Chapter 24

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Date: 29/5/2020

AN: Hope you enjoy!


Nana said, "All I wanted to do was to ensure that your life-partner was capable enough to stand and support you in the position that you inevitably be in. Whoever it would be must be at that level, an equal, a backbone to you. I am only making sure of this. My actions towards Arthit would have been the same six months back, as they are today."

It had now dawned on Kongpob and Arthit that Nana was truly doing things as she had seen fit and it was clear that her intentions were to ensure that her grandson could have a happy life with his chosen partner. Mrs. Suthilucjk was looking at the two men expectantly.

It was Kongpob who cleared his throat, "Nana, I ..I didn't understand..I..but why didn't you let us keep in touch? Maybe if we had talked regularly, I would have seen your plans, instead of being so deep into my own issues and drowning in worry .."

Nana nodded as she sipped her tea, "Well, yes. And if it was six months back or if you were not married, I would have allowed that. In fact, it would have been better as then N'Arthit could have used your guidance and support to pave his way through the environment that he has fallen into."

Kongpob just nodded. Arthit was listening but he didn't care about why Nana did what she had done or her purposes, or even what his lover was thinking. Something kept ringing in his mind ever since Nana had said it. The Suthiluck matriarch wanted Kongpob to have a life partner who could support him in every way. She had said Arthit's whole internship and the job was a way for her to determine if the young man was capable enough to do what would be required as the spouse of a person heading the huge empire.

Chewing his lips, anxiously, Arthit spoke, "Ermm. Mrs. Suthiluck..I do you think..I ..I can be the person that Kongpob could rely on in the future? That I could be capable enough to be there for him at every point..I just.."

Kongpob' heart felt like it was tearing as he heard the uncertainty in Arthit's voice. How could he even think Kongpob would need anyone else? He touched Arthit's arm, "Phii..." Arthit though cut him off with a wave of his hand looking at the woman sincerely.

Kongpob and Arthit watched as Mrs. Ratana Suthiluck blinked and her eyes softened. His face now sported a small affectionate smile that Arthit had never been the recipient of.

She looked at the dimpled man and with complete honesty, "You are smart and hardworking, both of which are necessary. But what's more interesting and admirable is your pure soul, you are a sincere and genuine person. That is also your bane as this can sometimes overwhelm you with the need to do what is right, like pushing Kongpob towards doing his family's bidding."

Kongpob closed his eyes in defeat as Arthit looked down embarrassed, knowing it was probably his biggest mistake. It was the woman who pulled his head up so he was looking into her eyes, "But you know what makes you the one and only candidate to be Kongpob's life-partner?"

Arthit shook his head slightly even as his eyes teared up. Kongpob too was now watching his grandma intensely.

"It's the fact that my Kongpob loves you to the moon and back. It's because he would give anything, do anything, be anything just for you. You are his life and his whole world and no matter what I or anyone does that is not going to change."

Arthit was full on crying now. He hid his face with his hands as he sniffled loudly. Kongpob pulled the older man towards him, hugging him tight even as he sent a grateful look towards his grandma.

The lady looked on at the two young men embracing and she swallowed before continuing, "Yes, initially I wanted to test you, see how capable you are. Then I scoffed every time Kongpob praised your intelligence or capabilities. But when you started as an intern here, I realized I should see you with fresh eyes, not glasses tinted with my own grudges." The two men straightened up slightly, giving Nana their complete attention once again.

The woman nodded, "I understood that I had already witnessed your pure heart and love for my Kongpob. By this time I had already known there was never going to be anyone else but you for my grandson. When I watched you working diligently in Chiang Mai, I saw your hard-working personality and then your capabilities." She paused, taking in a deep breath.

All this time she wanted to let the boys know how proud she was, even after they made a childish mistake, but she had refrained. She did not want Kongpob or Arthit to drop their guards just yet. When Kongpob had put his foot down now, part of her was worried, yes, but a huge part of her was happy that her grandson had learned his lesson.

"Like I said N'Arthit, I might have been trying to gauge you initially, but for a long time now, I have been, I don't know..almost like you. Now, it's up to you how seriously you take up this training, and how much you are willing to take it as a positive reinforcement.."

Kongpob and Arthit exchanged a glance, their eyes smiling. Kongpob looked at his Nana and let out a sigh of relief. "Nana..I ..Thank you..I just.."

The lady waved him off as she once again addressed Arthit. She stretched out a hand, "So N'Arthit, what do you say? Are you willing to learn and grow so you can become strong and confident? So, you can be there as the support that Kongpob will need throughout his life? Hmm? Are you ready to work to become my grandson's rock for all his life, N Arthit?"

Arthit burst into tears as he nodded vigorously. He slipped off the chair and crawled towards Grandma. He took her hand in both of his as he shook with relief and happiness. He nodded again and again, finally laying his head on her lap. His voice breaking, he said, "Yes, Kharp!. I..I very hard..I will learn everything. I will be there for Kongpob all his life, as his rock. I will not let you down, not ever again, Mrs. Suthiluck. Never."

Grandma smiled as she brushed at the head in her lap, "Arthit, son, call me Nana..."


AN: Well, you guys gotta love Nana at least by now..Okay, maybe not love, just like?

I guess, coming ahead, it's more just technical formalities. Like, how to null the marriage and get a divorce, how to make the thing public. On a parallel level, they also have to see how the whole thing would not affect the business. ..

Well, stay tuned.


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