The Dark Knight

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Hey, so I still got my phone taken away:'(, but never fear Backup Phone is here. But there is a reason why it is a backup phone. I needed wifi to update but I had to wait until my mom left the house. So, sorry it's late, but I did promise a chapter everyday, so.....Enjoy;-)


Chapter 9:The Dark Knight

"It's over, Joker won."Robin stomps out of the common room with Starfire trailing behind him, calling his name. Beast Boy looks back at his hands which are still bloody red, but at least it dried off little."Hey BB…" Cyborg inches closer to Beast Boy, trying hard to not to cry, "We are not giving up on you, no matter what, ya know?"Beast Boy's eyes are filling up tears, "Cy…"Cyborg shakes his head and interrupts Beast Boy, "No, don't tell me to give on you. You are my best friend, and I am never going to give up on you. I am going to find a way to take those things off you, and then you will be free man, don't give up, understand man?"Beast Boy couldn't say anything, he is too choked up so he simply nods and Cyborg walks out with determined face.Beast Boy looks at his hands once again and sighed, 'Why didn't they understand? It's done…'"Beast Boy…" A familiar monotone voice and Beast Boy looks up at Raven, 'That monotone voice again… Damn it, I hate that voice'"Hey Rae, listen… Don't talk in that voice, please. I just can't stand it any longer."Raven was taken aback and speaks, not in her monotone voice, "W-what?""Sorry, but that's better. I've always hated that monotone voice…"Raven scoffs, "Why? What you have against my voice?"Beast Boy can't help it but smile at Raven, it had been so long since he smiled a real smile, "You may be smart Rae, but you are clueless…"Raven glares at Beast Boy with burning anger, 'What the hell is he doing? And why is he making me feel like this? Calm down Raven, you need to control your emotion, calm down…'In distance, a light bulb exploded and Beast Boy laughs, "What are you laughing at?"Beast Boy quickly stops laughing, but still grinning, "No one, I just like when you show your emotions.""But, it is dangerous if I show emotions.""No it is not dangerous. Yeah sure something explodes, but I hate it when you hide yourself… You don't deserve that, you deserves to feel freely."Raven's eyebrow raises, 'He doesn't like when I hide myself… And that I don't deserve that?'"And you are the one to judge?" Raven retorts, "You are the one who is hiding whole time! You got some nerve to tell me that I should not be hiding my feelings, you HYPOCRITE!"Raven shouts at Beast Boy and his grin turns into a frown. Beast Boy looks at his hands again and gulps.Raven sighs, 'What have I done? Beast Boy was just trying to be nice, and you snapped at him. Hadn't he suffered enough, nice going Raven…'"Beast Boy, I am sorry… I-""No, it's ok… I deserved that, I should have told you guys long time ago, but I just couldn't because I finally found a family and I didn't want to lose that…" Beast Boy's eyes filling up tears again, "I just couldn't…"Raven walks and sat on the floor next to Beast Boy, "I don't remember you talking about your family or anything about yourself…"Beast Boy looks away from his hands to Raven's face and smiles sadly, "That's because no one bothers to ask," then he looks back at his hands, rubbing viciously, trying to get the blood off.Now Raven thought about it, "We ignored you a lot, didn't we?""No worries, I'm already used to it.""It's not ok… I mean, you have done so much for us here. When you left, lot things have changed."Beast Boy looks at Raven with puzzled look, "A lot? How?"Raven sighs, "I have to admit, you brought the joy into this place. After you left, it have been quiet, too quiet. Cyborg kept mourning over everything that reminds him of you, and Starfire kept sobbing and Robin was always beside her and trying to calm her down."Beast Boy carefully listens to every words she said and cannot believe it, 'They miss me that much? I never knew… I caused them so much pain, it's all my fault. Everything I do…'Raven continues, "You may not know it, but you are the one who keeps the team together," She pauses and gulps, "You are the reason why I am not in my room all of the time. If it wasn't for you, I would be in the darkness, shutting the world out. When you left, I hate to admit it but I missed your jokes, your annoying knocks at my door every day, and your laugh. You are the reason why I don't feel alone anymore."Raven feels her tears coming out of her eyes, and she couldn't stop it. Remembering Beast Boy's words and letting it free.Beast Boy couldn't believe his ears, 