Chapter 26

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Date: 8/6/2020

AN: Enjoy!


Two months Later

Kongpob Suthiluck involuntarily smiled as he read the email from his latest client detailing a request. If it was any other time or situation, the young man would have decided to flat out reject the request or ask someone else to take care of it. However, with his situation right now, Kongpob saw the perfect opportunity and so he replied back accepting the request. He dumped back on his chair and enjoyed the happiness that was bubbling in his chest right now.

A lot had happened in the past two months. While Kongpob and his Nana had chalked out the details and started putting the plan in motion, Arthit was working as hard as he could to take in as much information as he possibly could. Arthit was soon be working in his 3rd department and he was not seen slacking at all. He was doing well and no one was more proud of him than the Suthiluck matriarch herself.

Mrs. Suthiluck had had a long detailed talk with her son, that is Kongpob's father, regarding the whole debacle. It was not news to the man that his mother was disappointed at how he had manipulated Kongpob into marrying the girl to expand the business. But what surprised him was the fact that the old woman was now supporting his son completely in having the marriage nullified. The woman had also told Kongpob's father that the heir to the empire would eventually bring in his chosen life partner, Arthit. She explained that the two men would be living, supporting and working together as should have happened anyways.

She had also assured that whatever she did, it would not affect the business or their reputation in anyway. The matriarch though realised that her son did not know about Boonsri's character and decided to let him be blissfully oblivious of the same.

Nana and Kongpob had also confronted Boonsri and her father. They had succesfully convinced both that getting a divorce peacefully would be best for all parties involved.

So, the separation was underway, and Kongpob had made just one public appearance with Boonsri ever since he returned from Chiang Mai. Nana's trusted lawyer was taking care of all the legal side of things. The papers though had yet to be officially filed. Kongpob couldn't wait to get out of the sham of a marriage, but he also knew that patience was the key.

Kongpob had also made sure that he stayed on top of the business side of things. He was working deligently to bring in new clients and grow Thier current income. Kongpob was eyeing a big contract that will mark Thier strong footings in China. The young heir hoped that the said deal would be finalized in the next year. He was also looking at expanding their electronic manufacturing facilities, maybe even outsource key parts from other countries.

Over the two months, Arthit and Kongpob had kept in touch. Nana had not set any such harsh restrictions on the lovers but had asked them to be discreet at least until the divorce and everything was settled. Considering, the two young men had called and talked to each other every day. They video called whenever possible. Kongpob had made sure that the flat that Arthit lived in had no other occupants. The younger man had also set up a system so that Arthit would be delivered a week's worth of supply of Pink Milk. Arthit had felt just pure happiness when he recieved a carton full of pink-milk bottles that first, and when it happened every Sunday he felt ecstatic. These unbelievable gestures from  Kongpob meant the world to him, after all. They had not actually met in the two months though, and the longing was getting intense.

Now, Kongpob was sitting, smiling to himself as he saw the perfect opportunity to see his Phii once again. The client had requested that since they would be working predominantly with the Chiang Mai branch, Kongpob should meet them at the said offices. The client wanted to have the feel of the premises and the Suthiluck facilities in Chiang Mai before finalizing anything.

Kongpob pressed the intercom and called his assistant, "Book me a flight to Chiang Mai next Friday evening. I will be meeting the Roarkuas team there on Monday morning. I already have accomodations so no need for a hotel. Is that clear? Good."

The young man ended the call and smiled to himself once again. He would be spending the weekend with his Phii. Just the thought made his entire being tingle with hope and happiness.


AN: I can almost smell the end now! Can't you?


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