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Today I met them. The weather was amazing today; it was sunny after such gloomy days. I wore a yellow plaid skirt. I just realized I have never told you how I look like. Maybe I will. One day. Okay, so what actually happened at that restaurant. MY QUEERS I FOUND (WITHOUT SEARCHING) MY MOM, MY FUCKING HERO. I can't believe It. I'm still trying to process it. I called Katie, I knew she was happy. Most of the time she seemed rude, but I know inside she is a sweetheart. In the end, she took care of me for such a long time. I appreciate that. Today is such a positive day, loving the vibes spring gives me. I think I deserve happiness. I can't believe, I just wrote that. I will enjoy this day, and end it with sunset on the same rooftop with the love of my life. I love her, I love my mom, I let go of my past, I am happy at the moment, I like (I am getting there) myself. If I can be happy for a day, you can. <3

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