Chapter 17

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Date: 19/4/2020

AN: Well, all I can say is I hope this chapter lives up to your standards.


Arthit and Kongpob found themselves together on the bed, the younger man spooning his Phii in a secure embrace, after talking for almost an hour. Kongpob didn't think he had to hide anything from his Phii so he had told Arthit everything that had happened since the night of the marriage. Kongpob explained how his Nana had ordered him to not contact Arthit at all and how she had given him the ticket to Chiang Mai this morning. He had told how he had found out Arthit had left the town and how he had sought sanctuary at the old apartment. He had told how his Nana didn't expect him to have any relationship with Boonsri, although he avoided revealing the fact that his so-called wife was basically a gold-digger. The younger man had finished by telling Arthit how he believed that his Nana really did mean it when she had promised to make everything right.

Arthit was quiet the whole time as he listened and noted the similarities between whatever had happened in the past four months with him. How Mrs. Suthiluck had sought him out and had decided to test his capabilities even if he was a college drop-out. He remembered how he had sensed the woman's love for her grandson past her stoic face. He had felt that this love had led the woman to force Kongpob into marriage, but now he thought he might have misjudged the situation. He thought, if the two of them had made some effort to meet the woman as a couple that they were...

As if reading Arthit's mind, Kongpob spoke, "It's amazing, isn't it? That we, no, I never thought of introducing you to my family as the love of my life? That we just assumed that they will not accept our relationship? Agreed, I had told them about you, but they basically didn't really know you, right?"

Arthit swallowed as he blinked, "And me pushing you ..."

"Phii, it really is not your fault. I mean yes, but I know where you were coming from. But I should have been the one to know my dad, my Nana. I should have known my Nana would always back me if I was right, even if my dad was a little reluctant. And there is nothing wrong in the way I love you."

Arthit's eyes once again were glistening with unshed tears, "Kong.."

"No Phii..everything from now on..everything will happen for good. I will make sure you don't ever suffer like this again, I promise."

Arthit closed his eyes and sniffled, as a lone tear run down his cheek. He felt a warm hand cup his face and leaned into the touch even as soft lips captured his.

It started as slow and soft one but after a moment Arthit opened his mouth to let the insistent tongue inside. The older man took over, feeling the emotions brimming in his heart. They were kissing ravenously. A moment later they broke apart but Kongpob didn't let go, he started trailing kisses along Arthit's neck, licking and sucking at the sensitive skin. At one point, the younger man sucked at the starkly visible collarbone, sucking at the man's skin, making Arthit arch his back sensually. Oh, how they had missed this feeling. As Kongpob gently bit at Arthit's earlobe the older man couldn't help the moan that escaped his mouth. Kongpob had not even thought that they could or would give in to their desires like this when he had landed here this morning. But it seemed like Arthit wanted this as much as he did. Arthit was clutching at his shirt, pulling at it in an attempt to get to his bare skin. Kongpob pulled back just enough to meet the other's lust-laden eyes. When he saw his Phii give a determined nod, he couldn't control himself and once again captured Arthit's pink lips in his.

About an hour later, Arthit was lying on the bed beside Kongpob and it felt like they had never been apart at all. The two held each other contentedly, just soaking in the glow of their love-making.

Kongpob tightened his hold on Arthit and asked breathily, "How are you feeling Phii? You okay?"

Arthit just made an affirmative sound as he snuggled further into Kongpob's chest. The younger man shook his head affectionately at the way his lover purred, "You must be tired. I should clean us both up.."

Arthit agreed, "Uhmm.." However, when Kongpob tried to get out of the bed, Arthit immediately tightened his arm around the waist and refused to let go. After a couple of minutes of struggle, Kongpob gave up. He started brushing Arthit's hair, just how he knew Arthit loved,

It was about a quarter of an hour later that Arthit fell asleep and Kongpob gently got out of bed. He took a quick shower and brought back a basin of warm water. He gently cleaned Arthit's body and put some fresh clothes on. Arthit must have been exhausted indeed because he made some sounds but didn't wake up. Satisfied, Kongpob went out of the room and decided to message P'Chati so he could get some lunch for them. He asked for some mild chicken soup as well as spicy padthai, along with his own usual omelet rice.

Kongpob had beensitting in the room beside the bed where Arthit was sleeping soundly, checkinghis mails and sending some replies when he heard a soft knock at the frontdoor. He went quickly and welcomed P'Chati, taking the bags of food to thesmall kitchen island. He asked the big man to join him in the living room. Theymade small talk for nearly an hour before Arthit woke up and joined them.


AN: Happy Third Anniversary Peraya. I wished I could update something better, but well.

Stay home. Stay safe.

See you soon my lovelies


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