Til the End

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Hey guys still got the backup, so until i get my good phone back, this will be the update time for most of my chapters. Anyway, enjoy. P.S. if u see any random XXXX, that was the author's doing to separate the chapter.

.........................................(let it begin)

Chapter 10:'Til the End

"…then we surround him, got it?" Robin looks at every of his teammate, all of them nods in agreement, "Alright, now we wait until Joker comes out of hiding… So for now, we need to rest, and prepare." Robin orders them, knowing fully that we need our energy while facing with Joker.Robin got lost in deep thought, but startles by a hand on his shoulder, snapping back into reality and realizing that all of his teammates had already left. Turning around, and discovering Batman standing behind him, "You turn out to be a great leader," Batman speaks and giving Robin a small smile, "I'm proud of you."Robin couldn't hide his smile, he nods proudly and feeling the pressure on his shoulders just had lifted off. No one else were in the room, they both embraces into a hug.XXXCyborg lazily walks to his room, knowing that Robin had ordered them to get plenty of rest as possible, but he wouldn't rest… Not until he figures out how to remove Joker's odd technology from Beast Boy's body before it is too late.He sighs as he enters his room full of modern technology, covering every space of his room; there wasn't a corner without a technology. Cyborg pulls a recharger, plugging it on his back, 'I'll recharge myself while I look up ways to get those off Beast Boy, that way I'll have plenty of energy' Cyborg thought as he types his password on his massive, up-to-date computer in his room.XXXStarfire is standing outside of common room, waiting for Robin. Her happiness is starting to return to her, but it isn't enough. She has too much anger and sadness for her green friend. Ever since her green friend returns, she notices the difference. He isn't making any jokes that Starfire enjoys, even though she doesn't understand his jokes, and she misses his laugh desperately. His laughs tend to bring the joys in the room that Starfire loves so much. Even though her teammate kept saying that he is annoying, Starfire never found him annoying, he is like her adorable little brother with a lot of joys to spread out.She sighs and quietly peers through the door, and finding her boyfriend hugging Batman, and she smiles. It had been so long since Robin had been happy, and right there, she could tell that Robin is happiest right now, with Beast Boy back and Batman there with him. 'But there is still Joker out there…' She looks down on her feet and knowing that Joker is horrible by the stories told by her boyfriend, she shudders and hoping nothing will go wrong, 'I hope everything goes back to normal after we beat Joker…'She jumps back to reality when Robin came out of the common room, "I-I wasn't uh, secretly looking at you," Robin chuckles, "It is called spying, and it is alright…" Starfire stares at Robin with eyes full of sorrow, "Will… We will be fine? Right? W-with Beast Boy and J-Joker?"Robin puts his hands on Starfire's shoulders and pulls her into a hug, letting Starfire cry in his chest, "I hate to see our green friend suffer…""I know Star, I hate it too. Don't worry, we will beat Joker and Beast Boy won't suffer anymore," Robin soothes Starfire in his arms, "Don't worry Star, we won't lose Beast Boy again."Starfire glances up from Robin's chest and smiles. Robin stares back, smiles as well and begins to lean closer, and Starfire closes the distance. They begin to kiss passionately in the hall out of the common room.XXXRaven quickly left the common room and straight to her room, slamming it shut and squeezing her eyes to hold back her tears.Ever since that night Beast Boy held her as she cried in his arms, it has been hard for Raven to control her emotions. Her emotions have been up and down, sometimes she would cry for no reason, and laugh at something that wasn't even funny.She sighs as she managed to swallow her tears back, and pulls her legs into lotus position. She needs to mediate to calm down and also to contact Nevermore to see what is wrong with her emotions. Raven begins to chant, "Azarath Metrion Zinthos…""Azarath Metrion Zinthos…""Azarath Metrion Zinthos…"She begins to feel dragging into a portal, which leads her into Nevermore."Azarath Metrion Zinthos…"Once she opens her eyes, pink everywhere she sees, strawberry scent, 'Great… Of all emotions, why does it have to be Happy's?' Raven mutters at that thought.Speak of the devil; a bright pink cloak appears front of Raven, "HEEEYY RAE!" Happy chirps and Raven groans, "Tone it down, Happy.""Oh please, you love me. Otherwise, I wouldn't exist since I am you and I am your one of the most used emotions.""I feel happy a lot? Doubtful…" Raven scoffs, "I don't even remember the last time I felt happy.""You do, but you just don't realize it," Wisdom appears next to Happy and Raven rolls her eyes, "Anyway, I am not here for seeing who I feel the most. I am here to see why you are OUT OF CONTROL?" Raven hisses."Well, that is because you are used to feel more than one emotions at the same time," Knowledge pops up behind Raven, causing her turn around and facing Knowledge."What you mean by that?" Raven curiously, "I have been feeling more than one emotions at the same time?""That is correct," Knowledge nods, "That and also we have new emotion here."Raven gaps, "W-who is the new one?""I am…"Raven glances between Wisdom and Happy, standing beside Affection in an odd shade of purple that seems to be dark, but yet very bright cloak, "I am your new emoticlone, my name is Love.""Wait, wait," Raven stops, "I thought that would be Affection…"Affection giggles, "Yes that is true, but I am merely like you said maybe a crush, but this one here is your actual Love emotion."Raven widens her eyes, "You mean…?""Yes," Love spoke in gently voice, "You love him more than ever before and sorry for causing chaos around here… I am little, um emotional…"Raven shakes her head, "Wait… What? You are little emotional?"Love merely nods, Raven is completely utterly dumbfounded, "You are one of my emotions, and you are 'emotional'… How is that possible?""That