Chapter 12

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AN: Introducing a new character. Enjoy!


Arthit slumped down on the small bed, without even taking his shoes off. He was so damn exhausted that all he wanted to do was just fall asleep. He had just finished his part-time shift at the diner around the corner. He had been in Chiang Mai for the past two months now, with a so-called internship for the Suthiluck enterprises. He started work early and ended his shift almost three hours earlier than the other interns so he could manage his shift at the diner. The stipend that Kongpob's Nana had promised was good but not much more than what he was earning previously doing two shifts. He had decided to use the stipend to get some savings started and pay off the debts. He managed his expenses from what he earned from the diner. It was truly tiring.

Being the soft-spoken and hard-working person that he was, Arthit had slowly but surely managed to gain appreciation from his colleagues and superiors. There were many people of Arthit's age in the department but none of them were interning. The interns were several years younger than him but that didn't actually affect the way people saw him. Arthit was just glad that extra years had given him the edge as he was that much quicker to understand the complications that cropped up in the projects.

He was sharing a two-bedroom apartment with three of the other employees. It was much better than his small flat in Bangkok, but he still missed that place from time to time, especially when memories of a certain someone flooded his dreams. He usually kept himself busy and didn't think of much but he couldn't control his dreams. The fact that he was miles away from the person owning his heart was not something he had the leisure to dwell on. Also, that someone had not contacted him once, so Arthit didn't know what to think.

Arthit sighed as he stared at the white ceiling. His colleagues who shared the apartment with him, Nat, Rain, and Aroon, had decided to let Arthit have the bed in the living room as he usually arrived past midnight from the diner. The flat-mates didn't say anything but had probably guessed that Arthit was facing some dire financial crisis. Over the past couple of months, this information had gone through the grapevines and had become a piece of common knowledge in the office. Since then, he noticed some of his close colleagues had started treating him to a meal or offered him rides. He was grateful of course and had learned to accept such offers once in a while. There was one time when the whole team had gone to dinner and one of his superiors had insisted on quietly paying for his share.

Minutes passed by and Arthiit felt startled as he felt something touch one of his shoes. He sat up and just shook his head, "What are you doing Aroon!"

"Phii..Taking your shoes off, of course," The young man said and grinned goofily. Aroon was actually an intern, almost four years younger than him. Nat and Rain were around Arthit's age but were full-time employees at the company.

Arthit chuckled as he bent and started taking his shoes off. Aroon was a kind and genuine person. He was several inches taller than Arthit and had a strong jaw-line. He dressed crisply and but kept his black hair long. When at work, he usually tied it into a neat ponytail but other than that he left it open. He often did small things for Arthit, like reminding him to have lunch. He would sometimes come in late at the diner and stay until Arthit is done, and then they would walk back together. Arthit was quite impressed by how smart and soft a person Aroon was.

The younger man left and was back with a bowl of some soupy noodles, "P'Arthit, I prepared something for you to have. Please eat, Phii. Don't skip meals, you will get sick, na."

Arthit chuckled but nodded, taking the bowl and placing it on the side table. Aroon smiled and placed Arthit's bottle of water beside the bed. It was the one thing that Arthit had specifically brought with him. He usually carried it everywhere. It was a gift from Kongpob and was close to his heart. Arthit had refused to accept any gifts, especially expensive ones from the Suthiluck heir. However, when Kongpob had given him this stainless steel water-bottle, Arthit couldn't help but be touched. The bottle was sea-green in color but Kongpob had had orange and yellow motif printed on it in the center. The motif was a design of the Sun and the Moon together.

Arthit took the bowl and started eating and Aroon sat beside him.

"Hhhmm. This is good nong. Did you make it?"

"It's just instant noodles Phii, just a different brand, and spicier flavor. You know I can't cook.."

Arthit chuckled, "Of course. How can I forget, you burned water!"

"Phii! I forgot I put it to boil!" Aroon whined.

"Haven't I told you before, not to stay up for me? Huh? Go. It's already too late.."

Aroon pouted, "But Phii! You are already gone before I wake up in the morning and if I don't stay up late then I barely get to see you!"

The older man just shook his head. "You see me at work all the time and we have lunch together every day! You are just.."

"It's not the same!"

"Ok ok! Now that you have seen me, go. Go, sleep. Growing boys like you need a lot of sleep."

Aroon whined and sulked as he mock hit Arthit's shoulder. "I'm not a boy Phii. Stop calling me that! I'm an adult, you know?"

Arthit could only chuckle as he pushed the younger man off the bed, "Go go now! Good night nong. Sleep well!"

Aroon finally started walking towards his room. He called out over his shoulder, "Leave the dishes Phii. I'll do them in the morning, you are already too tired. Good night."


AN: A glimpse into Arthit's life at Chiang Mai. Did you like?

Isolated Together, my lovelies


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