Chapter 25

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Date: 4/6/2020

AN: We move ahead..Planning time.


After that emotional talk, the three people in the room decided to take a break. While Grandma went to freshen up, the two lovers hugged, seeking comfort in each other's arms. They found that after the clear support from Nana, both their hearts had somehow calmed down. Their whole beings seemed to have relaxed and there was hope bubbling within them. The happiness that the lovers felt at the acceptance from the old lady was palpable throughout the house.

Kongpob decided that they should have something to eat as he knew his grandma does not prefer eating any takeaways. Her meals are specially made at the house. It was also one of the reasons why she did not stay away from home for long. The two lovers set about making some eggs and toast, refiling the tea, and setting the table.

It was a little while later that Nana joined them at the table. She took a bite of her eggs, smiling. She had had an early morning and hadn't eaten on the plane.

"Thank you Kongpob, I did need something to eat."

Kongpob smiled as Arthit nodded too, "I know you Nana. I thought you would be hungry."

A few minutes passed as the three focused on the food. It was Kongpob who asked, "Ermm. So, now what Nana? How do we do this?"

The old matriarch looked up, "First things first. You will return to Bangkok, there's no option there." Kongpob stiffened but Arthit squeezed his hand and gave a small nod. He knew this was going to happen.

Mrs.Suthiluck saw the exchange before continuing, "I think N'Arthit has settled here well, and it would be good for him to gain as much experience as he can at this office in the long-run. I am thinking of having him shuffle departments and also maybe do the same at our Pattaya offices, before coming to Bangkok. That way he will get a complete overview of our operations, gain enough experience..."

Arthit nodded but Kongpob looked like he wanted to say something. Before he could say anything though, the wise lady spoke again after a brief pause. She looked straight at her grandson and said, "It will also give us time to deal with your 'marriage situation' at home.."

Kongpob gaped at that and finally slumped back, reeling in all his protests at having Arthit going round the cities like that.

Arthit leaned forward, "Mrs. Sut...I mean, Nana, how will that go about? I mean, his wife and...and the deal..It will affect the business, and I am sure there will be some people who will not agree or like this.."

The old lady smiled gently, "N'Arthit, I had never approved of this deal. I would never put business above my grandson's happiness. That is not how I managed to reach this position today. Also, I have already made my share of enemies...they are more rivals than anything else, really. The person who pushed this deal already knows I am not happy. I will make sure he knows what's at stake and ensure he nulls the marriage amicably. After all, we all know Kongpob and Boonsri did not tie the knot of their own accord, although the girl did seemed giddy like she had won a jackpot."

Kongpob's eyebrows raised in surprise. The way his grandma talked about Boonsri not being particularly keen on the marriage or he being happy about being the wife of the Suthiluck heir, only indicated that she was rather upset with the daughter-father duo. He understood that maybe his grandma was not averse to revealing Boonsri's so-called 'extracurricular activities' at least to her father.

Arthit on the other hand looked rather confused, although he got the feeling that the girl may be a gold digger. Kongpob patted his hand lightly, "It's okay Phii. Everything should work itself out."

Nana sipped at her tea and waved a hand at the two men, "That is all okay and in control. What I am most concerned about is our image in the public.."

Kongpob immediately shook his head, "Nana, you know P'Arthit is the one for me. I can't..I mean, I understand that there will be people who will not like it that I have chosen a male as my partner.."

"N'Kongpob! That is absolutely not what I meant. I have already explained to you that if you stood strong and tall no one would be able to point a finger at us, especially if you have the support of your family, which you do."

Nana paused for a few seconds to let that sink into her grandson and his chosen life partner. She eyes both intently, "What I meant was that you got married just four months back, and it was all over the country. I don't know how people will react if the news of your divorce gets out, especially so soon. I mean, our reputation will be hurt..say bruised..if people get into their heads that the marriage was a business deal...which frankly speaking it was.."


Grandma sighed as she finished the food and got up, "What I am thinking is that over the next few months, we will gradually reduce your public appearances as a couple. You too will only give public comments if it let t's absolutely necessary."

As Arthit went to clear the table, Kongpob caught up with his grandma in the living room, "On one hand we will discretely start the process of the divorce, getting her father on board of course. On the other, we will sort of let the public...almost..well let them forget that you were ever married at all. I am hoping that the short attention span of the masses will come in handy for us."

Kongpob nodded, "Hmm..And then later on when the divorce is all final and done..we can just have a piece of small news printed in the daily. We will get our PR team to see that it is not huge news online as well. ..."

The Suthiluck matriarch nodded, agreeing to what Kongpob had said. "I think we have covered the basic things now. I expect you home by tomorrow evening. We can discuss this further then. I still have some time before I leave for Bangkok, so will like to just relax for a while. Travel doesn't really suit me these days Kongpob, remember that when you decide to run away next time."

Kongpob watched and shook his head in amusement as his grandma leaned back on the cushioned chair by the window, wore her glasses, and started reading on her Kindle. His grandma could be a bit dramatic when she wanted to be. He left the room, pulling his Phii with him.

This entire time though, Arthit was listening carefully to everything. He was now realizing that the old woman and Kongpob had to plan and execute everything so carefully. They had to keep in mind every aspect of the business and how something like this will affect the balance of things. And to say that this was essentially an informal discussion. He felt like this discussion was basically for his benefit and that the two other people in the room would take that time to discuss and plan this whole thing to the T when they get back to Bangkok. He thought that Nana would rather write down the date and time of everything that will be done in steps so that everything flowed smoothly. He was just simple Arthit, just a young lad who worked hard to keep a shed over his head. But now suddenly he will soon have to step his game up and be there for Kongpob in his full right. This was not a task for the faint-hearted and although right now Arthit heart was beating fast, he was never the one to back away from the challenge. Even more so, if it concerned the one man he loved.  


AN: What do you think? Good? Don't forget to vote and comment!


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