'Raven missed me. SHE actually missed me, my jokes, my annoying knocks, and my laugh…'Beast Boy looks at Raven's face excitedly; only find that she is crying, "Rae! Are you ok? I am sorry, I am so sorry, I didn't mean it."His cuffed hands went over Raven's head to her neck then to her back and pulls her to his chest, letting Raven wet his shirt with her tears.Raven wasn't thinking straight, she hugs him back, burying her face deeper into his chest.XXX'Why am I crying? I shouldn't be crying! UGH, why Beast Boy affects me so much?''You know why, remember?' Affection whispers into her head, 'You know…'Raven sighs, taking the comfort being on Beast Boy's chest, 'Yeah, I guess I really do love him…'XXX'Raven looks so small in my arms, so vulnerable, and so adorable. This sucks, I won't be here forever… Raven doesn't deserve me, she deserve someone who will be by her side for the rest of her life. It is only matter of time before I go… Better as well to spend every moment before it is too late.' Beast Boy thought as he held Raven tighter against his chest, 'Only if she knows, knows how much I love her… I love everything about her, from head to toes. All of her insecurity, her desires, her hopes, and her dreams, everything… All I ever wanted is to see Raven laugh at her own free will, smile without a care in world. I guess I won't be that person who makes her do those things, it is too late…' Beast Boy buries his face into Raven's hair, takes in everything about her.XXXIt seems like hours, Beast Boy kept rubbing Raven's back with his hands, while Raven stays same place on his chest.Finally Raven pulls her head away from his chest, still in his arms and whispers, "I miss you…"Beast Boy smiles, "You have no idea how much I miss you, you are always on my mind. Everyday… Always…"Raven blushes and smiles a tiny smile and Beast Boy grins, "Is that a smile I see?"Raven blushes even more, she was sure that her face is scarlet, avoiding looking at Beast Boy and mumbles, "What time is it now?""Uhh," Beast Boy looks around for the clock, "Aha, it is 11 o'clock.""Oh, I better go…" Raven manages to duck out of his arms.Beast Boy widens his eyes in panic, "NO, wait don't go!"Raven gives Beast Boy a puzzled look, "Why not? We need to rest, I'll take you to your room," Raven pulls Beast Boy, standing up, "Okay, let's go.""Wait…" Beast Boy stops Raven, "I don't want to be alone… Not tonight nor ever since Joker is still out there, you know…" Beast Boy stares at the floor, he is scared out of his mind, 'What if Joker found me, takes me away from them again. That's not even the worst thing, what if he makes me suffer even more, what if he forces me to eat another person, what if he do something to them, what if he do something horrible to Raven, I can't let that happen…' His mind was going in thousand miles in minutes."Uh, ok I will sleep on your bottom bunk and you will sleep on top?" Raven tries to assure Beast Boy, she have never seen him this scared before, which scares her."No, no. That will be the first thing Joker would check… And I don't want Joker to do something to you. No…"Beast Boy's hands are shaking so hard, he couldn't focus, he cannot go back, and he won't. He suddenly felt something inside him, 'Oh no' It was the same feeling when he ate the man, the feeling of nothing but pure anger and betrayal; it is the technology that Joker put on him. He starts to hurt himself by straining his cuffs, making his wrists bleeds. That was the reason why he wanted to keep the cuffs, to keep the control of himself. The pain from his wrists gained control of himself, lessens the Joker's control inside him.Beast Boy sighs in relief as he feels the control returning to him, and Raven notices the blood dripping from the cuffs."BEAST BOY, you are bleeding!" Raven grabs his wrists, "I am taking the cuffs off, and they are hurting you."Beast Boy quickly pulls his hands out of Raven's grasp, "No, don't take them off. I need them.""But, they are hurting you…""I know Rae, I did that."Raven is shocked, 'Why is Beast Boy hurting himself?' She whispers, barely audible, "W-why?"Thanks to Beast Boy's pointy ears, he still can hear her whisper "Because Joker still has a control over me, and if I keep my focus, I will keep the control of myself. And that way, I have to hurt myself to resist his control."Raven's tears are filling up in her eyes, 'Beast Boy didn't even deserve this…'"Ok… Since you say that your room will be the place that Joker will first check, so why not we sleep in my room?""Huh? Y-your r-room?" Beast Boy was taken aback, Raven refused to let anyone, especially him to enter her room. He only enters her