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He's dumb. Stupid. Asshole. Shithead. Dumbfuck. About a week ago I wrote here that people talked, I didn't told you exactly about what. Yeah, no shit their talked about us. They (I mean, almost the whole class) started saying that we are together, obviously I was m a d. I had a beautiful girlfriend (we are not official thought, me: sad) in front of me. I thought, I FUCKING thought he brushed that away, like I did even if I was still frustrated. Haha I ''thought'' that's the thing, he actually proceeded to tell that in fact we're ''dating''. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? How little brain do you have to have to do such thing? Now I sit in chemistry with Maria. And that's a story why I hate boys. I got it over easily. I wasn't as dramatic as per usual. My pills are working amazing. Wow.

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