Ashes and Meteors

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Enjoy! Guys... this is the last chapter of Prankster. I had a bomb reading this story with u guys and I hope u enjoy the last chapter. Enjoy for the last time.


Chapter 39: Ashes and Meteors:

A Rock full of Ashes and the Sky full of MeteorsThe duo opened the door to reveal their leader and his girlfriend."Hey guys," Robin smiling half way before returning to frown, "We have last letter to read."All of the members, except for one, sat on the crescent couch while Robin stand in front of his teammates."Anyone wants to read the last letter?" Robin waves the envelop and is responded with silence, "Alright, I'll read it…"Titans watch with anxious as Robin ripped the envelop and reveals neatly folded paper. Robin shifts his focus from the folded paper to his team who nods in return. Robin nods silently before unfolding.Guys,I guess you all already read the letter about my past and individual letters. This is the last one, I promise. This letter's purpose is to let you know what I want for you guys. Obviously I don't want you guys to blame yourselves and dwell on it. I want you guys to move on and have a time of your lives.Robin, it's ok to be serious but don't be too serious all of the time. Loose up.Starfire, keep on trying new things. Explore and never stop asking questions. Be yourself.Cyborg, you are a human. Don't stop doing things that makes you happy and who cares what people says about you and the way you look.Raven, embrace the world instead of hide from it. Look around you, you are never alone.Don't let my death affect the friendship you have right now. Don't let me affect your way of living. Don't split up. You are stronger when you all are together.I am pretty sure that y'all haven't touched my body after the fall. Before midnight on Sunday, July 13th, take me out of freezer and lay me on my rock. When the clock strikes midnight, on July 14th, burn me. Just burn me into ashes. While I am on fire, look up.You guys are the best thing that ever happened to me.Thank you for being my family,Beast Boy AKA Garfield LoganRobin glances toward his teammates as he refold the letter. Cyborg whispers loud enough for everybody to hear, "What day is today?""Sunday, July 13th" Starfire responds with a gasp."It's tonight," Raven glances at Robin who nods, "Alright team, let's make it happen.""Together," Cyborg piped up, "I can't face Beast Boy alone."Everybody nods in agreement."11:45" Cyborg read on his arm out loud."15 minutes left," Robin announces, "Let's get Beast Boy in position."Everyone uneasily carries the stretcher with a white sheet that covers the body on the stretcher."It's right there," Raven whispers and pointing at the spot on the rock as she remembers the beast incident, "That's his rock."The Titans stands on his rock and carefully brings the stretcher down until it lands on the rock."There we go," Cyborg sighs as he claps his hands together."Should we remove the white sheet?" Starfire questions.All of the Titans fell into silence. The last time they saw his body was mangled on the ground."We should," Raven whispers, "He would want that."All nods in agreement. They removed the sheet together and stare at him.Beast Boy doesn't look mangled anymore. His body are still broken and the scar reamins, but the blood were washed off. His eyes are closed, and his skin is in a lighter shade of green. His left pointy ear broke off making it look almost like a human ear. His green hair seems shorter.Wanting to break off the silence, "What time it is?" Robin quietly asks. Cyborg is gratefully for breaking the silence and looks at his arm, "11:58"Robin nods, "who have the gasoline and matches?"Starfire pulls up a gasoline, "I have the line of gas."Raven pulls her hands out of her cloak, one hand holding the matchbox and the other holding a matchstick, "I have the matches.""11:59""Let's pour the gasoline," Robin orders. Together, they pour the gasoline covering Beast Boy."30 seconds left.""Raven, get ready."Raven nods, holding the match shakily."10 seconds left."Raven nears the match to the side of the matchbox."5 seconds."Raven lights the match."3…2…Midnight."Raven tosses the burning match onto Beast Boy's body.The team stares as Beast Boy's body burst into flames.Starfire suddenly remembered something, "Friends, in the letter, Friend Beast Boy told us to look up, correct?Robin's mask widen, "Yes Star, you are right."All of the Titans looks up."Oh man!" Cyborg chuckles, "That grass stain knows how to light it up."All of the Titans chuckles along with Cyborg as they gaze up the sky full of meteors falling.Starfire finally lifts her feet of the ground, floats to her boyfriend and grabs his hand. Robin looks away from the sky, meeting his girlfriend's eyes and her radiant smile and smiles back. Robin understood Starfire without a word needed and proceed to grab Cyborg's metal hand. Cyborg looks down to his leader confusedly, meeting his knowing smile and nods back with a grin before grabbing Raven's delicate grey hand. Raven shifts her attention from the meteor shower to Cyborg, noticing his grin and timidly smiles back.The team walks to the shoreline and stand there, their back to the burning body, holding each other's hands. Letting the breeze blows through them as they gaze up the sky full with meteor shower.They failed to notice a green rat scurrying away.

The End.............................................or is it?
Hello everybody,Thank you for reading this and I hope you all enjoyed this story of Prankster (Beast Boy's Life)The first part of the story is completed. Thank you for following, favoriting, and reviewing my story. I learn a lot from your feedbacks and I will edit and improve this story later on. You guys are awesome!There will be a sequel coming up, Phoenix.R&R


U heard the author right, they is a SQUEL to Prankster. Now, if u want the sequel, then I need aleast 5 people to comment #Sqeul. Ttyl!

( I hope u guys comment, I want to post the sqeul!)

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