c ; promised princess

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••[ DEDICATED TO enfant_lunaire FOR THE INSPIRATION FOR THIS ONE FROM THEIR BOOK THE WITCHER - GIF IMAGINE SO MAKE SURE YOU GO CHECK OUT THEIR BOOKS! ]••"Daddy, please don't! Do marry me off please I am begging you daddy!" you screamed as you fath...

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"Daddy, please don't! Do marry me off please I am begging you daddy!" you screamed as you father walked down the fall. He had just promised your hand in marriage to the King of Tiffi. He didn't care how you felt, he wanted the gold and power that came with marrying you off.

"YOU PROMISED MOTHER THAT YOU WOULDN'T MARRY ME OFF WHEN SHE DIED" you screamed and he stopped. He turned around and looked at you. You stood there with tears pouring down your face as you stared at him.

"You promised"

"I know. But sometimes promises need to be broken. Your mother died 2 years ago, it is time you moved on from it. She isn't coming back anytime soon. Unless you can find another Prince or King to marry you, you shall marry the King of Tiffi whether you like it or not and you will provide him with an heir. Now grow up and go clean yourself up. You are embarrassing me" your father said before he turned on his heel and walked away, not looking back.

You couldn't believe him. He had promised your mother. It was her final dying wish that you get to marry someone you love rather than some random King or Prince

The King of Tiffi was not a nice man. He was known for being brutal. He had been through 5 Queens in the last year. 2 had taken their own lives and the other 3 were killed because they didn't produce him a male heir first time. Nobody had seen the children either and it was rumored they met the same fate. He was an old king who was desperate for an heir to pass on his throne. He didn't care who he married. He wanted a male heir and nothing would stop him.

"Find another Prince or King to marry you" so if you could find someone else to marry you, you wouldn't have to marry this horrid man.

"Don't forget about the banquet this evening your highness. Lots of rich kingdoms have come from across the lands for tonight" your servant said as she brushed your hair. Sometimes it felt like she was the only one in the castle that you could consider a friend.

"Must I go?"

"You must. Your fathers' orders. We picked you out your best dress and jewelry at his request too, " she said as she began to style your hair. You sat there motionless as she got you ready.

"I heard about your marriage, your highness," she said quietly and you looked up at her in the mirror. She wore a sad smile on her face.

"We both know what he is known to be like. If I don't give him a son the first time, it'll be my head" you said and she sighed quietly.

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