c ; uncureable II

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••[ THIS IS A SEQUEL TO CAHIR [UNCUREABLE] - SO PLEASE GO READ THAT PART FIRST OTHERWISE THIS WON'T MAKE ANY SENSE]••"Your highness, we think we have found her," a soldier said as he approached Cahir

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"Your highness, we think we have found her," a soldier said as he approached Cahir.

Cahirs hair was dishevelled and he was exhausted. He hadn't been sleeping since you left. He had tried laying in your bed but it wasn't the same. It was quiet. It was cold. It didn't have you.

He turned around and marched up to the soldier.

"Where is she?!" he screamed and the soldier jumped slightly.

"She is in a small town called Winneburg"

Cahir ran, threw on his armour and rode to Winneburg with some soldiers behind him.


He rode into Winneburg and jumped off his horse.

"Take me to her," he said and his soldiers led him to the small house you were reportedly hiding in.

"Want us to break down the door your highness?" a soldier asked and Cahir shook his head.

"Stay out here," Cahir said and they nodded. He slowly approached the door and slowly turned the handle. He pushed the door open and took a step inside the house and closed the door behind him. He walked around the house and saw you laying on a bed. He slowly walked up to you and crouched down at your side.

"Y/N my love?" he said gently and you slowly opened your eyes. You looked at him and once your eyes focused, they went wide.

"I'm not going to hurt you. You're safe" Cahir said as he gently stroked your face. You had missed him. You had slowly gotten weaker over the last couple of months.

"Please let me bring you home. You don't have to take anything but I want you to come home and be comfortable" Cahir said looking at you with sad eyes. You nodded slowly and he smiled. He gently kissed your forehead and picked you up of the bed and carried you outside. He placed you gently sitting upright as he climbed on the horse and then wrapped his arms around you to hold you.

"I don't know why you left my darling," he said with a sad voice.

"I thought it would be easier if I left that way you wouldn't have to watch me die," you said and he started to tear up. Even when you were dying, you still put him first.

"You are too sweet sometimes. You need to put yourself first" Cahir said and you laughed but it turned into a cough which made your entire body shake.

"We will be home soon darling," Cahir said as he pulled you closer to his chest as he rode faster.


"We are home my darling," Cahir said as he placed you on the bed. You smiled up at him as he gently caressed your face.

"I'm going to have your favourite soup brought up," Cahir said and you giggled lightly.

"You don't have to do anything like that Cahir. Just be here please" you said as you placed your hand on his cheek. He lent against your hand and smiled at you.

"I have to tell you something. I don't want you to get mad or run away again but I need to tell you as I don't want to keep any secrets from you"

"You found a cure didn't you?" you asked and he nodded.

"We found it a couple of days ago," Cahir said as he looked down at you softly.

"Do you want me to take it?" you asked and he chuckled.

"It isn't about me. It is about you. Do you want to take the cure?" Cahir said, kissing your forehead gently.

"I'll take it if you want me to take it," you said as you began to drift off.

"SOMEONE GET ME THE CURE!" Cahir screamed and the soldiers scrambled around. They quickly ran in with a glass that held a liquid form of the cure. He held the glass up to your mouth and you slowly drank from it.

After finishing the glass, you took a deep breath and laid back, closing your eyes. Cahir sent everyone out of the room as he tucked you in and closed the blinds, allowing you to sleep for a few hours as the cure set in and worked its magic.

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