room few times with permission, and the rest without."Yes, you have problem with that?""N-no, lead the way."XXXArriving in her room, it looks same since the last time Beast Boy had entered. That last time was they had a personal conversation, Beast Boy will never forget those conversations."I uh, will sleep on the floor…""Um… Ok, let me get you blankets," Raven walks to her trunk and opening it, takes the dark violet blanket, and grabs two pillows from her bed and hands them to Beast Boy, "Here…""Thanks," Beast Boy walks to a floor beside her bed, making himself conformable as Raven gets ready for bed. He snuggles in her blanket and burying his face in one of her pillows, 'Smells like her…' Beast Boy inhales.The door opens, revealing Raven in her dark gray sweatpants and black tank top. Raven blushes, when she sees Beast Boy staring at her.Beast Boy's breath was taken away, 'Wow, I never saw her out of her uniform before, and she looks beautiful, gorgeous, and just wow…'Raven shifts toward to her bed uncomfortably, once she got in her bed, she whispers to Beast Boy, "Good night Beast Boy," She switches the light off."Good night Rae," Beast Boy yawns."My name is Raven," Raven corrects; Beast Boy could imagine her smirking and chuckles, "I thought you forgot about it.""Nope, never. Good night Beast Boy.""Good night Rae…ven." Beast Boy smiles in his sleep.XXXThe tears were still fresh and pouring out his eyes as he walks through the jungle. He had been waiting for his team for hours, but they still never showed up. Beast Boy sniffled, and continued to walk. He hasn't looked back, not once. He had forbidden himself to look back,'First, my parents and now my adopted family… What is next?'He sighs as he continued to walk, he doesn't know where he was, lost in jungle. He laughed harshly at the memory from the last time he got lost in jungle, that time he got bitten by green monkey.'If I never left my parents, I would've never gotten bit by the green monkey; therefore none of this would've happened… It's always my fault, why can't I do anything right?'He kicked a pebble along the trail, he sighed and deciding to transform into a bird to fly back home…'Back home… Without them… I guess that isn't home, not without them.'He transformed into a bird, and flew for hours and hours. He wasn't flying toward to the Doom Patrol's base; he was flying toward to somewhere. Finally, his arms were too tired, he had to land. The city that he stopped at,That city that he doesn't know…He doesn't know that will change his life from now and on.That city is known as the Jump City…XXX"Beast Boy, wake up," Raven shakes his shoulder gently, "Wake up, it is morning."Beast Boy yawns and mumbles sleepy, "Five more minutes…"Raven giggles, 'He is so cute when he is sleep' She suddenly blush at that thought as the lamp on her desk exploded.Beast Boy is laying on Raven's floor beside her bed, his hair is messed up, his cuffed wrists are against his chest, his legs are sprawl apart, and his mouth is slightly open, letting out light snores.Raven in other hand, is already dressed in her usual leopard uniform with dark blue cloak, getting frustrated, "Beast Boy, wake up now," She shakes her shoulder harder, but not too hard. She knows that he is still in pain, she offered to heal rest of his pains, but he denied.Raven huffs and went to get a cup of cold water from the sink and pour all on Beast Boy's head.Beast Boy opens his eyes quickly as the cold water hits him, sitting up fast and sputtering water out of his mouth and shivers. Glancing up and seeing Raven smirking, "About time you wake up, we are waiting for you in the common room."Beast Boy scoffs, "Dude, that wasn't cool,' He shakes his hair, sending water everywhere, "And why are they waiting for me?"Raven puts her hands front of her to stop the water from touching her face, "Stop it!" Beast Boy stops and smirks at Raven, she only rolls her eyes and walks toward to the door, "We need to talk with you, also someone is here… To see you I guess.""Huh?" Beast Boy raises his eyebrow, "Someone is here to see me? Who?"Uhh," Raven fumbles with her fingers, 'Robin told me to not tell him, but what if he press on. Beast Boy is very persistent…'"Well, you have to find out yourself. Come on," Raven motions Beast Boy to the hall, and Beast Boy decides to follow.Walking in the hall in silent, Beast Boy starts to feel suspiciously, 'Why won't she tell me who is here? Is someone bad, or good?' Beast Boy widens his eyes, 'What if the polices are here to take me away, into jail? Will they do that to me? Well, I do deserve that, but still…'Beast Boy gulps as they reach the door