how actual love feels like…" Love clears her throat, "Being in love could feel fear, timid, happy, sad, and angry. It all depends how you think Beast Boy in some ways.""Such as…""Like this for an example, you want to tell Beast Boy how you feel about him, but you fears the rejection, then you get angry at yourself for not having courage, then sad because you think it is impossible for him to like you back."Raven couldn't hold her jaw; it is like her jaw just fell on the ground with a thud, "All at the same time…""That's right…""When did you appear?" Raven asks, but knowing when she appears."That night when Beast Boy tries to comfort you in his arms," Love grins at that thought, "That moment, I finally appear."Raven was right, she sighs, "How am I supposed to control my powers now since it have been chaos?"Knowledge puts her hand on Raven's shoulder, "Simple, all you have to do is tell Beast Boy how you feel.""W-what? N-no way!" Raven takes Knowledge's hand off her shoulder, "Not going to happen, I don't want to ruin our friendship. I mean, we finally have a good friendship going on now and I don't want to mess it up…"Love sighs, "I understand, but it is only way…"Raven buries her face into her hands, "Fine, I'll tell him when the time is right… As for now, CONTROL YOURSELF," Raven shouts at Love.Love flinches and then glares at Raven, "Fine, I'll try, but you better tell him soon!""FINE, I will.""FINE!""GOOD!"Love scoffs, and walks away into her territory, and Raven left Happy's territory through the portal.As Raven stands in her room again, she face palms herself, 'Great… Why did I put myself in this position?'XXXBeast Boy tried to chase after Raven right after Robin dismissed us, but she shuts the door behind her, leaving him out of the hallway.'Man, I need to talk to her…' He was going to knock at the door, but decided against it, 'I'll bother her later…' His ears droop down and walked away from Raven's door to his door.He glances at the hallway and chuckles, 'Why didn't anyone ever notice this?'This hallway is filled with rooms that they had chosen first thing when the Tower was built. The room farthest from Beast Boy, down the hallway and nearest to the main room is Robin's and slightly across from Robin's is Cyborg's. Starfire's is on the same wall as Robin's but closer to Cyborg's, then one guest room between Cyborg's and Raven's on the same wall creating distance from rest of threes'. Beyond two bathrooms and another guest bedroom at the far end, the last room in the hallway, is Beast Boy's.Beast Boy's bedroom is farthest from rest of them, the darkest since the light line ends at the guest bedroom near Beast Boy's and it is also the smallest room in the entire Tower.Others did wonder why at first, but Beast Boy just simply said that he liked the view, he half-lied. The real reason why Beast Boy chooses this room in first place was because to distance himself from rest of his teammates, not wanting them to find out who he is, especially Robin. After he half-lied to his teammate, they believed him and left him alone.Entering his room for the first time since he was brought here yesterday afternoon, discovering that nothing had changed in his room, the window is still broken, and he still couldn't see his own floor.Looking down at his uniform, he was still wearing Joker's and it is torn and… He gulps, and bloody from his meal in the alley.He shakes his head, 'I need shower…'Standing in front of full-length mirror in bathroom, wearing nothing but boxer, he got a good look at himself, but he doesn't recognize himself…It was like looking at a stranger in the mirror. That stranger has same skin color, same pointy ears, same fangs, same hair, same eyes, and same body, but yet so different.He doesn't show Raven, because he doesn't want her to heal him. He has marks from whips still, some are filled with scabs, and some are still openly red wound. Bruises are everywhere on his body, from shoulder to toes. He had gotten thinner from lack of food. Dried blood all over his body and his skin isn't only green, but black and blue. Only his face was healed, but he can notice that his eyes are darkened and his hair is lifeless.He clenches his hands, trying to keep his tears back. He hates this person in the mirror, wanting that person to disappear. Unfortunately, that person in the mirror is him, and there is nothing that Beast Boy can do to change that.He sighs as he strips his boxer off and enters shower. Letting warm water sprays him, he stares at the red water flows into the drain and wishing that the shower could wash everything about himself away, down into the drain.He flops onto the ground, leaning against the cold shower wall and closes his eyes, letting the water spray him away from the reality.Away from reality, only for few minutes.XXXIt has been two years since Beast Boy arrived in the Jump City; he is now twelve years old and living in the cardboard box, eating out of garbage, and wearing his ratty, old Doom Patrol uniform and the mask.Two years, he had been hiding.Hiding from his uncle, Joker, and his guilts, regrets; he was hiding himself from the rest of the world.Every day, he wanted to just kill himself to get over with…Every day, he seemed couldn't kill himself, he felt like he was needed here…He felt like everything that had happened was a fate.Something pulling him into the city.The Jump City…Only, he doesn't know…Until one evening, someone crashes on the street, only one block away from his cardboard box.Beast Boy jumped at the sudden explosion, he could see the green smoke coming out in the distance. Curiosity overcame his fears, he walked toward to the explosion and saw a girl with fiery red hair, glowing green eyes, wearing dark armor, and her hands were cuffed.She was speaking in another language that he couldn't understand, he saw her attacking people and the people were fleeing, calling for help.It was his chance to become a hero…Beast Boy was about to stop her from taking another hit on the pillar that is holding the pizza place, but all of the sudden a weapon from nowhere had hit the girl on the face. Beast Boy looked at the direction where the weapon came from and quickly stepped back in the dark.'Robin…'He widened his eyes as he saw the boy who he shot on the leg. He seemed