Top 10 Princess Week Activities

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As you may know (and if you don't you do now!), April 22-28 is Princess Week. I think it's a Disney concoction to sell princess-related merchandise, but as per usual I'm adapting it to suit my own purposes. Therefore, I present the top 10 activities I will be engaging in during this glorious week.

1. Wear my tiara, 24/7.

All day, errday.

2. Visit David's Tea or some place similar in order to sip tea with my pinky extended.

While wearing tiara.

3. Burst into Disney songs spontaneously. On Princess Street.

4. Gain talking animal sidekick.

Preferably, Socks will gain the ability to speak. I'm also open to ducks, sheep, and chameleons named Pascal.

5. Listen to Prince on repeat.

Send him a letter requesting his presence as my date to the ball. We're about the same height, its perfect.

6. Adopt a Madonna-esque faux British inflection.

Sound posh. And vaguely annoying.

7. Create a tumblr or something dedicated to my various enviable sartorial decisions.

Duchess Kate, anyone?

8. Twirl in public.

Frequently, and with unadulterated romantic glee.

9. Commune with nature, singing to birds and befriending chipmunks.

Or raccoons, given my urban dwelling.

10. Change name to something pertaining to obvious physical characteristic, or just something uncommon.

Princess Small Mouse? Princess Rhodendron?

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