Chapter 1

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Date: 18/1/2020

AN: I hate cheating stories, but when done right they can be extremely...let'sjust say they can get the heart racing for the readers. And I am determined todo this one right.


Arthit sighed and turned back after he opened the door for his late-night visitor. Taking a few steps in he said, "You shouldn't be here.."

The visitor who had now entered the small apartment and closed the door behind him said, "Why Phii? Where else should I be?"

Arthit shook his head, moving to the small fridge to grab a bottle of water. He took a few gulps, hoping that cold liquid passing through his throat will calm his throbbing heart. He avoided the visitor's prying gaze, not wanting to acknowledge that the man was here tonight of all the nights. "You are married now."

The tall, tanned man who was wearing a fitted tuxedo that looked like it was worth Arthit's entire pay for a year, snorted, "And whose fault is that?"

Arthit's head snapped up and his eyes met the gaze of the man in front of him. The man looked defeated and Arthit's heart clenched at the sight. Nevertheless, the older man steeled himself, "I told you, life doesn't work to satisfy your every whim!" The man was only staring blankly, his eyes empty even as Arthit continued, "You have got to do what you got to!"

Suddenly the man was right in front of Arthit, so close. The man's eyes were glistening, pleading, "And I have done it now! I have done what you pushed me to do! I am a legally married person now! I signed the papers and the deal that you were so worried about has also gone through!" The man smirked evilly, "My dad will earn a few more billion each month now. How wonderful!"

Arthit glared at the man for his sarcastic words. He mentally sighed, the young man had no idea how many tough choices he would have to make in life. Arthit could barely provide for himself and yet faced such challenges every day. And the man standing devastated in front of him was the only heir to the Suthiluck Enterprises, one of the top five electronics companies in the country.

Seemed like Kongpob couldn't take the glare anymore. He looked down and started fidgeting. He whispered, "I did what you wanted..Phii.."

"Yet you are here.." Arthit said in a flat tone, turning away from the man.

The visitor let out a sniffle, "I can't do more. Please don't ask me to do more Phii.." Arthit felt his own eyes prickling with tears.

When Arthit didn't say anything, the younger man took a few steps closer and back hugged him, burying his head in the soft milky-white neck.

Arthit couldn't hold it anymore as tears streaked down his own cheeks. He sighed, "Ohh Kong.."

"Please Phii. Don't ask me to do more...You know I can't..I can't, if it's not you."


AN: I know Serenity is not complete, but my mind needed a break from that.So I decided to get this one going as well. I hope you enjoy.

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Toodloos my lovelies!

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