fully recovered, but where is Batman? He wondered, staying in the dark and watching Robin fighting the girl.'Should I help him? No, no you shot him in the leg for god's sake! When he sees you, he will pummel you into bits!'He continued to stare, all of the sudden the girl was getting ready to attack Robin and he was weapon-less.He sighs, 'Well, there goes nothing…'He transformed into a goat and ran toward to the girl, angled his horns right and made an impact, sent her flying out of the way.Quickly transformed into turtle then back to human form, "Beast Boy in the duty, Sir!" silently begged for him to not pummel him to death."Don't call me Sir." That was all he said, he couldn't stop his mouth from gaping, he quickly made up something to cover up, "Wow! You are Robin!"'That's it…' "Where is Batman?""I am going solo now," Robin simply and returned to fighting.Beast Boy widened his eyes, 'Does he remember me?' and decided to help Robin out and silently hoping he would forgive him.As Beast Boy reaches Robin, the girl picked the bus and hurl toward them. They froze in the place, then the huge guy in grey sweater and black pants ran past between Beast Boy and Robin and grabbed the bus with his hands and fling the bus away as if it weighed nothing."Yo, who is messing around my neighborhood?" The guy shouted, and Beast Boy responded quickly, "That girl!" pointed toward the girl with fiery red hair."A'ight, let's go," The guy growled, all three of then started to run, but stopped by a huge black shadow of a bird swoops front of them."Fighting isn't the answer," a quiet monotone voice came from behind them, Beast Boy turned around and saw a girl in cloak, her face was covered by her hood.It was love in the first sight, and Beast Boy didn't even know it.Before the girl noticed the attention from the boys and turned her head, Beast Boy noticed her purple eyes and pale skin. Beast Boy felt something odd, he couldn't shake it off. He continued to stare, but snapped back when he heard Robin, "I'll go."The guy shouted at him, "ARE YOU CRAZY? DID YOU SEE WHAT THAT GIRL CAN DO?"Robin looked at him, "I'll be fine…" then slowly walked toward to the girl and the girl's eyes glowed green and her hands as well, pointing her hands at Robin, preparing to attack. The girl finally trusted Robin when he pulled out a thingy to take the cuffs off her.Beast Boy couldn't hold his laugh when the girl kissed him and spoke in their language, "My name is Starfire, and if you know what is good for you, leave me alone," then she flew off.Robin walked toward the path where Starfire flew off, "I need to make sure that she is not a threat."Beast Boy knew better to escape now before he remember him, but he felt something that he had to do so he went to stop Robin, "I-I can help, Sir""Stop calling me Sir, and I don't need your help. I am going solo." Robin walked off."Yeah, I am out of here." The guy in grey sweater muttered and walked in opposite direction, and the girl in cloak quietly turned to walk in opposite direction as well."Hey, hey," Beast Boy waved his hands toward to the girl, "Where are you going?""Away," She spoke in quiet voice then continued to walk; Beast Boy turns to the guy and ran after him."So… You and I, fighting the crime." Beast Boy tried to smile, but the guy snapped at him, faced him and pulled his hood off, "Take a good look at me, I am a monster."He has blue machine covering half of his face and left eye flashed red, Beast Boy was amazed, "Dude, you don't even look like a monster! You look awesome! Like a Robot Man 2.0!"The guy huffed, "No, you got it wrong. I am a monster," He pulled up his hood, covering his face again.Beast Boy's ears drooped and knew fully that he was not a monster, not even close. He was about to tell him, but he saw the spaceship hovering above him, "Uhh dude…""WHAT?" He snapped, and saw that Beast Boy is pointing 'up' with his index finger, he looked up and his jaw dropped, "We gotta warn Robin,"Beast Boy nodded, and they ran to the direction that Robin went. The girl in cloak saw whole thing and decided to quietly follow them.They arrived and saw Robin standing in the candy store and Starfire was eating all of the candy in the store."Robin, you gotta see something outside," The guy gestured toward the door and Robin was puzzled as he walked out and saw the spaceships.Beast Boy startled when he saw the girl in cloak beside him, "Whoa, you scared me."The girl widened her eyes, "S-sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."Beast Boy couldn't help it, but chuckled, "Hey, it's no worries. I am Beast Boy, what is your name?""Raven," Beast Boy could barely hear her, "Raven, what a nice name!"Beast Boy could see hint of pink on Raven's cheeks, "T-thanks," Raven gave him a tiniest smile he ever seen.'She is adorable' Beast Boy thought, smiling at her, but snapped back into reality when Robin walked to Starfire, "Why are those spaceships here?""They are looking for me," Starfire stated simply, "All of you must go, and I'll fight them myself.""No way, we are not leaving you," Robin glared at Starfire"Fine, do whatever you humans want," Starfire flew off the buildingThe fighting with the aliens began…All of them stared as the spaceships faded in the sky, Beast Boy glances at them, "So… Why not we form a team?"Deep down, he knew it was mistake, he should be running off by now. 