g ; dragons treasure II

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••[ THIS WAS REQUESTED BY demonbutterflygirl AND IS A FOLLOW UP OF THE FIRST PART - GERALT [DRAGONS TREASURE] - PLEASE GO READ THAT PART FIRST ]••After finding you in a cave being hunted down by whole towns and villages, Geralt had invited you alo...

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After finding you in a cave being hunted down by whole towns and villages, Geralt had invited you along with him. He knew if you stayed in that cave, whether you're in your dragon form or not, that people would eventually kill you. He swore he could protect you no matter what. Swore his life.

You were scared that you would suddenly change and jeopardise Geralts safety.

You had been with Geralt for nearly 6 months and had only had a breakout as Geralt called it once. You heard wolves howl and panicked you were going to be ambushed and just turned. Freaked the crap out of Geralt too. The only positive was that you both found out what could trigger it. Fear. Which was extremely difficult as most noises and sounds spooked you so much. But Geralt was a Godsend and helped calm you down every time. You, as a result, had become less panicky which was amazing for you.

Geralt had decided that he would rather sleep in the woods that night rather than an inn. Safer for you, him and everyone. You could destroy as much woodland as you wanted and it wouldn't cause issues, but if you turned and knocked down an entire building, there would be MASSIVE issues. Another bounty would be put on you and Geralt wasn't sure if he'd be able to protect you as well if more people found out what you could do.

And more importantly, how powerful you were.

Dragons can't normally change at will. But you could. A "freak mutation" as you called it. Geralt prefered to call it something that made you unique but you thought that was worse. Unique people were normally used as entertainment for the mean kings and queens and if they didn't have you, you'd be used as a street performance to get money. Cash grab.

"How are you feeling today?" Geralt asked as you woke up. You felt safe. Happy. But the dragon inside of you yearned to fly again. Fell the wind on your wings. But you couldn't tell Geralt that. He had tried so hard to keep you safe, you couldn't throw it all away just because you wanted to fly.

"We are heading down to Rhys-thum today. Near the coast. The quiet little town which will be good" Geralt said and your eyes lit up. A quiet town near the coast. That meant that if you asked Geralt really nicely, he might let you take a fly maybe. Especially if it's quiet and right by the ocean. Less chance of being spotted by someone.

"Let's get going," you said, quickly picking things up and packing them. Geralt watched you with curiosity.

He knew you wanted to fly again. It was only a matter of time. He had also heard you mumbling about flying in your sleep and you were even flapping your arms around as if you were flying around. He had thought of quieter places where you wouldn't be spotted and not many people knew of Rhys-thum. It was perfect. He could go hunt a beast or two whilst you flew around the ocean; out of sight of everyone except maybe a couple of fishermen. But nobody would believe them as they spent days at sea and always came back with the craziest of tales.

What felt like a lifetime of riding and camping, you had finally arrived in Rhys-thum. Or close enough at least that you could finally smell the sea. The smell hit you and you got really excited. You were so close that you were hopefully able to fly. Of course when you asked Geralt if it was okay first. Which you still hadn't done. You kept going to but would pause, stutter and panic before walking away in a rush, avoiding looking at Geralt.

He looked over at you and smiled. He could see you looking around for the first sign of the sea. He was waiting for you to ask him, but every time he thought you were going to ask him, you'd mumble and run away, leaving him standing there watching you almost sprint away from him. You were the cutest thing he had seen for a while.

"We might have a camp for the night but then we will be in Rhys-thum tomorrow morning, ready for the market," Geralt said and you smiled at him. Markets were interesting. They were filled with weird and wonderful things and sometimes even had interesting hunts for Geralt.

After riding for a couple more hours, you found a place to camp for the night. It was hidden in the woods enough that you and the small campfire couldn't be seen, but exposed enough that you could sit and overlook the ocean. The wind blew through your hair. You sat there, taking in the smell of the sea with your eyes closed.

Geralt stood there, watching you. You slowly swayed side-to-side, a smile on your face.

"You going to go take a fly then?" Geralt said and you jumped out of your skin. You quickly scrabbled around to see Geralt leaning against a tree, smiling at you.

"What are you talking about? Flying pfft" you said, trying to play off what Geralt had said. How did he know?

"You are a part dragon. It will be in your instincts to fly. Your body will want to fly if you aren't already craving to fly" Geralt said and you looked at him with wide eyes. Could he read minds? Was that a power Witchers had?

"It is too risky"

"Why do you think we came all the way down here? It wasn't for the market. It's because I know how much you want to fly again. I didn't want you to have an outbreak and accidentally destroy a town. So I brought you to the emptiest, quietest place I can think of so that you could fly around for a while" Geralt said as he came and sat down next to you.

"Go fly for a bit. Stretch out those wings and re-connect with the dragon part of you" Geralt said. He gently rubbed your back before he stood back up and walked away. You watched after him and grinned. You stood up, shifted and jumped off the cliff and began to soar in the sky as Geralt watched from on the ground with a massive grin on his face.

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