leading to the common room, not knowing what to expect. The door slides open, reveals Cyborg muttering to Robin who is holding Starfire by her waist, keeping her close, and Starfire is looking at the table seemly sad, and there is another person in black sitting next to Robin, facing toward to Cyborg.That man in black slowly turns to face Beast Boy, and Beast Boy froze, 'Batman… No, no, no! That is worse that I imagined, If I could escape right now…' He looks around frantically, and backs away.Raven could feel him tense up and backs away, she grabs hold Beast Boy's arm, "Don't worry, he is here to help you…""H-help m-me?" Beast Boy croaks, and looking back at Batman, it had been so long since the last time Beast Boy saw him and he was, for sure, still scared of him."Hello Beast Boy," Batman stands up and walks toward to Beast Boy who is paralyzed in fear as he nears. Stopping in front of him, "Well, I don't have to introduce myself, since you already know me."Beast Boy couldn't do anything, but gulp in response and Batman continues, "Robin told me everything, so I guess it is true, Joker is indeed returns. I thought I finished him off few months ago…""I... Uh," Beast Boy is too tongue-tied to say anything and Batman puts his hand on his shoulder, which makes Beast Boy flinches away.Batman shakes his head and sighs, "Beast Boy, I am not going to hurt you. I am here to help you, like I said, Robin told me everything. I know that Joker was controlling you whole time, it wasn't your fault."Beast Boy looks at the floor, refusing to meet the famous Dark Knight's eyes, "Joker did not control me, it's all me. It's entirely me.""No it isn't all you," Raven hesitantly to Beast Boy, but Batman stops her, "If it is entirely you, then why did you leave Joker in the first place if he didn't control you in first place? Why sudden change of heart?"Beast Boy hesitates, "B-because…" He looks away from the floor and toward to Robin, "Because of him…" Pointing at the Boy Wonder.Robin's mask widens, 'I changed Beast Boy?' He walks toward to Beast Boy and Batman, "How did I change you?""W-well," Beast Boy shifts his glance toward to the floor again, Robin spoke again, "We fought a lot against each other, but why did that night change you?""Umm, I-I," Beast Boy stutters nervously, "I-I r-remember when Joker gives me the gun, and told me to kill you, a clean shot through your chest and nothing else…"Batman speaks again, "If I remember correctly, you are the best shooter. You always shot at the perfect spot, just like Joker had ordered you to do. Why did you mess up, and shot Robin at his leg?"Beast Boy gulps, "I-I didn't mess up…"Robin's mouth gaps, "You could have shot me in the chest and kill me, but why you didn't?"'Should I tell them? Should I tell them what happened that night?' Beast Boy thought, Batman seems to read his mind, "Don't worry, like I said, I am here to help… We all are... You can tell us anything.""O-ok," Beast Boy sighs, "After Joker gave me the gun, I went to hide behind the box checking the gun if it had ammos, and anything odd, out of ordinary. Anyway, when you guys burst the window, looking for the hostages. That is the whole reason why you came, to save the hostages, but you guys found none. So, I was getting ready to shoot, I was aiming perfectly toward Robin's chest, I was excited, pressing the trigger, but something was off… I looked at you guys, I mean really look at you guys. Both of you are a hero, helping people in the city no matter the costs, and I had a flashback to when my parents were killed and I was unable to save them, and you were there to save strangers. And also, I saw how much you cared about Robin, and Robin was just young as me that time and I just… I don't know; I was deciding between killing Robin and getting praise from Joker, or hurt Robin and getting beat up bad. I just decided to shoot you in the leg, and after that. I wished I didn't," Beast Boy looks at Robin, "Even though you had the mask on, I will never forget your eyes… Glaring at me with burning anger as Batman picked you up and carried you away. If it wasn't for Batman knocking Joker out cold, I wouldn't ever run away, I'll be suffering the punishment instead, but he did… And I just… Ran away, never once looked back…"Beast Boy is staring at the floor, refusing to meet anyone's eyes, he is too scared to do it and he speaks again, "It is useless to help me now, it is over…""No, it is not over," Robin grits his teeth, "Not even close."Batman pats on Robin's back, "He is right Beast Boy, and it is not over yet.""Why can't you guys understand?" Beast Boy exasperates, "I ate a man! And that man