'What is wrong with me' Beast Boy thought angrily, but turned into surprised when Robin said, "Yeah, why not?""Works for me, and y'all my name is Cyborg," The robot man grinned and Raven simply nodded, then Starfire smiles at them, "Oh glorious! I will be so grateful if you let me join!"Cyborg glanced at Beast Boy, "Why are you wearing a goofy-looking mask?"Beast Boy was baffled, "But, what about my secret identity?"Raven scoffed quietly, "What secret identity? You're green."Beast Boy wondered for a while, 'It won't hurt…She is right after all…' He took the mask off."That's better," Cyborg chuckled.They all glances at the island with a pod sticking, looking like a T shape building, and all of them nodded in agreement.On the island, Beast Boy mumbled a response for Cyborg, "Yeah, if you like sunshine and the beach."Raven giggled a quiet giggle, "You know some of your jokes are funny."Beast Boy shot up and looked at Raven, and seeing her smile, and heard her giggle. His eyes shined, and that moment, he knew that he was in love with Raven.He silently made a vow, 'I won't give up until I see her smile like that, and hear her laugh again. If that is the last thing I do…''If that's the last thing I do…'Last thing I do…XXXKnock, knockBeast Boy snaps his eyes open, he is still in the shower for who knows how long.Knock, knock"Uhh," Beast Boy quickly, but carefully standing up, "Who is there?""It's Raven, mind hurrying up?"Beast Boy widens his eyes, "Uh, I am in the shower. There is other bathroom…"Beast Boy could hear her huffs and her footsteps fading away.'Phew, that was close…' Beast Boy sighed, looking at his beated up body, 'I'd better hurry up…'He quickly finishes showering, putting the towel around his waist and face-palms himself, 'Great… I forgot to bring my clothes, now I have to walk to my room and change'He opens the door, just by an inch. Looking around, making sure no one is there to see him. He knows fully that if anyone saw his injured body, they would ask him more questions or giving him a sympathy that he hates.When he made sure that no one is in the hallway, he quickly walks to his door, opening in and slamming it shut quickly when he got inside.He breathes for a while, 'That was close…'He got dressed in his old Doom Patrol uniform and walks to the rooftop."Azarath Metrion Zinthos…"He froze, listening to Raven's chant."Azarath Metrion Zinthos…"He silently creeps out of the door, and saw Raven hovering on the edge of the roof in her lotus position."Azarath Metrion Zinthos…"He couldn't help it, but smile at her."Azarath Metrion Zinthos…"He slowly walks toward to Raven, start to speak quietly so to not scare her, "Hey Rae…"Raven startles and being so close to the edge, she stumbles forward, but luckily Beast Boy grabs her wrist and pulled her back, sending Raven falling on top of Beast Boy's chest.Beast Boy silently winces as his back makes the impact on the ground and Raven on his chest.Their legs are tangled together, Raven's hands are on Beast Boy's chest and Beast Boy's arms are around Raven's waist.Beast Boy stares into Raven's eyes, but snaps back when he hears Raven, "T-thank y-you," Raven tries to get up, Beast Boy silently curses, wanting her to stay in his arms, but instead he helps her up.When both of them finally stands up, Beast Boy chuckles, "Uh, sorry I didn't mean to scare you Rae."Raven glares at Beast Boy, "It is Raven, and its ok."Beast Boy's jaw drops, 'Raven is not even mad at me, or throwing me into the ocean for scaring her…' but quickly closes his jaw before Raven notices."What are you doing here anyway?" Raven asks, and Beast Boy shrugs, "To see the sunset," he gestures to the sun setting over the ocean, making the reflection of orange, red, and yellow."It is beautiful," Raven breathes in the sight and Beast Boy was staring at her instead of the sunset, 'Raven looks so beautiful by just standing there, without a care in the world'"Yeah, you are…""Huh?" Raven look away from the sunset to Beast Boy, "What did you said?"Beast Boy's eyes widens when he realizes what he just said, "Uh what? I s-said that yeah, it is…" He manages to stay steady, hoping she wouldn't notice.'Stupid, can't you do anything right' Beast Boy thought silently. Raven nods, "Oh, I thought you said something else… I must have misunderstood you.""Yeah, that happens," Beast Boy took all of his strength to look away from Raven and to the sunset.Raven blushes when she realizes that she have been ogling Beast Boy and looks away quickly. Luckily, Beast Boy didn't notice."I will be in the common room," Raven speaks in monotone voice, and she could hear Beast Boy quietly growled and then remembering what he said about her monotone voice."See you later," She said in quiet voice, not in monotone, but quiet and walks away.Before she reaches the door, Beast Boy calls her, "Rae, wait!""Yes?"Beast Boy walks to her, "Uh… I am going with you.""Okay then…" Raven raises her eyebrow, but drops it. She may be an empathy, but she still couldn't read Beast Boy's emotions or anything at all, but she wasn't stupid to see that wasn't what Beast Boy was planning to say.They walk to the common room in silent, 'Tell her how you feel before it is too late…' Beast Boy thought, and looking over to Raven beside him, 'I-I can't… She doesn't deserve me anyway' Beast Boy gulps, "Uh, on second thought I am going to my room. See ya later Rae.""Ra-ven," Raven corrects, "And see you later."Beast Boy chuckles, he loves when she corrects him about her name so that way he knows that it still annoys her little bit.He casts a last look at Raven behind him before she went into the common room; he sighs and continues to his room.XXX"Come on Beast Boy… Hurry up," Joker sighs, "Hurry up so I can start my ultimate plan."Joker pounds his fingers on the table, staring at the screen.The screen shows Cyborg and Raven's bloodstream inside their bodies."Two down and three to go…" Joker is getting impatient.XXXIt is three in the morning on September 6; everyone is sleeping peacefully except for Beast Boy who is quietly tip-toeing toward to the common room, to the kitchen.Opening the mini-cooler and pulling out a tofu shaped cupcake, and walks to the cabinet and takes one candle and matches. He carefully places a candle on the tofu shaped cupcake, and lights one of the match.Staring at his tofu cupcake, with the candle burning brightly, he sadly sighs, and closes his eyes.'I wish for… Just have things in my way, just for once. I wish things won't crumble down; I just want to be happy. For once, is that much to ask?'He opens his eyes, staring at the candle, 'Please…'The candle is dripping wax on the tofu cupcake, Beast Boy tries his best to hold his tears back, "Happy birthday kiddo," Right after he said it, he blows the candle.Now there is nothing, but a faint smoke from the candle.He couldn't hold it back anymore, his elbows is on the table with his face on his hands. He starts to sob, every year on his birthday, he would celebrate alone. Every year, he would whisper to himself in exact sentence that his father had always said on his every birthday, well the last time he said it was when he turned into six, after that Beast Boy recited it every year.The funny thing