Chapter 18

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Date: 7/5/2020

AN: Hey guys! Sorry for the long break. I just want to assure you guys that I am working on this story and I will be completing it. It's just that..although my mind has been running a mile a minute, my body is still not cooperating. Anyways, an update! Enjoy.


Aroon Devakula took a deep breath as he willed himself to enter the apartment building in front of him. He had called Arthit yesterday evening and had told him that he wouldn't be able to bring the dinner he had promised. He had cited some urgent work but the truth was he just couldn't bring himself to see the man he had come to care for be all friendly with someone else, that someone being none other than Kongpob Suthiluck. In short, Aroon had chickened out and had cried himself to sleep rather than face the problem and fight for Arthit.

This morning, though, he had to gather all his courage to be here. He didn't think he could avoid Arthit without causing the older man to question him. Thus, here he was, having bought breakfast for three as his instincts told him that the Suthiluck heir would still be there. He shook his head firmly and made his way towards the elevators where he spotted a familiar figure, a man he had hoped would not be here in the first place.

Kongpob Suthiluck had woken up this morning with Arthit cuddled comfortably in his arms. The two lovers had slept peacefully throughout the night, taking in the time that had unexpectedly come their way. The younger man had not had such a restful sleep in the past four months. He had woken up feeling amazingly well-rested and undoubtedly fresh. Gently getting out of bed, he had taken a quick shower. When he had made his way to the kitchen, he was pleased to see P'Chati cooking up some congee. And that is how Kongpob had decided to go buy some coffee and of course pink milk.

Aroon stood beside Kongpob as the two waited for the elevators. He didn't say a word but when Kongpob acknowledged him, he had nodded back.

The two entered the elevator and when the doors closed Kongpob nodded at the bag in Aroon's hand, "Breakfast? You really didn't have to.."

Aroon's eyes twitched. "You know you didn't have to be here. I would have thought you had many more important things to do than taking care of a sick intern."

Kongpob narrowed his eyes, the younger man's words irking him. "Let me be the judge of what is important and what is not, Mr. Devakua." Aroon stiffened at the mention of his surname. He didn't realize this man would have found out everything about him so soon. Or maybe the intern had felt that Kongpob would not think he was worth that much attention. Once again it seems, the intern had been wrong.

"If this is so important to you..where were you when my P'Arthit was struggling day and night in the hospital bed? Why weren't you there when he was throwing up every hour? "

Kongpob turned towards the young man, his eyes blazing angrily. How dare he think of Arthit as his!? Aroon met the furious eyes challengingly, "Do you even know who wiped him, and cleaned him while his hands had several tubes attached to them? Do you know who it was that made sure he ate and had his medicines when he was finally released?"

Kongpob's eyes were suddenly shining, wet with tears as he swallowed and blinked at the intern's words. Whatever this man was saying was a fact after all and the truth hurt. It hurt like a bloody stabbing knife in his heart. He was not there for his Phii during the days he suffered the most. However, he shook his head and turned to the young intern beside him. With all the sincerity he could muster, Kongpob said, "I thank you, Mr. Devakula, for all you have done for my Phii. Circumstances might have dictated that I was not available then, but it calms my heart to know P'Arthit has some genuine friends."

Aroon stood there unable to make anything of what this man was saying. The young intern did not miss the emphasis on the word 'friends', a clear indication that he could not be anything more to Arthit. It was clear that Kongpob Suthiluck was not going to be deterred by anything he was going say. Aroon shook his head, exasperated at the helplessness he was feeling at this moment.

The two men did not speak until the elevator reached the designated floor. 


AN: I still don't know when the next update will come, but let's just say I am slowly...way too slowly in my opinion....recovering, so I am writing more and more every day. There are still days where I don't write at all, though, so... Take care, my lovelies.

Love you!


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