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We made another stop at the candy store, suggested by yours truly, then we left.

Next we're going bowling. We make our way inside and pay and all that finance stuff, then we go to the alley.

"Alright, who's going first?" Piper asks.

"Me! Me! Me!" I jump up and down.

"Thats fine, I'll go next." Cal says.

"Actually Leo, are you sure you wanns go first?" Piper asks.

"Yes? Why?!" I ask.

"Y'know what they say; first is the worst." She states.

"That's not how it works! Plus, second is the best." I look at Cal and she smiles. "Alright! Imma go."

I grab a ball and roll it. It knocks all but 1 down. The next turn I knock it down, so im good.

"Yayy!" I jump up and down.

"My turn!" Calypso grabs a ball and walks up there. Shes about to roll it, but I notice she's doing it wrong.

"Wait!" I run up to her. "You're doing it wrong."

"Eh? Sorry.. Ive never went bowling before." She says nervously.

"Nah, it's fine. But here I'll show you!" I grab a ball and get into position.

"So stand like this." I show her, and she gets in position.

"Now hold the ball like this." I show her how to hold the ball and she does it.

"Now pull your arm back.." I pull my arm back and she follows.

"Then roll." I show her how to roll, without letting go of the ball. She rolls it and gets a strike!

"Yeah! That's it!" I smile.

"Yay! I did it!" She hugs me, smiling.

"Yep, and it's all because of me!" I smirk.

"Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night." She rolls her eyes and we sit down waiting for Piper to roll.

"Alright! Its my turn, and I'm gonna win!" She grabs a ball and gets into position.

She rolls it and it only knocks down 3.

"WHAT?!" She screeches, while I'm just laughing in the background.

"Fine! I'll get a spare." She rolls again, and doesn't knock any down.

"T-this is rigged!" She claims, stomping back to her seat.


After the game, the scores were:

Calypso : 110

Leo: 100

Piper: 68

"That was rigged. How did Cal win, when she just started playinf today?!" Piper screams.

"Because she learned from the best!" I put my hands on my hips.

"Im suprised I won. Maybe you guys will win the next thing." Cal says.

"You bet! I'm gonna destroy you in Laser Tag!" I claim.

"L--Laser Tag?!" Calypso says in horror. "L-like, real lasers..?!" She shrieks.

"No! They aren't real lasers! Basically you wear a vest and when you get hit with the 'laser,' your vest turns off for a few seconds and you have to wait until you can use your laser gun. You get points when you shoot someone, and the person with the most points will win." I explain. "You'll watch a video to understand more." She nods.

Once we get in and get suited up, we watch the video. After she understands it, we head inside.

"Woah!" Calypso gasps at all the bright neon colors around.

"Thats how you hide." I explain. "Speaking of hiding, we need to split! Every person for themself!" I shoot off.

I run up the ramp leading to the balcony and duck down up there. I wait a few seconds for the countdown.





Almost immediately, I spot Piper and Calypso. They seem to be close together. Are they teaming on me?!

I shoot Piper first, since I know she is faster. Then I shoot Cal. They both look around, trying to spot me.

As soon as their guns light back up, I shoot Piper, but Cal ducks.

Piper spots me and shoots. It hits me!

I duck down. I see Cal so I shoot. It hits.


Its about 5 minutes later, and the game is almost over. Im winning by a few shots. If both of them manage to get a shot on me, it'll be tied. Im still up on the ramp, waiting. When I can't find them, I assume they're hiding or coming up the ramp.

Suddenly, both of them come up the ramp aiming their guns.

"Uh.. What's up?" I ask nervously.

"My score once I shoot you!" Piper says.

"Haha.. Yeah, No." I back up.

15 seconds left.

"So, uh.. What're you waiting for?" I ask. I can't escape, because they'll shoot me.

"Don't worry about us. Worry about yourself!" Calypso shouts, about to shoot.

5 seconds left.

I have to win this game! Even though it's dangerous, I do the only thing I can think of.




I jump off the balcony.

Yeah, I know. Pretty stupid right?

Well, I mean, it's not that high.. Probrably high enough to break your neck, but fortunately, I don't.

I do hurt my ankle though.

"Leo!" They both shout, running to the edge, peering down at me.


Our vests and guns turn off. Looks like the games over.

"Owww!!" I groan in pain, sitting on the floor.

They both come down quickly, running to me.

"Are you an idiot?! You could've died!" Calypso shouts.

"I knowww! I wanted to win." I grin painfully. They sigh.

"You idiot.." Piper grumbles. "What hurts?"

"My ankle."

"Let me see."

I lay my leg straight out for her to look at.

"Hmm.." She rolls up my pant leg a bit. "It's not broken.. Probrably twisted or fractured."

"Oops?" I grin cheekily. Cal hugs me.

"Don't do that again. You scared me!" She orders.

"No promises."

°The Princess and The Peasant° Leo X CalypsoWhere stories live. Discover now