Chapter 10 - A jar of secrets

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Kai'Sa stood afoot of the cliff that looked over the sea, just like he had told her before while travelling their way here did it split the path to Piltover. The jungle had already made her nervous enough just at the sight of new fruit, new discovery of animals she had never witness before, fresh water to drink from, all was new to her and now the largest step she had missed during half of her youth was right in front of her. Piltover, Ezreal had told her stories of how people were investing their time on tech that could better their world, simplify it, that held powers for even a peasant to protect itself, a world that was more resistant to the void.
'You seem like you're lost.' She did not have to know who the owner of the voice was, his frame appeared in the corner of her eye and he took his place right beside her, gazing at the view.
'What if they will be just as frightened as the rest?' Kai'Sa lowered her shoulders, a warrior of great skill that knew how to kill the void from the inside, the outside and for it to go so far that it would destruct itself, but living among humans with the same suit as she hunted the real threat of Shurima was not in that skill set. She knew the moment she would set foot in Piltover that everyone would get their pitchforks, or worse: their mechanisms to shoot missiles at her that could perhaps even pierce her second skin.  'I am not like you.' With a deep sigh she gave in to her fears and allowed her second skin to creep up and wear it's helmet again.
Ezreal gave her a soft pat against her elbow, what had brought her back on earth. 'You're just like me and anyone else out there,' He dug his hands in his pockets and took a step back, walking to the path that lead them down to the shore. 'You just have your own way of dressing up, like that were ever a problem up there.' His voice would sound from the distance. With the option to flee or pursue what she had been longing for for almost a decade she stared before her, imagined the worst possible cases that could occur the moment her foot entered the light. Humans would hunt her and there was no place to hide, the streets were filled with molten rock and houses build of mountains. She swore to never have the blood of a human on her hands, she did not intend to break that oath.
But sometimes... You have to take the risk and enter the unknown. With a bittersweet smile she looked over her shoulder, to the back of his head, his golden hair disappearing behind the rocks as he ventured deeper down. Though he did not know much beside his interest and where he lived, she trusted him more than anyone else. She had to have faith and believe that no one would harm her as long as he were around.

So she followed him.

