31. naughty

88 11 37

When Alan opens my door I jump. "Oh good, shut the lights and turn on the door," I say excitedly and the we both stop and look at each other. He makes the most serious face as he grabs both sides of the door hand and start humping the side of the door.

I burst into a fit of giggles. "Oh same," Oliver's voice come from the hallway. Alan drops his serious face and laughs. A door shuts and the Alan gets on the inside of my door and shuts it.

"Did I turn it on?" He says and turns on my light.

"Well it is morning wood," I says and then pull my blankets to my chest. 

"Its 1pm, you just sleep late," he says and then picks up a box I didn't see he had.

"Well I brought this, um.. its- somebody gave it to me a joke but I, dont and have never used it so I thought maybe you would. But anyways, what did you want to talk about?" He says skipping over but putting the box on my floor before getting on my bed.

"Um. I wanted to talk.. about stuff I cant text?" I mumble. I trust Alan, he's my best friend. He smiles and gives me all his attention.

"Rant to me, I'm all ears," he says and I sigh. I hate opening up but maybe he can help. Or just talking about it could help.

"Well.. I've been crushing on someone recently but I'm awkward as hell and so is he. But hhhhh I also like someone else.  I think I like one more than the other. But I know one more than the other hhhhhhhh," I let a frustrated groan out.

"Oh my god, please tell me its Vic and Oli!" He whisper yells and I blush instantly. He smiles so wide I pout.

"IT IS! OMG!" He yells and I cover his mouth.

"Shut up, but who should I talk to?" I ask and uncover his mouth.

"Hmmmmm, I think Vic. He told me he likes you and I think Oli is.. um.. not your type? Well like, Vic's a switch and Oli is Dominant. That's why him and Josh didn't go together well," he tells me.

I'm not sure if I'm dom or sub honestly. Maybe Vic can help me figure that out..? But Oliver's so... Hot, sexy, thoughtful, and I love his awkwardness.

But vic is also very attractive and I know him more. He's really funny, sweet, and likes me. He also didn't think I was a girl so he might be more observant than Oli.

"Okay.. um, on a different topic. I never explained why I was upset that one day and then stayed with you," I say and he nods for me to go on.

"Well, my dad was drunk driving and playing chicken with other cars and my mom was freaking out.. she ended up jumping out of the car and that's when I ran away.. I thought s-she died. But after I go to Oli's my dad texted me saying it was my fault. So shes paralyzed but not dead like I thought.." I explain and then he hugs me.

I hug back and then we talk for a few hours before he leaves. When he leaves my eyes go to the box. I wonder what's in there..?

I pick it up and put it in my lap. I carelessly opened it and blush so hard my face burns with embarrassment. I bite my bottom lip and look at the things.

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I pick up the black collar with a blush and get a urge to put it on

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I pick up the black collar with a blush and get a urge to put it on. I get off my bed and go to my body mirror next to my door. I get on my knees and then sit back on my legs and look in the mirror at myself.

I put the leather collar on and play with the chain leash. My door opens and its Oli. He looks down at me and I look up blushing. I'm not even a foot away in only a oversized black long sleeve shirt and collar.

He smirks grabbing the chain by the collar and slides his hand down it a little. I look away shyly. What is he doing!? He pulls the collar making me look up at him.

"I completely forgot what I was going to say to you," he says and pulls up a little more and so I don't choke I get on my knees. I blush when I realize how into this I am. I then come to my senses and stand up grabbing the lease.

"T-this isnt mine, and I- um I was just seeing what it looked like," I mumble embarrassed. He let's go and looks me over.

"Hmm, yeah. Okay. Well, I'll be back when I remember," he says and leaves. When he shuts the door I quickly lock it. I hate locking doors but I'm that embarrassed.

Oh my god I'm hard...



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