is that he knew when Cyborg's birthday is, Robin, and Starfire as well… Also Raven, even though he had to research to find out, but no one bothered to know when his birthday is.Cyborg is the oldest, he is 18. Robin is second oldest, 17 and then Starfire, by few months. Raven just turned 16, which the world was supposedly to end. Beast Boy is now 15 years old, being the youngest was hard on him. Nobody would take him seriously, mostly because of his act of being the jokester.Beast Boy sighs; he hated to be called a jokester or a prankster since it reminds him of Joker.ThumpBeast Boy snaps back to reality, looking at the door, "Who is there? I heard you."XXXRaven stirs back and forth in her bed, waking up and huffs, 'Why did I wake up this early?'She licks her lips, and yawns, feeling her throat is dry, 'Urgh, I guess I am thirsty'She got up, and looking down at what she is wearing; Black t-shirt with gray sweatpants, 'Nobody will be up this early…' Glancing at the clock, which is 3 in the morning, she sighs and starts toward to the door, peeking to make sure no one was there.She makes her way toward to the common room, as she reaches; she stops by a voice inside. Nervously, she slowly peeks through the door and saw Beast Boy standing with a cupcake on the table with lighted candle burning."Happy birthday kiddo"She widens her eyes as Beast Boy blew his candle and starts to sobbing in his hands.'Today is Beast Boys birthday… Why didn't I know that?' She suddenly realizes that she and her team have never celebrated Beast Boy's birthday before. 'He has been in Titans for nearly five years, why didn't we ever celebrate his birthday…'She remembers celebrating Robin's, Cyborg's, Starfire's and even hers', but never Beast Boy's.'Oh my azar… We are terrible friends…' Raven gaps at that thought, she couldn't believe it. As she is thinking about how terrible friend she was, she lost her balance and fell on the ground with a thud.She grits her teeth, hoping he won't hear it, but it was not her lucky day."Who is there? I heard you," Beast Boy's somewhat angry, but still sad voice rings in Raven's ears."It's me, Raven…" She got up and walks through the door, "I didn't know it is your birthday today…"Beast Boy sighs, looking back at his cupcake, "It's okay Rae, no one knows.""Why not?" Raven gulps, not knowing if it is right time to discuss this. She walks over to behind the table where Beast Boy is, but immediately regrets it.Beast Boy isn't wearing anything but a black basketball shorts, exposing his bare green chest.Beast Boy silently thanked that it is dark, so dark that Raven couldn't see his wounds from Joker's punishment."I don't know, no one has asked me," Beast Boy looks away from the cupcake to Raven's, "Want to share my tofu cupcake with me?"Raven gives Beast Boy a small smile, "Yes, I would like that."Beast Boy smiles back, "Well, then come on." He gestures Raven to come and sit with himRaven walks toward to Beast Boy and takes a chair next to him, "Beast Boy…"Beast Boy looks up at Raven again, "Yeah?""Happy birthday"Beast Boy smiles little bit bigger, "Thanks Rae, it means a lot," He puts one of his arm around Raven's shoulders, giving her a side hug which Raven response by putting her arm around Beast Boy's bare back and letting go.But Beast Boy leaves his arm around Raven's shoulders which Raven silently curses, but mostly thankful.They share the tofu cupcake in silent."You know that this tofu cupcake isn't that bad…" Raven was surprised, she has been expecting that it would taste plainly awful, but it wasn't."Told you," Beast Boy chuckles, "I knew that you would like it."Raven said nothing but smiles at Beast Boy and continues to eat in silence."Hey Rae…" Beast Boy turns his chair around to face her, and taking his arm off Raven's shoulder.Raven immediately misses the warmth of his arm around her, but quickly gets hold of herself, "Yes?"Beast Boy runs his hand through his green hair, looking very nervous, "Um, are you going to tell everybody about, you know my birthday?""I was planning to, why?" Raven raises her eyebrow at him.Beast Boy sighs, and gulps, "Well, please don't…"'What the…' Raven thought, "Why not? They are your friends too."Beast Boy looks away from Raven and becomes very focused on his hands, "Yeah I know, but if you tell them then they will realize that they never knew my birthday nor celebrate once. Then they will feel worse than before, and I don't want that."Raven gaps at him, 'I just can't cease to amaze how nice he is… Always think of the others before himself without any hesitations'"And you don't mind? I mean at all, doesn't those things ever bothers you?"Beast Boy glances up from his hands and gives Raven a sad smile, "Like I said before, I am used to it."Raven stares at Beast Boy, 'He looks so broken…' She puts her hands on Beast Boy's shoulders, ignoring the heat that shot up inside her flesh, "It is not okay, you don't even deserve those things. You deserve to be happy…"Beast Boy smiles at Raven and grabs her hands from his shoulders, holding her hands gently in his, "I am happy Rae, really I am. I have the most amazing friends here that are trying their hardest to help me, and you here right now."Raven looks down to her hands, which are being rubbing softly by Beast Boy's thumb, "I may cannot read your emotions, but I think you aren't telling the truth.""Rae," Beast Boy let one of his hands go and places on her chin, forcing her to look at him, "Look at me, I truly am happy right now. I may not show it, but I am. Yeah, my life is pretty much horrible, but it doesn't mean I can't be happy anymore. I hate to see others feeling guilty or anything, I just hate that. That's why I don't want you to tell them my birthday; I don't want them to feel even guiltier than right now."Raven stares into Beast Boy's emerald eyes, and she realizes that he is telling the truth, "Wow, that is deep…"Beast Boy chuckles, "There is a lot things that you don't know about me Rae.""Then tell me," Raven said bluntly, "Tell me about your true self."She could see that Beast Boy is thinking hard, and she is hoping that he will tell her.'Should I?' Beast Boy thought, 'Or let Raven find out later…'As much he hates the decision that he makes, but he knew it was the right one, "All in good time Rae.""Why won't