g ; kidnapped

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••[ REQUESTED by Miss_Mysterious_11 ]••- two of them are on a path going towards a town and get attacked by a group of men

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[ REQUESTED by Miss_Mysterious_11 ]
- two of them are on a path going towards a town and get attacked by a group of men. Geralt has to fight them off and is trying to protect y/n, but then y/n gets hurt and/or taken hostage by the group and Geralt has to save her -
"It's getting dark Y/N, I know that I'm with you but I'd like to get you home and safe please" Geralt said as he held Y/Ns hand.

They'd been taking a walk together after Geralt returned from hunting numerous monsters. They never really got to spend a lot of time together due to Geralt going away to bring home coin. That left Y/N home a lot on her own. She didn't mind being on her own, for short periods of time that is. But most of Geralts adventures took him not only away for a long time, but also takes him further and further away and that scared them both. What if something happened to Y/N? And Geralt wasn't close by to save her? To rescue her? Y/N could stick up for herself and Geralt had taught her enough to fight someone off so she could run away and hide. But that didn't always soothe Geralts mind when it came to leaving.

He'd tried to find monsters and creatures closer to home but turns out Geralt had pretty much wiped everything he could find and it meant he had to go further away. The more he killed closer to home, the further he'd have to go for coin. He'd hoped that the populations would go up but it has been taking a long time for the monsters to repopulate like he wanted them too. Been taking a LOT longer than he liked. He could stay home but they needed coin for food and clothes and although Y/N had suggested her getting a job in the nearby village, Geralt didn't want to take the risk.

"Geralt please. This is the first time in months that I've seen you. I don't want to be stuck inside that house any more than I already am, I just want to spend time with you" Y/N said, their hands interlinked. Geralt felt bad. He knew she didn't really like being cooped inside the house all the time and he was enjoying the walk himself. They both needed this. But they lived in quite a dangerous area and Geralt knew the risks. He knew what lingered in the woods and he didn't want to take the risks.

"I know darling, I know. But this is dangerous place sometimes and I feel safer knowing that we are home together. We can still spend quality time together at home, safe" Geralt said, his hands on her waist as they looked at each other. Y/N sighed lightly and nodded. She knew Geralt was right, but she enjoyed getting fresh air at night. The air always felt crisper and fresher and more relaxing.

He smiled at Y/N and they turned around. He linked their hands together and strolled back to the house. They both knew this was the safest option and that neither were really happy about having to head home. They walked side-by-side. No words were exchanged and no looks. They allowed themselves to be surrounded by silence. Just the sound of the breeze blowing through the trees and the sound of the creek bubbling further downstream. The sound of a fox was hearing in the distance which made both their heads turn. Unfortunately both of them had turned at the same time in the direction of the sound and missed the men slowly walking out from behind the trees.

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