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I didn't write for 10 days. It's better than last time. I'm getting somewhere. Oh and thank God, my mother didn't send me into that snake school. I'm at somewhat looking normal high school, they don't have uniforms, bless me. I'm enjoying my time there. The teachers wanted me to introduce myself. I only said my name is Emma and I'm sixteen. The age thing shocked other students (why they're so dramatic). I explained it quickly: that I finished my second year & third year over summer. Probably everyone thought I was super smart, the thing is my mom is. I'm not. That's it. Nothing fancy in my opinion. I will end school at 17, while everyone else is going to end this hellhole at 18 or 19. No big deal. It's fine. I'm fine. Yeah. The school doesn't have many people of the same species, I mean the homosexuals. Well, they don't have the gaydar. You will never know. I didn't find any friends or people I can trust. I like the cigarette smell, but I don't smoke. This one boy that I sat next to in chemistry class smelt like that. I'm open to any sort of relationship. I would literally date anyone. Realizing I'm desperate for love. Everyone needs love in their life. Maybe that's most of the time I'm sad. I hope this school year will go as fast as possible. I'm already tired of this bullshit. Sending love</3

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