had a FAMILY! Look at my shoulder, I even ate MYSELF and look at my wrists, they are bloody because I have been trying to keep control of myself!" Beast Boy shouts at his team, "CAN'T YOU SEE? JOKER ALREADY BROKE ME, IT IS OVER. IT IS NO USE TRYING TO SAVE ME ANYMORE!" Beast Boy drops into his knees on the floor, burying his face into his hand, sobbing hard, barely gotten the last sentence out, "I am worthless now…"BANGEverybody startles as Cyborg bangs on the table with fury, Beast Boy shot up and looking at his best friend who is walking toward to him, "LISTEN YOU GRASS STAIN, YOU ARE NOT WORTHLESS AT ALL! YOU NEVER WERE WORTHLESS. LOOK AT YOURSELF, YOU ARE THE ONE WHO HAD BEEN TELLING US DON'T GIVE UP AND KEEP HOPING AFTER ALL OF THESE YEARS! YOU TOLD ME, STARFIRE, ROBIN, AND EVEN RAVEN WHEN SHE BELIEVED THAT THE WORLD WILL END, YOU KEPT TELLING HER TO NOT GIVE UP, AND KEEP HOPE, LOOK AT WHERE WE ARE NOW. THE WORLD DIDN'T END, BECAUSE WE KEPT FIGHTING. SO HERE AND NOW, WE WILL KEEP FIGHTING 'TIL THE END AND BEYOND THAT!" Cyborg sighs in anger and calms his voice down, "You always willing to take the stand, even you knew that you probably will die, but you take it anyway, because you know that at least you will save us. And now, it's our turn to take the stand, no matter what."Batman walks up beside Cyborg, "He is right Beast Boy, and look at yourself. You are here, you could have the advantage and attack us, but you didn't. You still have hope inside you, fighting the way out."Beast Boy stares at Cyborg and Batman in tears, "S-sorry Cy, I guess I just forgot…" Beast Boy trails off, but speaks again, "It is just… Joker has been telling me those things, I guess on the way I-I just lost a hope…"Cyborg knelt front of Beast Boy, giving out a thud as he reaches the ground, "Forget what Joker told you, and remember why we are here right now, to help you to fight." Cyborg glances at Beast Boy's cuffs, "Ya know something? I trust you."Cyborg took the cuffs off, and Beast Boy's eyes widen, "No, no, no. I need those!""No, you don't. You don't even need this in first place; you can control yourself without it. I trust you," Cyborg gives a reassure smile, and Beast Boy finally calms down."Thanks tin can, I don't know what I am going to do without you…""Welcome grass stain, same goes to you. You are my best friend."Beast Boy sniffles and throws his arms around Cyborg, hugging him. Cyborg returns the hug without a hesitation.They have been hugging in silence, with others staring at them and they can't help it but smile at them.Unfortunately, the embracement have to be cut short as Robin clears his throat, hating to finish this, but he has to.Beast Boy and Cyborg pulls away with tears and smiles on their faces, Cyborg was first to speak, "A'ight, let's get to work!"Beast Boy nods happily as the team gathers around the table, Beast Boy pauses before sitting down, taking in everything he sees.Between the empty chair, Cyborg is sitting on the right and Raven on the left, next to Cyborg is Robin then Starfire beside him, across the table from Robin and next to Raven is Batman.'They never gave up on me… Joker was lying the whole time, why did I believe him?' Beast Boy eyes shines, and his old frown turns into his goofy smile, 'I am lucky to have friends like them, I am so lucky. Might just have to call myself the luckiest boy alive, I hope… I hope we can take Joker down, and Cyborg is right, we will never give up… We will fight until the end and beyond.'Beast Boy sits down on the empty chair, the plan to take Joker down has begun.XXX"Everything is going perfectly," A clown cackles, "Everything is according to the plan, it couldn't be more perfect than this!"He stands up, grabbing his purple suit and cane and continues to cackle, "Oh, oh. The heroes are too predictable, especially Titans, and Batman! An addition bonus! It's only matter of time before I bring up the ultimate weapon…" He grins evilly, "No one will see this coming, not even Beast Boy… I can't wait to see his face when his world falls apart, and burn."The clown dances, spinning around and laughing, "Oh, Joker! You are the genius-est man alive!"

................................(author not me)

So, what you all think of this chapter?What is Joker's ultimate weapon will be?And will Beast Boy keep his hope up and continue to fight, or he will crash and burn?  

.............................(Now it's me)
Hey, so again and don't forget to vote, comment, and share. And can anyone tell me how to dedicate a chapter to someone, please let me know in the comment. Til we met again, ttyl.

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