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Completely lost. Saturday. Writing an essay/project on love. Chemistry class. I have to do project with him. Everything from now is going well. I'm at his house. Lucas said it would be easier like that. I was so scared. I shouldn't go to strangers house. I did it once. It wasn't bad. She didn't harm me. She didn't raped me. Everything is going well. WHO THE HELL AM I KIDDING? I'M FUCKING PANICKING. I'M GOING INSANE. WHERE THE FUCK IS MY PILLS. Oh I CaNt TaKE tHe PiLLs In FrOnT oF HiM. However I can do that in front of Adeline. She would comfort me. She would rub circles around my back; tell me that everything will be alright. Currently we were sitting on his bed. I excused myself to the bathroom. To take my pills obviously. I came back to his room. He asked me: ''Is everything good?''. How nice of him Obviously everything is perfect, why would he ask such a question?

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