Chapter 16

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Date: 7/4/2020

AN: Well, sorry for the delay. Life interrupted. However, I will be posting more regularly now. Thank you for staying with me.


Kongpob heard the front door bang shut and sighed as he sat beside Arthit.

"Finally! We are alone. I thought he would never leave!"

Arthit smacked Kongpob's shoulder, "Don't say that! He's been a very good friend to me."

"You and your admirers..No matter where you go, you just attract them .." Kongpob shook his head.

Arthit chuckled at the dramatic way that his nong was speaking and leaned back against the wall, suddenly tired. Kongpob saw the exhaustion on Arthit's face. He sat back comfortably on the bed and took Arthit in his arms as he laid the elder man's head on his lap. Arthit sighed contentedly at the feeling of soft fingers rubbing his scalp gently. He looked up and was met with familiar dark gaze that reflected love and nothing else. How he had missed this man! They didn't speak a single word but at this moment, something immensely deep was being shared between the two. They found themselves lost in each other's eyes.

They didn't know how long they had been sitting like that, but neither wanted to break the calm of the moment. Nevertheless, it was Kongpob's phone ringing that jolted them back to reality.

The Suthiluck heir fumbled to take the call, rather glad to see who it was, "Kharp Chiang Mai. Yeah...No Phii....I will send you the address, be here asap, please....Kharp phii. Three hours?...Okay Phii...yes Phii. I didn't have the time..Thank you Phii. Kharp.."

Kongpob hung up and focused back on Arthit who was looking at him questioningly.

The younger man explained, "That was P'Chati..he should be here in about three hours."

Arthit sulked, "As if I know who that is.."

Kongpob chuckled, "He's someone I trust..someone I can trust ..with my life and more importantly..with you.."

Arthit's eyes widened at the explanation. Kongpob was already getting up though, "Phii, shouldn't you be taking your meds? Where are they? I will get them.."

Arthit pointed to the drawer beside the bed. He sat up and took out a bottle of pills as he watched Kongpob pour a glass of water for him. Once that was done the two of them sat down side by side, Arthit leaning into the younger man's shoulder comfortably.

" did this happen? Do you know how worried I was when I heard this morning.."

The older man cleared his throat, "It suddenly started pouring one night, it was cold too and I hadn't taken my coat or anything. When I came in, Aroon pushed me to get a hot shower but..I guess I had already caught something and getting soaked was just the final straw..."

Kongpob swallowed as he tried to control himself at the other man's name. He knew this was not the time to get jealous or angry. "But never ever got sick. Not even that one time you ran in the rain during your third year!"

Arthit sighed and chuckled, "Well..I have been working too hard for far too long, my nong. I guess something had to give."


Arthit waved a hand dismissively, "Forget all that! Tell me, how are you here?" Kongpob sensed what his Phii actually wanted to ask was why he had not met him earlier. Or why he had suddenly showed up here this morning? Kongpob tried to swallow around the lump that had suddenly formed in his throat, even as his eyes were glistening. He Arthit closer, tightening his hold.

He cleared his throat, "I didn't know Phii..I knew nothing. What you were doing? Where you had moved to? Why you had moved? When I found out, you had already been gone for over a month..!..I .."

"What happened, Kong?..Why didn't you..I mean.." Kongpob could read so many questions on Arthit's face. The younger man felt hurt at his Phii's hesitation to voice these questions, demand answers from him. He couldn't let Arthit think that it was not his place to question. The uncertainty in his lover's voice broke Kongpob's heart.

So, Kongpob turned the man to face him, holding him by the shoulders firmly, "Phii! Look at me! Ask me, Phii, ask me what you want! You are my Phii. You have every righ.."

Arthit's eyes had teared up at Kongpob's assertiveness and he pushed the younger man away as he screamed, "I have no right Kong! Don't you understand? No right at all!" Tears were streaming down his face now and he was slapping at Kongpob's hands as he tried to pull Arthit into his embrace once again. The heir to the conglomerate didn't realize but he was crying as well. He was struggling to take his Phii into his arms and Arthit slapped and pushed at him, sobbing furiously. Kongpob could see the anger and the helplessness that his love was feeling, had been feeling since ever. But what hurt him most was the pain reflected in the older man's eyes. His Phii had suffered, suffered terribly and he had done nothing to soothe him.

It was few long minutes before Arthit finally gave in and slumped into Kongpob's chest crying. The younger man held on to his Phii tightly, letting all his love and care show as he rocked them slowly and gently.

When Kongpob felt Arthit calm down, he whispered, "You are the only one who has the right, Phii. My mind and soul are completely yours, I am yours, Phii. No matter where I am or how long I don't contact you, I will always, always be yours."

Arthit's head snapped up as he abruptly asked, "Your body..?"

Kongpob couldn't help but snort, "No one else Phii. I swear. Only you."

The older man blinked as he sneered, "Not even your lawfully wedded wife?"

Kongpob didn't know why he suddenly felt resentment towards Arthit. Yes, the man did push him to do what his family wanted, but he was the one who had taken that last step anyway. The heir felt a pang of anger and defiance that surprised him as well. It was only for a moment but it was there nonetheless.

Arthit must have sensed the younger man's turmoil because he lightly pushed away as he said, "See? I don't have a right..not anymo.."

"No, Phii! My body too. When I say I am yours and yours alone I mean it Phii! Everything. And all this I am doing, this ..even not contacting you. Everything I am going through, no matter how painful it is, it is for you as well, for us!"

The older man frowned. Kongpob had just confirmed what he had suspected. Kongpob had somehow been forced to do things, including not having any contact with him, just like his Chiang Mai internship.

"Your Nana.."

Kongpob gave a small nod and that was all Arthit needed. The Suthiluck matriarch had a plan for the two of them and the games had just begun.


AN: So.. ??

Stay home. Stay safe my lovelies!



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