you tell me who you are?" Beast Boy could see the hurt inside Raven's eyes."I didn't mean to hurt you, but right now isn't the right time," Beast Boy intertwines his fingers into hers."When is the right time?" Raven looks down at their hands being intertwined together then back at Beats Boy, "When?""You will know, I promise." Giving a squeeze, Beast Boy smiles at Raven, "Cross my heart," with his free hand, he trace an X on his left side of the chest where the heart is.Raven nods, believing that when the right time comes, he would tell her so she won't push any further.A sun begins to rise, giving little bit of bit into the room. Raven gasps, "Y-your c-chest, you are hurt!" Jumping out of the chair, and Beast Boy stops her, "I know," Raven's eyes widens, "Why didn't you tell me? I could have healed you before!""Sorry, but I couldn't," Beast Boy shakes his head and standing up from the chair."Why not? Why are you hiding a lot things from us?" Raven is getting angry, "We are your friends, don't you trust us?""Remember, I used to be Robin's enemy. So I just couldn't tell, or even show what Joker did to me; you know how much it would affect Robin," Beast Boy gulps, knowing that if Robin finds out. It would crush him, since he had forgave him."But still, you have to think about yourself. You could have gotten infected or something!" Raven clenches her hands, "You may think that you are worthless, but you are not! Not even close, and now let me heal you."Beast Boy grits his teeth, "Fine"He knows that there was no point of continuing arguing with her, she won't give up. Beast Boy may be persistent, but Raven is stubborn.Raven's hands glow sparkly blue, she caress over his chest, and began to heal every part of his body.Once she finishes, she asks, "Is there anymore wounds that I should know? And tell me honestly.""Nope, that's all. Thanks Rae.""Raven," She corrects and Beast Boy smirks at her. Raven notices, "What are you smirking at?"Beast Boy let out a chuckle and shakes his head, "Nothing, let's go sleep."Raven agreed, and they walk into the hall together.Raven's room comes first, "Good night Rae, or should I say Good morning?" Beast Boy grins at Raven and Raven just rolls her eyes, but smiles "Just go sleep; I'll see you at breakfast time."Beast Boy chuckles, "Yeah, see you Rae."Before Raven closes her door fully, she corrects Beast Boy, "For the last time, it is Raven.""Sorry Raven, see you later," Beast Boy smiles when the door slams shut and begin to walk to his room.'Raven was adorable in her black t-shirt and gray sweatpants' Beast Boy thought happily as he enters his messy room and flops on his top bunk bed and falls sleep quickly with a smile on his face.XXX"What is taking so long," Joker growls, staring at four blank screens, "Hurry up, so I can watch you crash and burn."XXXBeep, beepBeast Boy groans at the sound of his alarm clock in the morning, grumpily shutting it down.'It's almost noon' Beast Boy glances at the clock, slowly getting up and replace his basketball shorts with Doom Patrol's uniform and walks out of his room.On way to the common room, Beast Boy yawns for like fifth time, 'Man… I am so tired' He opens the common room door, and sees all of his teammate, including Batman.Cyborg is in the kitchen making a meaty lunch as usual, along with Starfire making who knows what. Robin and Batman are sitting on the table, facing each other, seemly very into a heat discussion. Raven is sitting on the couch alone, and reading a new book.Beast Boy makes his way toward to Raven, sitting next to her, "Hey Rae, what are you reading?""Hello, Beast Boy," Raven didn't even bother to look up from her book, "Just reading something that you won't even bother to look at.""Try me," Beast Boy gives Raven his infamous toothy grin and Raven glances up at Beast Boy and rolls her eyes, "Oh please, once I tell you what this book is about, you will be fast asleep before I even finish.""Oh come on Rae-""RAVEN!" Raven corrects, and glaring angrily at Beast Boy.Beast Boy quickly puts his hands up in surrender, "Ok, ok! Sorry Raven, you win. But please tell me what the story is about," Beast Boy grins at her.Raven growls at Beast Boy, "Fine, but promise me you wouldn't laugh…"Beast Boy nods, "I promise"Raven sighs, "This story is called 'The Beauty and the Beast' It is about a handsome but cruel Prince living in the castle. One stormy night, an old lady knocked at the door and asked for a place to stay for a night and offering a rose, but the Prince rudely decline and slam the door on her face. The old lady casted a spell on the Prince, telling him that his heart is cold and his insides are terrible and he will look exact alike what his insides looks like. He became a cold-heartless beast, and the old lady told him that he must find a true love who will love back before the final rose petal falls. If not, he would be a beast for rest of his life," Raven looks away from her book to Beast Boy, checking if he isn't fast sleep yet. Beast Boy wasn't, not even close, "I never knew that you liked romance. Go on Raven," He smiles at her.Raven blushes, but continues, "For years, the beast stayed inside his castle with his servants who had been transformed as well, and the petals continued to fall. His only way to see the outside world is from his magic mirror. One girl in the village named Bella; she loves to read more than anything in the world. She lived with her father who is an inventor. One day, her father has to go to present his machine that he had invented. Along the way, her father got lost but found a castle. He quickly knocked, and the door opens and he met the servants who are candle, clock, and teapot. They welcomed him warmly, but the Beast didn't like it when he found out, he put him in dungeon. The horse ran back home, and Bella found him without her father. So she rode into the forest to find her father, finding an old castle. She went inside, and all of the servants couldn't believe their eyes, a girl just entered the castle. It was just what they needed for so long. When she found her father in the dungeon, the Beast appeared. Bella begged the Beast to let her father go and keep her here. The Beast agreed, and let her father go, keeping her daughter. That's what I have been reading so far, I haven't finished