16: The Media

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The sound of camera shutters and the blinding flashes welcomed us in the airport. Somehow the media got the news that we're arriving today eventhough none of us told it to anyone.

"The five of you should go together first. We'll go after you." Jeongyeon suggested as we think of a way to get passed the reporters without creating any issues.

"No!" I sternly refused. They all looked at me with a questioning look after they all agreed that Jeongyeon's plan is good. "I'll come with you. My contract ended with the company anyways." I crossed my arms and pouted.

Jeongyeon made her way towards me and brushed her hands on my shoulder. She bended her knees a bit to level with my eyes.

"Come on bunny don't be so stubborn." She smiled at me before giving me a hug. "It'll just be a few hours." She then kissed the crown of my head.

"Yoo Jeongyeon." I called for her. "I don't wanna hide anymore. " I seriously said. She then broke the hug to face me. "We're getting married, we shouldn't be doing this—hiding what we really are." I said and cupped her cheeks. "We did that before and it didn't work. I want to choose you over the fame and fortune, and I will do that because you are my happiness. I'm willing to get broke just to have you my love." I said and captured her lips for a short time.

I can see the smile crept on her face after that little interaction between us.

"I've never seen something so gross in my entire life." Her savage sister started to attack us. Everyone started to laugh and completely forgot the situation that's waiting for us outside.

"Tzuyu you're such a killjoy. Get out of the way I'm going home with my wife." Jeongyeon said and swayed her sister out of the way as she pushed the baggage cart pass them.

She gestured her arms for me to take so I ran my way to her and cling onto her arms as we both made our way outside to face the world.

I can't deny the fact that my heart is beating loud right now out of nervousness. But I know that someone is here for me, the one that calms my heart just by her presence—my Jeongyeon.

The flashes started to blind me as the media took sight of us. The rest of our friends are behind us, but most of the cameras are focus on just me and Jeongyeon.

We didn't mind the attention and continued to walk our way outside the airport. People started to swarm around us and it was becoming suffocating.

"Unnie give the luggages to us. Tzuyu will take the girls home and you two can go on your way." Chaeyoung suggested when she saw how Jeongyeon was struggling on pushing the cart along with protecting me from the crowd.

She just nodded and gave the cart to Chaeyoung. She held my hand and gave me a look and a smile preparing me for something that she's planning in her head.

She then started to run pulling me along with her as we make our way out of the crowd. As soon as we reached outside, she pulled me to get inside the taxi and told the driver to hurry and drive.

We laughed as soon as we've gone out of the media's sight.

"That sure will make tons of article later." I chuckled under my breath as I catch for some air after running.

I slammed myself on the seat facing Jeongyeon beside me. I hugged her on her side and rest my nose on the crook of her neck.

"I love you Jeongyeon." I blurted out as tears formed in my eyes out of joy. I really love this woman more than anything in the world, and I wished I proved that to her today.

"I know and I love you too." She said as if she knows what I'm thinking. She kissed the crown of my head as a sign that I should trust on her words.


The company had released a statement regarding the issue at the airport earlier. They were faster than I expected.

"Our former talent, Im Nayeon is currently in a relationship with a Doctor (Neurologist) of Seoul National University Hospital, Yoo Jeongyeon. And is--" She paused from reading the article and gave me a questioning look. "Soon to be married according to Nayeon herself? You told them to put that?" She chuckled and shook her head lightly.

"Why? Are you regretting your decision now on asking me to marry you?" I glared at her but she just laughed at my reaction.

"I'm just asking Ms. Im." She pinched my cheeks and messed my hair. "But don't you think we should've told it to your parents first before confirming it to the public?"

"I called them earlier before calling the agency. My mom sounded so happy." I tried to filter the conversation I had with my family earlier, to make it atleast sound good.

"How about your father?" I averted my eyes out of her gaze as I felt I got caught by her. I don't know how to answer that question. My dad actually didn't like the idea of me dating a girl.

I can totally understand him, wanting to have a grandchildren. But as much as I understand him, I want him to understand me that this was my happiness. Jeongyeon is my happiness and I want to choose her to be my eternity.

I actually felt sorry to her for going through so much just to be with me. It feels like she's having too much obstacles just to reach me, and I don't want it to be like that but I can't really do something about it.

And being able to do nothing is beating the shit out of me. I feel bad for making my Jeongyeon go through all this bullshit after years of waiting for me.

I want to stood up a fight this time but I don't want to fight my family. It's really messing up my head to be honest.

I was playing the game of trying not to get caught by Jeongyeon's eyes when suddenly, she hugged me.

"He doesn't approve of me. Is that it?" I nodded as I hugged her back, as expected, she knows me too well. I'm not intending on not telling her anyways, I just don't want to hurt her. "Don't worry. I'll do my best to sort it out."

"I'm sorry love." I breathed out as muffled sobs came out of me. "I'm sorry for making you struggle because of me. I'm sorry, really." I said under my sobs as my tears started to soak her hoodie.

"Stop crying." She just chuckled, trying to lighten up the mood. "No more crying love, okay? We have each other, so those kinds of problems will be nothing against the both of us." She rubbed my back and kissed my temple.

"Thankyou Jeongyeonie." I lifted my head to kiss her chin. After that, a look of disappointment appeared on her face that made me confused.

"That's it? Can't you go higher?" She pouted her lips and my head instantly got buried in her chest out of laughing so hard.

"Okay." I then fulfilled her request and placed a peck on her lips.

"That's it?"

"Stop it."



"Okay." She said but did the contrary of it. She kissed me as much as our breath could take.

"Liar." I said and pouted.

"You liked it though." She smirked and turn around. She threw herself on the bed and stretched her long arms and legs.

I stood in front of her with my hands on my waist.

"Where's my place then?" I asked with my brows furrowed as her tall figure occupied the whole bed.

"Here." She pointed at her chest where her heart resides. And I can't hide my distaste on her cheesiness. "Okay, I won't do it again." She laughed and pulled me to lie down beside her.

"Let's sleep." I kissed her cheeks and settled myself hugging her. She turned off the lamp at the bedside table and covered the both of us in her blanket.

"Let's sleep."

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