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We invited some of our friends to come skating with us. A lot of them said they couldnt go, unfortunately.

We invited:

Jason, Frank, Hazel, Annabeth, Percy, Travis, and Katie.

We're all standing outside the skate center, ready to go in.

It only cost 6 dollars per person, which is pretty good. I pay for everyone because im rich, obviously.

When we go in, theres no one at all. We actually reserved it!

We all go get our skates and put them on. Ive never skated before, so I struggle. Leo helps me though. We all sit down in a circle before we skate.

"So, who all can skate here?" Leo asks.

No one raises their hand.

"For real, guys?!" Leo groans.

"Well, I can kind of skate! Just really slowly. And ill fall a lot." Travis says. Everyone else except Hazel, Percy, and I nod.

"I cant at all.." Hazel mumbles.

"Me neither." Percy sighs, and I agree.

"Okay. Ill give you some steps to start." He stands.

He waits a few seconds, then groans.

"Well the first step is to stand." He crosses his arms.

I try to stand but almost slip. So does Hazel and Percy. Luckily, Leo catches me, and Frank catches Hazel.

Annabeth just lets Percy drop.

"Oww!" He groans, glaring at Annabeth. "Why didnt you catch me?"

"Well, you're too heavy." She smirks.

"Whatever.." He mumbles, shakily standing up.

After a minute, we can all stand at least.

"So the next step is to start." Leo orders. Basically, you just go." He demonstrates skating slowly.

I try it, and almost slip.

"No, your feet have to move out. Like a triangle!" He demonstrates again. This time I got it.

I look to see how everyone else is doing, and so far its pretty okay.

"Now you can skate.. You just have to go faster." He orders, skating around in a circle.

"H-how.." Percy mumbles.

"Oh, you think thats good?" Jason asks. "Watch this!"

Jason goes onto the actual ring, and starts skating around it going at a pretty fast pace. Percy, Hazel and I look at him in awe. The others look impressed, but not that much.

Leo just looks at him boringly.

"Thats it?" He scoffs. "I can do way better." He says.

"Really? I doubt it!" Jason replies, crossing his arms.

"Watch me." He smirks. He gets onto the ring.

He starts skating around, and its way better than Jason.

We all look at him in awe. Then, he starts doing TRICKS.

He skates on one foot, skates on his heels (HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?!), and spins around.

Everyone gapes at him. Out of everyone here, how is he so good?!

Eventually, he skated back and lifted his head up proudly, smirking.

"Told ya' I'm pretty good." He puts his hands on his hips.

"P..pretty good?!" Piper screeches. "You're amazing! L-like a professional! You could be a skater!"

"Hah, No. I enjoy skating, but I enjoy building and fixing things way more." He claims.

"Which is why you're called repair boy." She pats his head. He rolls his eyes and swats her hand away.

Then I get a message. It's from Will.

Will: Are you guys at the rink yet?

Me: Yeah, why?

Will: Okay. Make sure Leo doesn't do anything stupid. He literally almost died the other day.

Me: Heh, ill make sure. We brought painkillers too.

Will: Good. If he's in any pain, give him one or two.

Me: Will do, cya

I put my phone up, and turn to Leo.

"Leo. Don't do anything dumb." I order.

"What is your definition of 'dumb?" He asks.

"Ugh, you know what I mean. Don't overdo it with those tricks of yours. You could injure yourself more." I say, seriously.

"Nah, I'll be fine!"

"I'm being serious." I glare as hard as I can.

"Y-Yes ma'am!" He slowly backed away.


The rest of the day we all skated. We had a lot of fun, honestly. I never had much time, nor was I allowed, to do these kinds of things. To get here takes quite a while, after all. We have our kingdom, and then outside of it is a more modernized area, which is where we go to partake in these sort of, 'commoners' activities.

Before I know it, it's time to go. As we drive out, I sit and think. My life has completely changed since I met Leo and the others. As a little girl I'd always dreamed of finding love and friends, but I never imagined it would be like this. In my dreams, I was dancing with a prince, and dancing around in a ball. My friends would be wearing the most extravagant dresses, and we would enjoy together the fanciest of foods. I'd always been taught to expect the highest quality of life, after all. But now? Everything is completely different from what I had imagined; in a good way. I don't need fancy parties and high status friends. I'm glad things ended up this way, even with the problems we've faced along the way. I know we'll get through it, together.

I drifted off to the sounds of laughter of some of the people I love most.
Well, first update in quite a long time. Again, if wanted, I can definitely continue this. I've definitely become a more advanced writer since my last updates, and I'm going to try and show that within any writing from now on. Thank you for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2023 ⏰

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