Chapter 31 - A date

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After Ezreal raced down the stairs to attend the two ladies that awaited for him to join them he wondered how Kai'Sa and Lux had been doing in his short absence. He could already tell that Lux were both nervous as shocked to be in the presence of a long lost teammate, that never pledged to serve the star guardians. Even though nothing bonded them, knowing that an alternate version of Kai'Sa wandered around with her divine cosmic powers only made her wonder if it were even safe to have her walking around. But that was something he could worry about later, his mind was not set on their gathering, neither to talk about duties he rarely attended himself: No, he longed for Lux to leave as soon as possible so he could address the kiss he had with Kai'Sa before. For once he had been certain about his actions and he wanted to try and fight for a possible greater relationships than their current one. How could he commit to something that was still pending because he did not know if Kai'Sa really had feelings for him. He wanted to believe she did after their passionate kiss, but who even knew these days?
Correcting the neck of his shirt he had finally made it to the hall, not even a second of consideration had crossed his mind when he pushed open the wooden doors and entered warm, new atmosphere. Time stood still for that one moment when he caught just a glimpse of her already, sitting in peace on the turquoise sofa's as she listened to one of the stories Lux told her. With a porcelain teapot in her hand she poured the girl another cup, smiling from time to time as she did not break her eye contact once. Ezreal stared in her direction, enjoying every gesture and word she said out of excitement to bring in some of her own stories.
His brows were raised when the daughter of the void glanced at the man, smiling kindly with a hint of sensuality to almost dare him to sit next to her. With a hand resting on his chest, right on top of his heart, he wondered if there were more to her to steal his heart with just a single flick of her finger. Months ago he had only felt curios to who hid underneath the second skin that preyed on the void, he would have never thought in a million years that underneath all the instincts of a predator, the swiftness of an assassin and the skills to kill a whole swarm that she possessed the great qualities of a human, perhaps more now that he thought of it. He had never met a person so far that saw more than his arrogance, that did not mistake his curiosity for being noisy. Maybe it were not a shock to him after all that he felt so drawn towards her, she had given him something he did not even know he needed: A safe place.
With his hands dug deep in the pockets of his jeans he strode towards her direction, taking the spot that called for him right beside her. 'Did I miss anything?' He asked in wonder as he smiled to the lady who sat in front of them.
Lux shook her head, her golden locks that brushed over her chin. Despite being turned down after finally admitting her feelings for Ezreal she had not felt a single drop of jealousy in their presence, it was as if she even encouraged them to be together. 'I was just telling Kai'Sa some stories about Demacia. Apparently she only remembered it for being posh and very strict to the rules.'
'Am I wrong though?' The adventurer spoke snarly with a devious smile curling on his lips.
Lux rolled her eyes and poured a cup of tea for him. 'There's more to Demacia, we're one big happy family!'
'A happy family that would gladly lock you up if they knew you were a mage.' Ezreal quickly sipped on his tea when he felt her squinted eyes that glared in his direction. It was not his best idea to annoy a girl with a teapot in her hands, it certainly would not have been the first time.
Kai'Sa could not help but to giggle, raising her cup of tea to take nip from it herself. 'I'm happy you're at least out to bring change, what you're doing takes a lot of gut,' Swirling the leaf extracted water she stared in her reflection.  'I think your people would be more accepting of your side than mine.'
A soft click sounded from the tiny cup that were carefully placed back on it's plate, Kai'Sa did not have to say much about her own problems for Lux to know. After all, the Kaisa that were part of their group had told them all about her life among the void. None of the team could imagine a more secluded place than the Void, since the Kaisa they knew always had the reassuring company of Sona to keep her drift going, this Kai'Sa could only recall the things she learned during her childhood when it came to social interaction. 'Ezreal told me about your time underground, it must have been horrible to be alone all the time.'
Kai'Sa smiled, the corner of her lips that shook hesitantly. 'I was never really alone, my memories of the past were my closest companions. Whenever I felt alone I imagined my father or friends encouraging me to keep fighting, hunting the void had almost become a little competitive game.'
'Is that why you keep counting everything you kill?' Ezreal recalled every memory of her when they encountered a voidling wandering around as if they had been lost, she always counted every voidling that perished after a clean shot. Kai'Sa shook her shoulders and hid one of her joyful smiles to give away she were pleaded guilty in one of the most adorable ways that Ezreal could imagine. He lowered his hand from the spot behind her and rested the knuckle of his index finger underneath her chin to caress her gently. She chuckled at the ticklish feeling that spread from her jaw and looked away, her dark hair that covered her face like a curtain.
'Look at the time,' Lux said to break up the moment. She took one last sip from her teacup before she put it down. 'I should really go before anyone is wondering where I am.' As graceful in every battle and every meeting she stood up, brushing the dust that had stained to her pants. Many wondered why she were not as composed when she were the captain of her team, because in her own attire and environment she were calm and had grip on her own life and choices. No one really understood what made everything so difficult when she were Lux, the first star.
Kai'Sa were the first to stand up and lead her to the front door, when she first heard of Lux she assumed that because she were a princess she would be stuck up or very held back, but to her surprise she was neither. She were like the princesses she read of in the books she often found in the tunnels. 'I'm really happy we got to meet each other.'
'Likewise!' It brought great joy to Kai'Sa when Lux had entered the building with such fear, that she left with a wide grin on her face. She could understand why Ezreal had an eye on her, but not why he had suddenly given up on her. What made Kai'Sa so special that he chose her?
A gasp quickly rolled over her tongue when the door had closed behind Lux and she turned to stare directly into the ocean blue eyes of the explorer. Had he been there the entire time? Had he waved her goodbye while she escorted her?
With one hand against the doorpost and the other right beside her head his eyes took every bit of her in detail, his smile that had no decayed once. It was as if he were amused and happy to see what stood in front of him. Kai'Sa inhaled deeply, he stood so close to her their lips occasionally stroke over one another.
'Why me?' Even though her breath was loud, her words came out like a whisper. She raised her hands to hook her finger on to the neck of his shirt, in an attempt to get him closer.
Ezreal's eyes almost disappeared behind the blonde locks that wildly gathered in front of his face. She caught a glimpse of his teeth biting on his lip, resisting himself from kissing her just to answer her question. 'You gave me something I didn't know I needed.'
Kai'Sa smirked, she slowly fell on her toes to cross the little distance that was left between them, but instead he took a step back to resume the last bit of their conversation. 'I chose you for you. I really wish I could explain it to you, but it's difficult.' Half of his sentence fell away as their lips had met. Ezreal occasionally tried to break their kiss again as he had done before, but every attempt he tried to get a word in between he lost his own trials. Kai'Sa always wondered if their first kiss had been cursed, they had tried three times before she successfully engaged to their kiss. He had done his best to avoid her on the department ever since, made clear boundaries even though he occasionally joked his way over the lines. She felt like everything had been a mistake.
But in moments like these, where there was no fear for any consequence or worries about what their future would look like, she knew that everything happened for a reason, even when she fell in the pits of the void. Ezreal grinned as he slowly brought an end to their kiss, just like in the desert were his blue eyes almost absorbed by his pupils. Taking her every detail in mind he kissed he lightly on her lips one more time before he spoke. 'I want to do this the right way,' As cocky as ever, he took a step back and brushed his hair back like it had been their first meeting all over again. 'Are you doing anything later?'
Kai'Sa looked to the ceiling to fake a deep consideration that had almost made him nervous for her answer, their kiss had not even happened a minute ago and he still were wary that she could always say no. 'Depends, what do you have in mind?'
He faked a sigh of a relief and brushed away imaginary drops of sweat from his forehead, with a single arm wrapped around her shoulder he guided her over the stairs. 'How about I take you to that one bakery again and stroll around outside of the city?'
'Very tempting,' The daughter of the void mumbled, ticking her finger against her chin. 'Can we get some fruit on the way?'
Ezreal laughed and pressed another peck to her temple. 'Whatever you want.'