it," Raven looks back into her book and Beast Boy is smiling at Raven.'Raven is the Beauty and I am the Beast' Beast Boy thought quietly.That was one of the stories that his mother used to read to him, he always loved the fairy tales. He knew how it ends; he knew every story by heart but didn't tell Raven that he already knew what the story was about. He enjoyed listening her telling the story, even if she haven't finished reading."Sounds like a great book," Beast Boy grins and Raven shot him a look, "What did you just said?"Beast Boy chuckles, "I said that sounds like a great book."Raven is baffled, "Oh, I thought you don't care about books except for comic books."Beast Boy stands up, giving her a smile, "Like I said, there is a lot thing that you don't know about me Rae," and walks away to the kitchen, making his breakfast/lunch.'What did he mean by that' Raven wonders, and shakes her head, 'No, don't worry about him right now. Just focus on your book'Raven continues to read the book; she has to admit that it was not half bad. She hardly even liked a fairy tale or romance, but this book, 'The Beauty and the Beast' is just amazing story so far.XXXBeast Boy took out his tofu stuff, smelling the steak that Cyborg is cooking right now. Beast Boy's stomach turns into knots, and he said nothing.It had been hard to ignore meat. Ever since he joined Doom Patrol, he forced himself to start eating vegan food, it was difficult at first, but he eventually gotten used to it, but after he bit Starfire and ate a man, his stomach have been begging for nothing but meat. Beast Boy has to turn it back before it is too late; he continues to cook tofu and ignores the stomach's begging for Cyborg's delicious steak."Hello Friend Beast Boy," Starfire appears next to him, wearing a sad smile and Beast Boy notices it, "Hey Star," Beast Boy gives her a hearty grin, "What are you making?"Starfire starts to smile a happy smile; Beast Boy knew that asking her about her food always made her happy, "Oh glorious, this is Flarnop. It is my favorite; would you like to try it?"Beast Boy silently hoping that there is meat in the food, "Uh, is there any meat in it Star?"Starfire quickly realizes, "Oh, sorry Friend Beast Boy, it does have meat in Flarnop."'Thank you!' Beast Boy thought quickly, "Hey Star, it is okay. I am sure it is great!"Starfire's green eyes shines with happiness, she grabs Beast Boy into her bone-crushing hug. Beast Boy couldn't breathe, but he doesn't care as long Starfire is happy.XXX"Finally!" Joker smiles as Starfire's bloodstream inside her body appears on the screen next to Raven, "Only two more to go," Joker smiles evilly, "Three down and two more to go…"XXXStarfire releases Beast Boy from her hug and walks away to finish making her odd Tamaran food, Beast Boy exhales, filling his lungs with air once again.Grabbing his tofu meal and walks to the table, away from Batman and Robin who seems still in heated discussion. He starts to eat his lunch, his stomach ties into tighter knot when he tastes the tofu. Beast Boy sighs, forcing himself to continue eat."Hey Beast Boy," Robin calls him from the end of the table, and Beast Boy respond with his month full, "Huhh Y-yeah?""Come on here," Robin gestures him to sit next to him, Beast Boy hesitate, but walks over and sit down next to him and facing Batman from across."Is there anything else that we need to know about Joker? Anything at all will be very helpful," Batman speaks in serious voice and Beast Boy thought about it hard."Um, I think I've told you everything that you need to know Sir," Beast Boy fumbles with his fingers nervously.Robin puts his arm over Beast Boy's shoulders, "Don't worry, we will get him."XXX"YES! YES!" Joker hollers happily as Robin's bloodstream in his body appears on the screen.He stands up and starts to spin around like a manic man, laughing, "It is all going perfectly; all I need is one more…"He stops and stares at the last black screen, "Batman will be the hardest one, but eventually he will appear on that screen then I will move on the next phase of my plan."Joker grins evilly, "I'll be waiting here…"XXXBeast Boy looks at Robin who is giving him a reassure smile, taking his arm off Beast Boy's shoulders. Beast Boy nods, "Thanks guys, I appreciate it you guys helping me even though what I did to you guys before."Robin nods, and then Beast Boy stands up and walks away to the couch where Raven is sitting and of course, reading.'I don't deserve their help… Not after what I did to them...' Beast Boy thought quietly, flopping on the couch, in the opposite direction from Raven who didn't bother to look up from her book.Beast Boy lies down, with his eyes staring at Raven as she read.XXXRaven start to feel uneasy, she couldn't concrete on her book, she slowly looks up from her book and sees Beast Boy lying on the couch in the opposite from her and staring at her."Can I help you?" Raven raises her eyebrow, 'Why is he staring at me?'Beast Boy shakes his head, "Nah, I am good.""Okay, then why are you staring at me?"Beast Boy shrugs like it was no big deal, "Why not?""Okay…" Raven shakes her head and looks back at her book, but she could still feel his eyes on her which makes her feel uncomfortable.'Why is he staring at me?' Raven wonders, peeking from her book to Beast Boy who is still staring at her.'Maybe because he feels the same way you feel about him…' Knowledge suggests.'Impossible' Raven retorts, 'He just can't feel the same way''You will never know' Love voice flows through her mind, 'Maybe he does…'XXXBeast Boy lies down on the couch, staring at Raven who continues to read after she asks him why he is staring at her.Beast Boy wants to tell her why, but decides against it.As he stares at Raven, he began to dream…'All I want to walk over and sit next to her, pulling her chin to face me so I can kiss her senseless. I want to roam my hands through her lavender hair, cupping her cheeks and forget everything. Just me and Raven on the couch and the rest of the world would just disappear, just two of us…'Beast Boy smiles at the thought of just two of them; it took all of his willpower to not going over to Raven and do that. He stays firmly on the couch, staring at her.'Only if she knows how much I love her…' Beast Boy's smile turns into a small