks at me asking for a hint of what happened. I just replied her with a smile, she doesn't dare to spit a word though.

The lunch ended and we all bid our goodbyes. Nayeon and me were left at the basement parking lot, she faced me as soon as her family's car drove off.

"What happened?" She asked the question that she was dying to ask earlier.

I didn't answer and just scratch my nape having a sad look on my face, just to prank her.

"Love uhmm, we got his blessing."

"Oh, we got his blessing." She bowed her head down and was looking so sad, but just then she lifted her head and her eyes widened as the realization had hit her. "We got his blessing?!" She shouted and I nodded happily.

I thought she was gonna hug me, but instead, she smacked me in the head—real hard.

"Ouch! What was that for?!" I shouted in between my laugh as I rubbed the back of my head.

"You scared me!" She shouted back as she hit me in the arms.

"Stop it." I chuckled as I rubbed the places that she hitted me.

"I'm so proud of you Jeongyeon. I love you so much." She finally hugged me, so I lifted her and turned her around as our laughter echoed in the place.

"Let's go get married." I said and we both shared the most genuine smile one could give to someone.

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