Finally! Kai'Sa thought to herself as she stormed inside her room and rushed towards her wardrobe, excited to pick out an outfit for her day. All of these feelings had been so new to her, friendship, trust, love that were different from what she felt for her old friends and family. It was as if she had held her breath so long around him that she feared her feelings for him had been just one sided, despite their kiss they shared before. Although she had not shared that side of her all too much, whenever she were out in public with Ezreal she often caught on to men deceiving women on the streets, some that were wise enough to not fall for it, the others that had only became their next victim. She often reflected on the memory and assumed that their kiss had just been ignited because he were curious for her knowledge.
Wandering through the wardrobe she searched high and low for something that was somewhat suitable, another thing that had made her so excited: She had worn the same thing for ten years, it was still so new to her to get to wear her own clothes again. Would she go for comfortable? Something classy? Or perhaps-
Her thoughts were cut off when she held up a dress she bought the first time she were here in Piltover, it somehow looked like an adaption of her second skin. With a low cut neckline the dress was supposed to fit her loosely, when she first bought it had seemed too cute not to get it, even though it burnt through the money that Ezreal had given her. It were certainly not suitable for her first date, they were only going out to a bakery and take a stroll: She knew it would only attracted the wrong kind of attention. Her blood boiled on her cheeks when her thoughts went out to how Ezreal would react to such a beautiful dress and it had made her stomach spin in a way she were not familiar with. The silk slipped through her fingers, onto the bed. You're not going to wear it, Kai'Sa, no matter how curious you are. She cleared her throat, in hopes it would get rid of her blushing cheeks she strolled back to the wardrobe to pick up on a black sweater, the turtle neck and slits on the hips would be a better match than her dress. She did not expect it to be so long, as it had looked shorter on the mannequin. Maybe it did serve as a semi dress, she thought as she walked to the sock drawer to slip on some dark tights. With one last look in the mirror she studied every bit of her look, with one last pull on the sweater it really looked like a classy, short dress. Yes, this was going to be a promising date!
A knock on her door had caught her attention, with her heart leaping in to her chest she tip toed towards it. This is it, once she opens the door the afternoon was officially going to start. Her fingers hesitantly hovered over the door knob, wondering if she were fit to go out with. There was so little she knew of her own world, with just one mistake she could possibly ruin the entire day for them. With one last prayer to every pair of eyes that looked down on her she turned the doorknob, afraid that she looked ridiculous she peeked through the small opening to him.
Ezreal tilted his head when he saw her lavender eyes staring to him, with a suppressed chuckle he placed his fingers on the wooden surface of the door to gently push it open. Kai'Sa took a few steps for the door to fall open, with one last mantra she reminded herself she faced greater threats and situations, so an eye to eye with a mere human would not be too much for her. Trying to get a hold of her emotions she attempted to bring her killer instincts to guide her through the date, but it had melted like snow before the sun as one of his eyebrows was raised out, from the looks of it it seemed that what he saw was pleasant to his eyes. With that confidence boost she intertwined her fingers and smile as if she wore her heart on her sleeve.
'You look amazing.' Though he tried his best to seem composed, his voice gave away that he was more than just pleased to see her. Kai'Sa could not help but laugh at the sight of it and saved him out of his misery. She hooked her arm through his and decided in that very moment to take the lead, since the bakery was not new to her. With a dashing guy in her arm she quietly asked the world who or what she was supposed to thank after being imprisoned to herself for so long in the void. For the first time she felt like she belonged.

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