j • g ; queen of hearts

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••Sorry it took so long to update :( it's been a hard time with what's going on and it's made writing difficult

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Sorry it took so long to update :( it's been a hard time with what's going on and it's made writing difficult. I apologise if this isn't what you were expecting and it's not that great, I'm trying to get into writing again since the lockdown but it's hindering my inspiration not being able to go outside


"Please will you ensure all the flowers in the city are planted ready for spring. Please change all the glass in the lanterns to coloured glass so that in the spring the streets are more colourful. I also need to know what food is planned to be served at the banquet tonight and I also want any food leftover or that isn't acceptable enough to the chef to be presented at the banquet to be given out to the townspeople for free. I want them made into baskets and delivered to the townspeople. Nothing gets thrown away unless it is rotten" you said as the helpers took notes and nodded as you spoke. The helpers around the castle left the throne room and made their way to finish sorting things out.

You sighed and began to get up when someone knocked on the door.

"Come in," you said as you sat back down and looked at the door. The door opened and a helper stood there, looking nervous.

"You have 2 visitors your highness"

"And they are?"

"Geralt of Rivia and Jaskier," the helper said and you rolled your eyes.

"Allow them in" the helper nodded and slowly left the room, never turning his back to you. After a few seconds, the doors reopened and Geralt and Jaskier walked into the room. They both smiled at you before bowing.

"Good afternoon your highness. You're looking very beautiful today" Jaskier said as he winked at you.

"Good afternoon your highness. Thank you for inviting us to your banquet tonight" Geralt said, looking at you with a friendly smile.

"Good afternoon Gentlemen. Thank you for accepting my invitation and coming so quickly" you said, smiling at them with your hands folded in your lap.

"We have rooms prepared for you in the castle. A helper will show you to your rooms and you will be collected when the banquet is beginning tonight" you said as you called a helper into the room with you all.

"Gresh here will show you to your rooms now so you can rest after your long journey. I look forward to seeing you tonight Gentlemen" you said, gesturing them to follow Gresh to their rooms. They bowed before leaving the room and making their way to their rooms. As soon as the door closed you stood up and began to walk out of the throne room.

"I am going to my room Ancy. If there are any problems regarding tonight, please send Pert to my room to collect me," you said and Ancy bowed as you walked past her. You were stressed out about tonight. You had a lot of Kings, Queens, Princes and Princesses coming tonight and you wanted to make sure everything was right. You were a large city hosting a very large ball and banquet. You needed to prove to them you didn't need a King to rule a city as they were insistent that you couldn't rule a kingdom as just a Queen.

You walked into your room and began to remove the jewellery you were wearing. You began to draw yourself a bath and you took your hair down and walked onto the balcony. You stood there and watched as guards were practising and training and as the helpers hung the washing out as the gardeners planted flowers and trimmed bushes. You smiled and then focused as you watched Geralt go over and joke with the soldiers.

You walked back into your room as a helper came in and helped undo the back of your dress so you could get in the bath. She left after undoing the back of your dress, you removed the dress and climbed in the bath and fully submerged yourself under the water. You let out an audible sigh and closed your eyes. You enjoyed submerging yourself under the hot water and relaxing.

You didn't necessarily want to be a Queen. Your father was a King and got your mother who was an ordinary woman pregnant. Your mother died during childbirth and your father took you in. You were his only child. When he died, you were crowned Queen. And you had been since. You were 12 at the time and didn't really know what you were doing and Calanthe, the Queen of Cintra came and coached you for a little while whilst you were learning to be a Queen. You found it really helpful and she was part of the reason you were the Queen you were today.

You climbed out of the bath and started getting yourself ready. A helper came in and began fixing your hair and makeup as another came in and showed you your dress choices.

"We will go for the red dress tonight. Match the flag" you said and the helper nodded and began pulling the red dress from the closest. You hated having to dress fancy for events like this. Stuck in tight dresses annoyed you.

After your hair and makeup were done you put on your dress and finished getting ready. You turned and looked at the helpers who all clapped.

"Thank you all very much ladies. Feel free to take the evening off and go celebrate the party in the streets with everyone else" you said and they all began to get excited. They all thanked you and rushed out of the room to go out and celebrate.

You took a deep breathe and made your way towards the banquet hall. You already dreaded the awful conversations and people inviting you to dance every 10 minutes. You stood outside the doors for a second before nodding to the helpers who pushed the doors open.

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