Chapter 10

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Date: 17/3/2020

AN: And just because... 


The black limo was once again parked in front of his apartment building, but this time Arthit didn't hesitate. He just opened the back door himself and took a seat beside the old woman. The fact that Kongpob's Nana had sought him out again for some reason didn't even surprise him. After the first meeting, Arthit had a feeling that there was a lot of unfinished business between them.

This time when Arthit Waiied, the woman nodded in acknowledgment.

The car started, "You are on leave tonight. I already talked with your manager."


"We have things to discuss and I believe it will take a lot longer than 20 minutes."

Arthit swallowed but gave a small nod. One day of missing work won't hurt. The rest of the ride was silent. When Arthit and grandma Suthiluck got out of the car, he realized they were at a small mom-n-pop restaurant. Surprisingly, it was completely empty, except for a middle-aged man and an old woman who was watching them from what looked like a kitchen. The man hurried to greet the poised woman beside Arthit and led them to a table in the corner.

"I could have chosen a fancier place, but I didn't want to make you uncomfortable. Also, this is one of my favorite places and I trust the owners."

Arthit nodded as a menu card was placed in front of him, "Order anything you want."

The young man felt a ball of nervousness settle in his stomach, which had made him lose his appetite completely. But he ordered anyway. He was glad the prices were not such that would make a deep dent in his pocket. He ordered something spicy but also one the cheapest dishes on there. The Nana just pointed at something on the menu and the middle-aged man nodded politely and left.

Arthit was taking a sip of the water that had been served for them, when the woman spoke, "What are you willing to do if I tell you there's still a chance for you to get back together with Kongpob?"

The young man swallowed as he met the scrutinizing gaze of the woman, "I will do anything as long as it allows me to be me. I mean.."

"I understand. Why would I want to change who you are when my grandson loves you just the way you are?"

Arthit felt his stomach flip. He couldn't say what he was feeling in front of this woman. There definitely must be a reason why his nong had not contacted him at all in the past 23 days. Yes, he had been unconsciously counting. He just stayed silent.

"My grandson also thinks highly of your capabilities. Would you like to prove those to me?"

Arthit became confused, "I don't understand.."

"A scholarship student. Life seemed to have other plans, though, right? So I'm offering you a chance to show me what you are capable of. I want to see what my grandson sees in you."

The young man gave a little nod and waited. The food came but the two people at the table hardly paid attention to it.

"I'm offering you an internship in the procurement department of our smartphone branch. Mind you, we don't ever take anyone without a degree, but I'm going to make an exception for you."

Arthit nodded vigorously. This was was something at least. He knew he could do it.

"Good. Now mind you, this exception and this meal are the only handouts you will be getting. The rest is really up to you. It's an internship so that is like the lowest level. I want to see you work your way up. Can you do that?"

Arthit's eyes had started to sparkle with excitement. This kind of opportunity was what he was hoping for all his life. He nodded, "Yes yes Kharp. I will do that."

"Hmm. You will be given a basic stipend and a place to live. You will have to manage all your own expenses and then we will see where you can take it."

The man frowned, "A place to live..?"

"Oh yes. Since you will be working at our Chiang Mai office, you will definitely need somewhere to stay, right? We have some apartments where employees can bunk, and you can just share with them."

Arthit swallowed. He bit his lip as he once again felt that clenching pain in his heart. "Chiang Mai.." he said almost to himself.

"Yes. Will that be a problem?" Arthit looked at the woman in front of him and her challenging eyes. The woman knew exactly what she was doing. She was sending Arthit far away, so far away from Bangkok, far away from Kongpob. But Arthit too was not someone to back down.

He shook his head, "No. Not at all."

"Good. Your progress will depend on how hard and sincerely, you work. No one except me and the HR. Department Head will know that you don't have a degree. I hope your work will convince everyone in the department and outside it that you do have a degree. You will collect the details from the Bangkok office tomorrow morning and report at Chaing Mai on Monday. That gives you precisely three days."

Arthit nodded again. "Also, I hope you can deliver so I can see the young man that my grandson praises all the time. I want to see the man who made my Kongpob fall in love."

The young man nodded. The clear soup in front of the woman remained untouched as she got up to leave. "Good luck, Mr. Rojnapat. I hope I'm not disappointed."

Arthit who had stood up too, watched as the woman left the restaurant without even glancing at him. When he saw the limousine drive away, he slumped on the chair, emotionally and physically drained.


AN: Be prepared with a box of tissues for the next chapter, my lovelies! Sorry, I am making you sad, but I promise i will make it all good!


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