9: Make Me Live

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There was a forecast that it might rain this morning so I took my umbrella with me before leaving my house. I walked towards the bus stop and waited for the bus number heading to the hospital where Mina and Jeongyeon works.

I'm going there not to see my girlfriend this time but to see Jeongyeon unnie as my doctor. I decided to have a check up yesterday because of my continous headaches and vomiting this past few days. I took some tests and Jeongyeon unnie called me earlier and said that the results are out and I should head there immediately.

As soon as I got on the bus, the rain started to pour. By the looks of it, it's not likely to stop soon. I watched the foggy window of the bus that's preventing me to see the slightest sight of the view outside.

I suddenly wanted to watch a movie with my Minari in the house while drinking some hot choco. But we can't do that now, she's currently on Japan for her brother's wedding. I was actually invited but I've got too much work to do so I decided not to go. It's just one week but I miss her already.

I got off the bus and opened my umbrella. I ran inside the hospital eventhough I had an umbrella because I couldn't take the cold outside. I was walking towards the Neurologist department where Jeongyeon unnie's office is located.

I knocked and when I heard her said to come in, I came in immediately and sat in front of her desk. Jeong unnie smiled at me as she opened her laptop.

"How are you Chaeng? Still having headaches?" She asked with her eyes still fixated on her laptop, finding something using her bluetooth mouse.

"Yes, unnie. It's becoming more often these days. Aren't you gonna prescribe me some medicine?" I asked as I dramatically held onto my head.

"I will, Chaeng. But I will explain to you the results first. Here is your ct scan results." She said as she turned her laptop around and showed the ct scan result to me which I don't understand.

"What does it say unnie?" I asked and she let out a sigh. And because of that my heart started beating so loud now. Now, I'm scared to hear what she's about to say.

"Chaeng, you see this portion around here?" She said pointing at the white portions in the middle of my brain in the ct scan, I just nodded at her. "This is a tumor, Chaeng. The headaches and vomiting are not simply because of tiredness and stress, it's because of this." She said pointing at the ct scan again. I just looked at her staring at her blankly, not knowing how to react, couldn't even let out a single word, I don't know what to say. I felt like my heart fell five feet on the ground.

"It's a stage 3 brain tumor and it's cancerous because it's malignant. It's spreading all over your brain and it can spread all over your spine and your body. We have to remove it as soon as possible Chaeng." She further explained to me and eventhough she just said it to me, I felt like losing everything already.

"Am I going to die unnie?" I asked, coming from the first thing that popped up in my head.

"No Chaeng, you won't die. I'll make sure you won't die, you just have to cooperate with me. I'll do my best just to save you." She said and held my hand that is on her desk.

"What do I have to do unnie? What can I do to live?" I said eagerly, I wanted to live so bad. I wanted to, for the people around me.

"You have to undergo surgery and chemotherapy." She answered and I looked at her full of hope and trust in her. "But you should quit your job Chaeng." She said that made me think twice.

"W-what?" I asked her surprised. Being a Prosecutor means a lot to me. I've suffered too much just to get to where I am right now and just because of this shitty cancer I have to give it up.

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