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2 weeks later..

I finally finish work. Turns out, Calypso talked to Atlas and he finally agreed to have everyone only work from 6 AM to 11 PM.

I am very grateful.

Honestly, work isn't hard now. I was so used to working for 22 hours a day, 5 hours is nothing. I put on a grin and I run into the castle. Atlas also allowed me and Piper to come into the castle whenever. Just some places are off limits. I can go to her room though.

I run up the steps and once I reach Calypso's door, I bang on it.

She opens it almost immideantly and I attack her with a hug. I break apart a few seconds later.

"Hey Cal! How's it going?!" I jump up and down, speaking 100 miles an hour.

"Woah, woah! Calm down, Repair Boy." She smiles and raises an eyebrow. "Did someone give you skittles?" She smirks.

"No." I pause. "I gave myself skittles!" I grin and jump up and down again. Dang, ADHD + Skittles is a bad mix for anyone; especially me.

"So, sunshine,--"

"Do not call me that." She arches her eyebrows, but her face is clearly tinted pink.

"Okay.." I stop. "Anyways! What are we gonna do today, sunshine?!" I smile.

"I told you to-- Actually, nevermind." She face-palms. "Today we're going to the mall."

"The mall?" I ask, weirded out. "Isn't that like, where girls go?"

"No, idiot!" She laughs. "Its for everyone." She crosses her arms.

"Not for me." I cross my arms, pouting.

"Well.." She smirks. "What if I told you they had.. Skittles?"

"OHMYGODSLETSGO!!" I jump even higher, and run into her room.

She has a few outfits I can wear. I put on a white shirt, jeans, my signature suspenders 😎, and my signature tool belt. 😎

"Alright! Lets go-- Wait. Where's Pipes?!" I yell.

"Calm down! She messaged me saying she'll meet us downstairs in a few minutes. She had to go talk to Tristan." She claims.

Tristan is her dad, so don't think anything weird by it.

"Oh, alright." I say. "So, what should we do in the meantime?"

"Hmm.. Oh! I have a suprise for you!" She claims, running to her dresser. She pulls something out and runs back to me, it being behind her back.

"Sunshineeeee! You know I hate surprises!" I pout.

"Well you're gonna love this one!" She pulls something from behind her back.

It's my dragon figure!

"Oh my gods, you fixed it!" I take it, hugging her.

"Yeah. It shouldve been sooner, but I was trying to make it look brand new, so I cleaned it, polished it, and even coated over it with some gloss." She rubs her neck nervously.

"Aww! Thanks, sunshine!" I smile.

"Stop calling me that!" She crosses her arms, and looks away pouting.

"Aww, you're cute when you're mad!--"

Im cut off by a kick in the shin.

"Hmph!" She turns around, as I groan in pain.

"S-sorry, Sunshine.." I mumble.


We walk downstairs and meet up with Piper.

"Hey Beauty Queen!" I hug her.

"Hey Repair-Boy." She smiles.

"No calling me that! I have a better nickname."

"And what would that be?" She raises an eyebrow.

"Super-Sized McShizzle Bad boy Supreme Commander of the Argo II!" I say quickly. They stare at me

"What?" I say. "I made it up."

Also, the Argo II is an actually pretty good sized boat I built. It looks amazing, if I do say so myself!

 It looks amazing, if I do say so myself!

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It looks like that, but much smaller. About the size of a king sized mattress? I built it in a few weeks so I'm hoping to be able to build the real thing one day! Though I'd need tons of help.

The dragon on the front of the ship is the same one on my figurine. I named him Festus. My friends joke around all the time, since it means 'Happy' in Greek. Also,--

Nevermind im getting off track.

"Sure." Calypso shrugs. "Mr. McShizzle Bad-Boy..Commander.. Of the Argo II.." She says questionably.

"No! Its--"

"ANYWAYS!" Piper grabs our hands. "Let's go!"


Once we reach the mall, I was speechless. It was huge! Nothing compared to the castle, but its still huge.

"Alright, where are those Skittles?! Come to Uncle Leo!" I run off.

"Wh-- Wait!" Piper and Cal follow.

Once we reach the candy store--

(I just thought of a really amazing ides. Piper, Leo, and Cal are all the Heathers in Candy Store. Piper is Duke, Leo is Chandler, and Cal is McNamara:

Piper, stepping in front of Leo,: Honey watcha waiting fo!--

Leo, pushing her to the floor,: SHUT UP, PIPER!

Oml that is amazing.)

I freak out.


"Uh, sir, they're right he--"

"SKITTLES! I run to the skittles and pull the whole container of them off the shelf, and stuff them into my mouth.

"Er.. We'll pay for that."

°The Princess and The Peasant° Leo X CalypsoWhere stories live. Discover now