Chapter 11

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Date: 21/3/2020

AN: Another chapter guys! Stay safe my lovelies! Isolated Together!


"It's past 2:00 am Master. You should leave now and get some rest," Chati said as he entered Kongpob's office, without knocking. He was pushing a small tray-table, which had a bowl of steaming chicken-noodle-basil soup. The bulky man made some space on his Master's table and placed the soup there.

"Eat, master, and then I will take you home."

Kongpob watched the man, took off his glasses but didn't make any effort to eat or get out of his chair. He just closed his eyes, leaned back on the chair and sighed.

"Master..please, you have to eat something. This is one of your favorites," Chati said as he pulled Kongpob out of the chair. Of all the people around Kongpob, he was the only one who could do something like this and still stay alive. The security chief pushed the young man towards the bathroom and asked him to quickly freshen up. When Kongpob came out, he sat down on his chair and reluctantly took a spoonful of the soup under the scrutinizing gaze of the older man.

"I don't feel like eating Phii.."

"I know Master, but you can't ignore your heath like this. You are not even getting any proper sleep.."

Kongpob sighed but took another spoonful of the soup. He nodded at the man and smiled, grateful that he cared enough to force him like this.

It was about a quarter of an hour later that Kongpob found himself walking towards where his car was. Chati was on the phone with someone, leaning against the car and so Kongpob lingered back. When he was close enough though, Kongpob realized, Chati was on the phone with his Nana.

"But, madam, he is exhausted...I understand..I know..I just feel if he can get a night's rest...It's Saturday tomorrow, madam...I know...Okay. Hmm. Yes, madam. Only if he wants. Yes. Kharp....Thank you....Kharp." Kongpob frowned. It seemed like the older man was talking about him. The Suthiluck heir dismissed the thought and just seated himself in the car. He lolled his head back in lazily, eyes closed just taking a few minutes of silence.

He didn't realize how long he had been resting like that, but when he opened his eyes at Chati's question, he saw they were already out of the area where the office was located.

"Where would you like to go, Master?"

Kongpob snorted, "Where else can I go? The mansion, of course."

Chati cleared his throat, "If you want, I can take you to the apartment.."

Kongpob's breath hitched. He didn't say anything for a long while. Just as Chati thought he wouldn't get a reply, the backseat occupant spoke, "I can't Phii. I'm ..." How could he tell this man that he was being forced to not have any contact with his beloved? He couldn't tell. No matter how he said it, it would mean like he was questioning, almost blaming, Nana. That can't be what he should be doing. Nana had promised him that if he did as was told, everything would be completely alright. He trusted his Nana, he couldn't do this.

When there was no further explanation from the young man, Chati added, "It's empty right now.."

Kongpob was startled, "What?"

"I mean, umm..the ..resident no longer lives there.."

Concern invaded Kongpob's heart. P'Arthit didn't live there anymore? What happened? Where did he go? "P'Chati! What are you talking about? Tell me!"

"Relax, Master. He shifted. That's all. But the apartment is still intact. Everything is just as he left it."

Kongpob saw red, especially since he was not getting any clear answers. "I don't care about the apartment, Phii! Tell me where is he!"

"Master, I can't tell you. Just know that he's safe." Komgpob's mind was all over the place. This was something he couldn't understand. The fact that his Phii was here, safe and just going about his daily life, was what had been keeping Kongpob together all this time. But now this..He didn't know where his Phii was. How was he supposed to cope now? What was he supposed to do?

It had been nearly twenty minutes since Chati had told him about Arthit leaving the place. The car stopped, and Chati opened his Master's door. Kongpob got down in a daze but froze when he realized they were indeed at Arthit's building.


Chati gave the young man a broken smile and in an unexpected gesture held his hand. "Kongpob.." This was the first time the security chief had called him by his first name, despite his constant requests.

The young man's eyes went wide, "Phii.."

"Go Kongpob. He is not here, but I can assure you he is safe. Just like you, he too has things to do..things to prove.."

Kongpob's eyes filled with tears as he let out a little sob, "The apartment, the bed..everything is just as it was. If the warmth of this place can soothe you for a night, take it, okay? You need rest, my young master."

Kongpob leaped at the man and hugged him tightly. Tears were flowing down his cheeks as the older man patted his back.

A few minutes later when Kongpob's emotions were back in control, Chati said, "I don't know if you still have the key, so here." The engineer took the offered key, nodding.

"You aren't breaking any rules nong. Also, the apartment has been empty for a little over a month, so there is no drinking water or food. So, here.." Chati said.

"A month?" Kongpob gasped in surprise. His Phii had left the house so long ago, and he had not been aware at all.

The chief gave a small nod and held the young man's hands once again, "I promise he is safe and doing well, okay?" The Engineer could only nod as he swallowed a lump in his throat.

Chati handed a heavy bag to Kongpob, "There's bottled water, eggs, instant noodles, and some basic snacks in there. I hope you can manage?"

Kongpob nodded.

"Sleep. Tomorrow's Saturday so sleep in. You are seriously sleep-deprived, nong. There's no hurry, tomorrow. Spend the night..even day, at your home,"

The young man sniffled at the word. This was indeed more like his home than anywhere else. He nodded and hugged the man once again. "Thank you Phii.." he said in a broken voice.

And this is how a few minutes later, Kongpob found himself cuddled into the bed he knew so well. He had opened the closets and was ecstatic to find his Phii's favorite grey pajamas still there. Changing into them immediately, Kongpob slumped onto the bed, where he buried himself in the blankets that still had a faint scent of a male body. The apartment still smelled like his P'Oon. The curtains, the bed-sheets, the down comforters, all had the distinct masculine fragrance mixed with the smell of sweet strawberries. Slowly, as Kongpob closed his eyes and breathed deep, his heart felt like it was being covered with a soothing balm. With his heart taking in the moment's peace, his mind too untangled, relaxing his body...just as a blanket of deep sleep claimed him.


AN: Well, don't yell at me okay? I did warn you, you will need a box of tissues...

Stay safe and may God give us the strength to get past this situation!

Toodloos my lovelies!

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