The boat followed the rhythm of the waves, the wind blowing them forward as the engines underneath the boat supported their travel. So far no one had batted an eye at Kai'Sa and believed his story of how it was a new defence mechanism that kept them safe in Shurima. He always knew how to turn a story into reality, that he knew of himself. Since their travel back Ezreal felt a cold and bitter chill grasping onto his heart when another Shuriman temple was to be crossed off his list. They were not there and the rumours of people disappearing only made it sound that they could have been part of them.  Groaning irritable he rested his forehead on his arms. He would find them, no matter what. If after the last tomb and even the underground tunnels of the Void did not have them imprisoned he would believe the word of his uncle and just feed his curiosity for the world. Leaning back into his chair he for once could not wait to be back home, for two days he had been wearing the same, sweat drenched shirt. He longer for a shower, anything to rid him of this own stench. A strong knock would sound on his door and he could not think of anyone else but her to stand there, even if she were nervous, she would always remain a powerful woman. 'Come in.' He mumbled.
Kai'Sa opened the door, visibly distressed. He knew that she had been worrying herself for nothing, that many humans with weird tech armour walked around the city, but he understood since she had always been judged for her appearance. She did not have to say a word for him to know that she did not have any words to express how nervous she was, he gestured at the bed in his dorm and watched her as she sat down. Her jets even squirmed a bit in her discomfort, he no longer knew if it were because she's scared to meet humans or to be on a boat?
'Can I trust you?' She whispered quietly, for even the walls might hear them. He raised one of his eyebrows, his forehead wrinkled in a frown and he leaned forward to her. He nodded and that was all she needed for a confirmation. She crossed her arms before her and bit her lip nervously, brushing her hair to one side. 'I might know a way to get my suit off so I can blend in with the others.'
Ezreal's eyes widened and he quickly sat straight, a way to get the suit of? How long had she been wearing it for. 'What is your suit?' He asked first, slowly getting out of his chair to sit right next to her. She did not speak for a duration of five minutes, pressing her hands against her arms as if she were cold. 'Kai'Sa, don't worry. I won't tell anyone.'
She looked around the room, dodging his eyes. Fear that for knowing what she were wearing and how she got it would only disgust him. 'When I were ten, I was heavily bored. Our little village was a true standard of poverty. Elderly gathered everywhere, children quite contained and well behaved, it was like one big family,' A haze blurred her stare before her, still avoiding Ezreal's glance. 'It seemed like fun to mess around with the local farmer and set his cows free to roam. What started as a joke turned a different direction way too fast, the animals were infused with fear and ran into a canyon. Before I could even realise what had happened the ground underneath them broke down and the void spawn crawled out, dug more holes.' Kai'Sa felt herself calming down, even though the sight of the memory seemed so clear, as if it only happened yesterday. 'We all sunk down into their pit, buried by the remnants of the village. We screamed each others' names, in hopes to find each other or comfort one another in the darkness. After three days it was just me yelling my name, I was scared, frightened, but also consumed by hunger. I went out looking for food and after I had fed myself, I went exploring into the tunnels, in hopes to find a way out, but sadly ran into a small voidling.' Ezreal gulped at the horror of how once a peaceful village turned into a ruin not soon after, that every ruin he might have crossed could have been a peaceful civilisation. 'I had my father's knife with me and thought that I killed it. It was a horrible mistake of me to go and see if it lived or not, because it leapt onto me, sunk it's entity into my skin and nested onto it's new home, me.'
'And it kept crawling until it covered everything?' She nodded, preparing herself for his disgust to overtake his mind and terminate their bond as friends, but instead he cheered her up.
'It could have been worse,' He chuckled, bumping his elbow against hers. 'It could have just consumed you there, instead it's just living on you. You don't look bad if that's what you're wondering.'
Kai'Sa could not help but smile and blew a strand of hair that travelled in front of her face behind away. 'Say that to the people that chased after me, or didn't trust me when I tried to help them to survive.'
Ezreal raised his shoulders and shrugged off what they would possibly think, just like he would normally do. 'For all I know you could have ended up dead and that isn't as cool as what you're wearing right now. You actually do the unthinkable and wield a voidling, it's under your command and you kill others with it. If you ask me, that makes both of you superior.' 'Kai'Sa smiled, as if a warm blanket had finally covered her shivering body she felt a sudden release and held onto the moment of acceptance. For once she was happy with the way she had become. To calm her even more so Ezreal for once spoke about the troubles that weighed down on his chest. 'I lost my parents at a young age,'
'I am so sorry.' She whispered, placing her hand on his shoulder to show some soft of comfort.
'It happened a long time ago. They went out travelling in Shurima and would normally send out letters, a postcard, anything to just show how beautiful the area was. While I were tutored by my uncle, I would always wait in front of the door to get another package with a lost artefact they found and placed a dot on every map to where the had been,' He shook his head and chuckled at the thought of his younger self staring at the door, for days on end for nothing to appear any more. 'After months I have not heard a single thing about them any more, not a postcard, not a letter, nothing but a man standing at our doorstep to announce the news that my parents had deceased.' Though she tried to keep her gasp in, even at it's lowest would he have predicted for people to react that way. 'Just like me they had been to the most dangerous places and always came back with just a single scratch, I doubt they ever died but the more places I visit the more I fear that my parents lead the same faith as your village did.' He had not told anyone of how he felt about the whole situation, nor why he was really so often found in Shurima, instead of all the other spots in Runeterra. Now he knew that he most certainly gained more and more trust in Kai'Sa and that his responsibility over her grew even larger. With her hand still resting on his arm he looked at the glove, connected to her the arm guard and right into her lavender eyes. It was no time for a pity party, he thought to himself and he smiled, pulling her hand from his arm to stand up.
'Let's get that thing off of you.' He mumbled softly. 

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