Chapter 19

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Date: 10/5/2020

AN: A short update!


As the elevator doors opened and Kongpob stepped out, Aroon noticed the drinks in the bag. He felt amused at the selection. He questioningly looked at the bag and smirked, "Nomyen? The Suthiluck heir drinks pink-milk, who would have thought?"

Kongpob didn't reply but couldn't help feeling smug. He felt immense satisfaction at the fact that this young man had no idea of what Arthit liked. Kongpob only smiled, his eyes twinkling with mischief. Aroon's breath hitched as he realized that he might be missing something. To cover up his hesitation, he picked up his bag and said, "I got all of P'Arthit's favorites. You didn't have to bother. He has no need of you anymore.."

Kongpob couldn't believe the guts of this young man beside him. How dare he say that? This time, the Suthiluck heir made no attempt to cover his contempt as he opened the door to the flat and challenged, sneering, "And what? He needs you?"

As if on cue, the two young men who had just entered heard a pleased, "Kongpob! You are back!" Kongpob grinned at Arthit before turning and giving a triumphant look to Aroon.

Arthit was standing at the island at the kitchen where P'Chati was preparing breakfast. The engineering-dropout was leaning around the counter to look at his lover when he noticed his fellow intern. He smiled, "Oh Aroon! You came too, that's good. Did you manage to finish all the work?"

Aroon smiled back sheepishly, "Yes Phii. It was okay."

"Good good. P'Chati made breakfast, why don't you stay as well?" Aroon gave a nod and lifted his own bag of breakfast.

"Oh, you brought breakfast too? That's fine. Let's all eat together. We can just have leftovers for lunch!" Arthit said as he started setting the small table. Kongpob moved ahead as he placed the bag of drinks on the table. Arthit's eyes immediately sparkled as he caught the sight of his beloved pink-milk and he rushed to grab the bag. Kongpob only chuckled as he moved the drinks back, out of reach for Arthit. The younger man might seem like he was teasing his Phii, but this whole show was obviously for Aroon, who was watching silently.

As expected Arthit puffed his cheeks and pouted, glaring adorably, "Kongpob!"

"Oh Phii, how can you be so cute?" Kongpob laughed as he handed the pink milk to Arthit. The younger man didn't miss the surprise in Aroon's eyes as Arthit took a sip of the pink-milk and moaned, closing his eyes. "You know, I haven't had this in more than three months."

Kongpob frowned, "Really, Phii? Why?" Arthit just rolled his eyes and shrugged. Kongpob smiled knowingly as he ruffled the older man's hair, "Don't worry Phii. I will stock up the fridge." Arthit smiled and went to sit at a chair. P'Chati was now arranging breakfast.

A few minutes later all the four men found themselves sitting around the table, eating breakfast. Aroon couldn't help but keep staring at the older man who was now happily sipping Nomyen. In all these months Arthit had not once mentioned his love for the pink drink, but it was clear how much he enjoyed it. He also noticed how cheerful and happy Arthit was looking this morning. All these days he had cared for the older man and one day of Kongpob being here and the color seemed to be returning to the older man's cheeks. Dwelling on the obvious was not going to help of course, so Aroon cleared his throat, "Umm, P'Arthit, you look better today.."

Arthit nodded as he swallowed the bite of porridge, "Yeah, I'm okay. I'm still tired..but well.."

Aroon nodded, "Eat more Phii, here."

The intern grabbed some bacon and made to place it on Arthit's plate, even as he felt Kongpob's intense gaze on him. And that's when he saw it. Right there on the left side of Arthit's neck, a clear pinkish mark. A love bite, there was no doubt about it. The chopsticks from Aroon's hand dropped involuntarily with a loud clank on Arthit's plate. He scrambled to take them even as the rice scattered everywhere. The young man just stood up abruptly, unable to be there anymore, his heart shattering to pieces as he felt a clenching pain.

His eyes welled up as he tried to clean the table. A moment later he gave up and left the room, fled out of the flat. He just couldn't be there a moment longer. He could hear Arthit calling for him, but he had to leave the flat where he felt like he was suffocating. Tears streaming down his face, Aroon ran and five floors down he slumped against the corridor wall.


AN: One more chapter dedicated to Aroon and then he should be out for good. 

Take care, my lovelies!

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