3. clumsy

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There will be lots of pov but rn imma focus on alan and kellin

Kellin's pov

A very happy and overly bubble boy burst into my room. I smile at the cute boy and turn off my tv so he cant figure out where I am. Alan and me play minecraft together a lot and he always starts killing me, steal things, set things on fire, or kill my animals. Even if we are on a truths or working together.

He practically jumps on me and starts tickling me. I can't help but erupt in a fit of laughs. Did you know laughing is a sign of panicking?

 Laughter is triggered by many sensations and thoughts, and that it activates many parts of the body... It's weird but next time you laugh really feel your body as you do.

When we laugh, we alter our facial expressions and make sounds. During exuberant laughter, the muscles of the arms, legs and trunk are involved. Laughter also changes our breathing. That's what's happening to me as I weez as my boyfriend tickles me harshly making me laugh uncomfortable.

Laughter is a message that we send to other people. We know this because we rarely laugh when we are alone (we laugh to ourselves even less than we talk to ourselves). Its social and contagious. We laugh at the sound of laughter itself. That’s why the Tickle Me Elmo doll is such a success — it makes us laugh and smile...

Not me I think any doll that laughs is scary. I flip us over and tickle him. He squirms under me laughing and I have a big smile on my face breathing heavily.

He tries to tickle me so I pin him down. I blush as I see I'm excited.. He looks down at my crotch and then blushs. Me and Alan haven't ever done anything except kiss. Not even tongue kiss.. Not yet.

I lean down and connect our lips. I slip my hand up his shirt and he makes a little noise. My cheeks go red but I continue. This is all so new but I like it
I bite his bottom lip and he moans. I use this opportunity and slide my tongue in his mouth.

As we make out his hand goes up my shirt and he feels my body. Everything is hot and its exciting. I grab the edges up his shirt and he sits up. I pull his shirt off of him and when he goes to lay back down he hits his head on my head board and he grabs the back of his head.

"Fuckkk," he groans.

"Hey. This door stay opens when he's here," me mom says through the door opening it. I get off of Alan and we both blush as my mom looks at us unimpressed.

"None of that," she says and alan puts on his shirt.

"I gotta go," Alan says rushing away.

Welp.. that was interesting. Gosh I think he's incredibly sexy, I just with I liked his personality more.


Allin.. I ship it

Words: 517

Next chapter will be Austin's pov;)

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