j ; first meeting

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••You sat there in the bar, hidden at the back minding your own business as you ate and drank alone

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You sat there in the bar, hidden at the back minding your own business as you ate and drank alone. You kept peering around at the people surrounding you, ensuring to keep an eye out for anyone suspicious. There was always someone in this town causing trouble.

Just as you thought you'd be given a quiet night, the door slammed open and the bar went quiet. Everyone turned to look at the door and even though you couldn't see who stood there, you saw people placing hands on the hands of their swords, preparing for a fight.

"We don't serve your kind. Leave" the barkeep said venomously, glaring at the people by the door.

They slowly walked in and approached the bar. Not caring about those around them ready for a fight.

"We just want a drink and a room good sir" you saw the bard say, clutching his lute as if his life depended on it, clearly very attached.

"I already told you. Leave. We don't serve your kind" the barkeep said, stabbing a finger into the chest of the Witcher the bard clearly accompanied.

You slowly walked up to the bar, feeling the eyes of everyone in the bar watching you.

"I'll have 3 meals and 3 pints. You'll serve them" you said, your eyes staring daggers into the barkeep. He knew better than to test you.

"Fine. You guys got lucky" the barkeep said, looking at you with almost saddened eyes. You turned and glared almost at everyone, warning them with your eyes. They all sat back down and went back to drinking, the bar becoming lively once again.

You walked back to your booth at the back and sat down, drinking your new drink. A few minutes later the bard came and sat across from you.

"Just wanted to come over and thank you fair maiden. It's not every day someone as beautiful as you stick up for someone like me and my witcher companion, " he said, his eyes glistening as he watched you drink.

"Anything for my friend Geralt of Rivia," you said, a small smile upon your face as he sat next to the bard across from you.

"Ah. You've heard my song then. A true tale ab-"

"Nope. We've worked together" you said, cutting him off without even looking at him.

"You've worked together? Impossible. Geralt doesn't work with anyone" the bard said, disbelief upon his face.

"And yet here you are a bard, accompanying Geralt on his monster-hunting adventure," you said, looking him directly in the eye, a small smile upon your face.

"Jaskier. And would I be able to learn your name fair maiden?" Jaskier asked, trying to reach for your hand.

"Her names Y/N. Don't try anything." Geralt said, putting his drink down rather forcefully, causing you to look at him with a smirk upon your face.

"And why's that Geralt? I'm not married. I'm not committed to anyone" you said, your eyes screaming challenge me to him and he knew it.

"Because Jaskier has a reputation and you're way above his standards," Geralt said, trying to hint at me that he wanted to me to stay away without saying it.

"I see. You and Jaskier are dating. Makes sense. You should have just said" you said as you smirk into your glass, you were pushing buttons and you both knew it.

"I'm sorry to interrupt here, but we aren't dating. I accompany Geralt to make songs about his battles, not to date him" Jaskier said, looking between me and Geralt with wide eyes almost.

"Oh. So you're available for bedding?" You asked, looking him directly in the eyes as his face went bright red and he started stumbling over his words.

"I, uh, um"

"I need more to drink if this is how the conversation is going to go," Geralt said, standing up and heading over to the barkeep to order another drink.

"Don't worry Jaskier. I enjoy pushing Geralt's buttons. We know each other well, " I said, patting the bard on the shoulder before heading towards the bar too.

"So you haven't got your heart set on him? He's a beautiful man" you said, as you approach Geralt causes the barkeep to throw a confused look in your direction.

"Very funny," Geralt said, a small smile upon his face to show you he knew you were joking.

You laughed at his reaction and looked over at Jaskier. His eyes had followed you to the bar and hadn't left your figure.

"He's intrigued by you," Geralt said very blandly without even looking at either me or Jaskier.

"And why would that be?" You asked, looking over at the bard again before returning your gaze to Geralt.

"Because he hadn't come across a woman like you before. Not everyone can shut an entire bar of men up with just one look, you know" Geralt said, looking at you and smiling briefly.

"And I thought it was a trait all women possessed," you said as you both made your way back over to the table.

"Tell me Jaskier. Are you enjoying your adventures with Geralt here?" You asked, placing a new drink down in front of him.

"I enjoy seeing the different monsters. It's not fun when you get captured and beaten, but somehow Geralt always manages to fix everything and get the job done. It's a long journey traveling on foot when he has Roach" Jaskier said and your eyes went wide at the end.

"Geralt please tell me you didn't make the poor Jaskier walk alongside you," you said and the Witcher replied with a "hmm" without looking at you.

"You poor thing Jaskier. Your feet must be exhausted. I have a bath in the room if you wanted one? I have nice oils you can use" you offered as you reached out and took a hold of his hand.

"That sounds nice. It's nice to be treated for once" Jaskier said, causing you to laugh and Geralt to roll his eyes.

"Come on then bard. Let's get you in the bath" you said with a smirk on your face as you pulled him up from the table and towards your room, much to the dislike of Geralt.

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