Chapter 7

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Date: 7/3/2020

AN: An Update! Yay! 


Kongpob had been up since five am this morning, scrambling around his files on his laptop as he proceeded to remember every little detail regarding the presentation he was to make this afternoon. This project was being handled by his father since the beginning but his Nana had suddenly decided to hand it over to him a week ago. It was the morning after his wedding, as the talk in the study had concluded, his Nana had laid out detailed rules for him and handed him this project. He now had to convince potential investors to contribute to the capital so that Suthiluck Enterprises could launch the newest and smartest home automation system.

The talk in the study had really frazzled Kongpob from within. It was that day that the young heir had fully understood the enigma he lovingly called Nana. It felt like even after so many years, he had only scratched the surface of what Ratana Suthiluck meant. At the end of the talk though, Kongpob could only surrender to his grandma and her greater wisdom.

That morning after breakfast, grandma had set some rules. Some were simple as to business and work-related things like what projects he will handle, how he should work on them and where and from whom he should seek guidance in any case. Although he had been handling fairly big projects until now, his Grandma wanted to see him think more independently, without the burly shadow of his father or even herself. Another thing that Grandma had asked him to do was slightly difficult for Kongpob to digest, but he could see where his Nana was coming from. She had said that she didn't want to put this thing on him so early in his life, but recent events had forced her hand. Nana had asked him to go through as many past projects as he could that were handled by his father and see where they had the opportunity to do better, where they had missed their chance or why a certain project had failed.

Other rules were on a personal level. Kongpob remembered each and every word, the tone of the voice, the clear warning behind the words as Grandma listed out what she expected of Kongpob. His heart clenched just thinking about it.

Grandma had seated behind the desk of the same study room, watching Kongpob furiously scribble all the rules she had listed out. When her grandson was done and was looking at her expecting her to continue, she had leaned forward and met the young man's gaze fiercely.

"So, that's about it on the work front. Now we shall move on to the personal stuff, which I believe will be a test of your will power."

Kongpob swallowed, suddenly nervous.

"Whatever the case may be, you are still officially married to Boonsri. I shouldn't have to tell you that you will make pleasant appearances as a couple whenever required. I don't want even an inkling of any negative reports in media about your marriage, is that understood?"

Kongpob blinked but nodded. "On a personal level, I couldn't care less about that fake of girl or the deal with her father. You can be strangers in the house, I really don't give a damn. But the façade of the marriage must be maintained, from her side as well. So you better explain this to her, do you understand?"

"Kharp Nana."

"Good. Now, about Arthit..." Kongpob gasped. This was the first time since yesterday that his Nana had said his Phii's name, and with no malice behind it. She had simply spoken it in a neutral tone.

"Yes, well. You will not meet him or contact him in any way." Kongpob's whole body stiffened, sudden stabbing pain in his heart. Just the thought of not seeing his Phii, even for a day...and now this.

"Nana.." The lady raised her hand to stop Kongpob.

"I know you have ways to sneak out and meet and no one will be wiser, but this is not for appearances. This is for me. This is an opportunity for you to show me how much you trust me and to prove to me that I can do the same with you."

Kongpob swallowed hard. He knew this was it and so he reluctantly nodded. This was probably the most difficult thing he had to do. Just standing there, Kongpob was feeling like a part of him was missing as Arthit was not beside him. But then he couldn't do anything about it now though and just have trust that his Nana only wanted his happiness. After detailing some more rules and things for Kongpob to do, Nana had turned and left the young man alone with his thoughts.

And this is howKongpob had ended up here, with this project and a determination to do everythinghe could to make it a success. The young man had immersed himself in work,sometimes not going home at all. It was the only way Kongpob could think ofthat would not remind him of his Phii and the continuous dull pain in hischest. The Suthiluck heir had so far kept his promise to his Nana. He had notcontacted Arthit in any way, not even a single text. He knew if he wanted ahappy future he would have to bear these hard days now. And he also knew ifanyone could get him out of this mess and back into his Phii's arms, it wouldbe his Nana.


AN: Next chapter we see Arthit's side, at least a glimpse of it. Excited?


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