frown, 'Only if she knew…'He snaps out of his thoughts when Raven stands up, "W-where are you going?"Raven pulls her hood and looks at Beast Boy, "My room, I need to mediate."She turns and walks away, Beast Boy jumps out of the couch and starts toward to Raven. Beast Boy isn't looking where he is going; he slams face-first onto Batman."Err, sorry about that Sir," Beast Boy rubs his nose.XXX"YEEEESSSSSS!" Joker howls happily as Batman appears on the screen, showing his bloodstream."It is time to start my ultimate plan…" Joker smiles sinisterly.XXXRaven was about to reach the door that leads her into hallway, but stops when the alarm flashes red.Robin jumps up and ran to the monitor, "It is Joker!"Batman nods, "Alright people, let's go."Everyone except for Beast Boy ran to the common room door, Beast Boy is standing in the middle of the room. He could not move; he doesn't want to see Joker ever again.Raven is the one who notices, "Beast Boy…?" She starts to walk toward to him, "Are you ok?"Beast Boy shifts his gaze over his shoes, "N-no, I can't face Joker… I-I am s-scared."Beast Boy drops his knees onto the ground, burying his face into his hands, "I-I can't," He starts to sob, and Raven kneels down, putting her hand on his shoulder, "I understand that you are scared, but we need you.""I-I don't want Joker to take me away from you guys again," Beast Boy sniffles and Raven rubs his back, calming him down."Hey man," Cyborg walks to his best friend, "We won't let Joker take you away again."Beast Boy glances up to Cyborg who is smiling at him, then to Raven next to him who is nodding and giving him a tiny smile, "Cyborg is right, we won't let Joker take you away. We'll be always there for you.""Always?"Raven nods again, "Always…""'Til the end," Cyborg pats on Beast Boy's back and Beast Boy stands up, smiling."Alright, let's go" Beast Boy said with newfound determination."A'ight, let's get that clown" Cyborg hollers as they all ran out.'Always… They will always be there for me, 'til the end…' Beast Boy thought, holding back a tear, 'I am so lucky to have friends like them…'Always…'Til the end…Those two words kept ringing inside his mind.Always…'Til the end…XXXEveryone arrives on the street in the Jump City, looking for Joker."My scanner says that he is here somewhere," Cyborg calls at his teammates."That's right, I am here."Everyone quickly looks at the direction where the voice came from, there standing…Just exactly what Beast Boy remembers when he first met him.Standing with purple suit and green tie, a green hair that is gelled back, white powder covers his face with a red smiling lips that seems never cease smiling and nobody knows why or how…"Well, well… Is that my old friend, the Dark Knight, it has been a while since the last time I saw you," Joker evilly grins."I agree, and this time I'll make sure you will never come back," the Dark Knight glares at Joker, preparing to attack."Ah, ah" Joker stops them, "Don't you want to hear my plan first?""I don't think so," Robin grits his teeth.Joker simply laughs, "But, I think you will want to hear this…" Joker looks directly at Beast Boy, "First of all, I would thank you for making my plan successful."Beast Boy's eyes widens, "W-what are you talking about?"Everybody is looking at Beast Boy then at Joker who is smiling still, "You see, it was all part of my plan… I wanted all of you capture Beast Boy and bring him back to the Tower."Beast Boy clenches his hands, "What did you do?"Joker cackles, "I will show you that later, but for now. The reason why I did it is because I want to make sure you will definitely stay on my side.""I WILL NEVER GO BACK TO YOUR SIDE!" Beast Boy shouts at Joker, but Joker simply shrugs, "I figured that you will say that, so…" He pulls up a device out of his pocket and points at the team."Titans, GO!" Robin yells, and all of them charges toward Joker, and Joker presses the button."AAAAAHHH!" Everyone shouts except for Beast Boy who quickly turns around and saw his teammate on the ground in pain.All of them groan in pain, clenching their stomach and their heads.Beast Boy flashes back at Joker, "What did you do to them?"Joker chuckles, "I didn't do anything, you did…""What?"Joker nods, "I put something on you, so every time someone comes into your contact, my device will spread into their bloodstream. So they are in my control now, if this lasts long, they will die."Beast Boy's jaw drops and looks back at his teammates who are still on the ground, moaning in pain.Beast Boy shut his eyes tightly, "What do you want Joker?""You, all I want is you…""Fine, you got me. Now let them go!""B-Beast B-Boy, n-n-no…" Raven groans, "D-don't…"Beast Boy glances back at Raven, "Sorry Rae, it's for your own good."Beast Boy takes all of his will to walk toward to Joker, "You have me, it's over… I am all yours."Joker smile and handing Beast Boy a collar "Put this on."Beast Boy obeys quickly since his friends' lives are in sake, once the collar attaches on his neck, the collar merges into his skin until it's no longer visible.Joker presses the button, and everyone moans in relief as the pain vanishes and passing out."Come my little green one…" Joker gestures Beast Boy to go with him.Beast Boy casts a last look at his friends who are out like light and whispers, "I love you guys…"He turns and walks away, letting the final tear to fall out and trails on his cheek then drops onto the ground.Always…'Til the end.The words echo through the wind,I love you guys…Always…'Til the end.

This is my longest chapter so far, I hope you all enjoy it.I am sorry that it took me long time to update, and also hopefully I will update next one soon as possible before I leave for around a month.Anyway, the book that Raven is reading, 'The Beauty and the Beast' It fits in the story don't you think? Raven being the Beauty and Beast Boy being the Beast. Will they both have the same ending as the story?And yes, I am big Harry Potter fan with all of those 'Always' and 'Til the end' thing.Yes, unfortunately Beast Boy's birthday wish altered once again with Joker appearing and taking him away from his friends.All he wants is for things to go his way, once chance for happiness without being backfired.
Review please!Chapter 11 is next.



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