
93 11 37

Dont worry, I have deep plans for this buttttttt heres a sucky chaper that's kind important but not at all. Everything i write has some meaning it's just this one is hard to see..?

3rd person pov

On the mincraft server everything was chaotic. Josh and Tyler were doing the best until both got killed in a cave they were exploring and lost all their stuff. Now they are working on a house because the to are frustrated for losing their Diamonds.

Oliver, Austin, and Alan were constantly killing each other. Vic and Mike are now raiding a village.

Gerard and Frank are on the opposite side of the map not in sight of anyone. They aren't even on respond to the group chat but they are there. Theres 15 players but the rest hardly get on same with the group chat.

The group chat has been slowing down the tiniest but still very much active.

Alan: omg if I die ONE more time then I'm going to kill myself irl

Austin: noooooo, you're my frienddd

Oli: same, this game is supposed to be easy but yet here I am starving to death in a cave being chased my monsters

Austin: I'll save youuu

Oli: lmao I'm a foot away from you why are you texting me?


Tyler: its funn, josh is here but I'll still text him

Josh: he's not lying

Mike: I'm going to get so drunk soon

Vic: oo, let me join

Jamie: let's have a party!

Tony: whose house?

Alan: MINE

Oli: I need to get pissed but I live 4 bloody hours away

Austin: it's okay me and you can party;)

Oli: bet

Alan: KeLlIn iK yOUr ReADinG tHIs resPoNd bItCh

Vic: who's kellin?

Tony: I haven't seen him in mincraft or this chat

Kellin: omg alan, is that you I hear downstairs

Alan: I'm dragging you to my house so after I'm done eating your cookies be ready

Vic: wait you live that close to alan? Who are you

Kellin: Alan said you go to our school?

Vic: ah, I'll see you at his house

Then Alan bursts into kellin's room and kisses him. It's been a week since they first kissed with tongue and believe me, it wasnt the last.

Welp here you go. More trash.


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