c ; wounded

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••[ REQUESTED by EspressoShots_ ]••- He's injured and Lily helps him -••Also thank you for 1

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[ REQUESTED by EspressoShots_ ]
- He's injured and Lily helps him -
Also thank you for 1.38K reads :) I didn't think it would get this big...
He stumbled through the woods, clutching his stomach as blood slowly seeped out. How did he not see it coming? He should have been smarter. How did he not see being betrayed coming? He had trusted them.

He tripped on a stick in the ground and landed on the ground, groaning in pain from the sudden impact. He pulled himself to his feet and kept going, hoping he wouldn't be found. He is the king of Nilfgaard. How dare they try and attack him.

He should have known better than to hire a Doppler to help him. He forgot in his quest for the girl that the doppler could turn into him and try and attack him. He should have seen the signs.

When she didn't scream he should have known. Any young girl would scream when the man she's been running from finally gets her. She didn't even look scared. She looked like she could fight him. She didn't look afraid of him.

Cahir was so focused on thinking about the Doppler that he didn't notice the small hill to drop. He tumbled down, smacking into a tree and passing out from the pain of tumbling down the small hillside.

"You're badly wounded. Let's get you all healed up, " he heard a voice say before feeling himself being dragged slowly before succumbing to the need to sleep.

"Crush the leaves, add a drop, stir it up, and pop it on, " he heard a sweet voice say as he slowly began to wake up. He felt a cloth being pressed into his wound and could smell oak and plants and a strong smell of mint.

"Don't you go moving now. I've just stitched you up and you'll put out the stitches" the voice said again, wrapping a bandage around his waist to hold the cloth onto his wound.

He opened his eyes and was met with big brown eyes. She had her brown hair in braids and a green dress on with an apron over the top.

"What have you done to me woman," he said, trying to scare her with his eyes.

"You were bleeding badly. So I stitched up your wounds and I crushed up some herbs and mixed it with oils and I applied it to your wound and wrapped a bandage to keep the cloth in place. The herbs will help to heal up quickly so you can get back to getting stabbed and bruised some more, " she said, hands on her hips looking at him, unamused by his "scary" look.

"If you move. You'll undo the stitches and you could do more damage and it will take even longer to heal" she said, flicking through a book till she found the page she wanted as she began to mix more herbs and berries together. She put her crushed up the mixture into a mug of hot water and passed it to him.

"Drink," she said, he looked at her, then at the mug, then back at her again and slowly began to drink.

"I'm Lily," she said, sticking her hand out to him for him to shake.

"Do you know who I am?" he asked out of curiosity as they shook hands. She shook her head at him as she took the empty mug and placed it back on the table.

"I am Cahir. King of Nilfgaard" he said, watching to see how she would react.

"Ah. A king. What's a king doing running around in the woods on his own?" she asked, picking some blankets and pillows out of a basket and placing them on the sofa.

"I got ambushed. Are you not afraid of me?" he asked, watching her walk around.

"Nope. I live in the middle of the woods. Nothing really scares me anymore. You can sleep here for the night and we will see how you're doing in the morning, " she said, helping him from the table and to the sofa.

"Try your best please do not move in the night if you can help it. The stitches shouldn't come undone, but I'd like for you to heal the best you can, " she said, helping him to lay down. They stood there for a minute or so looking at each other before she nodded and walked into another room and closed the door behind her.

She didn't come out so Cahir assumed it was her room. He covered himself with the blanket and looked at the door she went through.
He smiled to himself softly and allowed himself to drift off.

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