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"come on!!! Tell me your name!" he whined throwing his head back.
"how don't you know my name?" she asked, giggling at all the random ones he had guessed over the past hour or so.

"I have more important things to do with my time than scope out the names of girls" Paul teased.
"too busy fucking them, right?" Paul was scared that she would be hurt about his past but looked up to see a taunting grin on her face.
"I thought you didn't listen to rumours" Paul smirked.
"I said I don't believe them not that I didn't listen, it's kind of hard when your all every girl in the school talks about" Pual smirked at the slightly jealous tone in her voice and he knew the imprint bond was setting in.
"just tell me!" Paul complained once more.
"what's in it for me?" she teased raising an eyebrow.
"what ever you want" he winked making Alyssa roll her eyes. She thought about it for a second.
"give me your shirt" she demanded, feeling her soggy tee clinging to her skin as the cold wind blew past.
"so you want me to strip?" he sounded shocked raising a hand to his heart in mock hurt, he had been attempting to guess her name for hours now.
"I'm cold, your shirt looks so big and warm" she  complained tugging her hands inside her sleeves.
"tell me your name first" he demanded, she rolled her eyes and groaned.
"Alyssa" she said begrudgingly "now give me warmth!!!" she yelled. He smiled at her name mouthing the words.
"that's a nice name" he smiled
"your such a dork" Alyssa threw a twig his way only for him to catch it easily.
"tell me your full name and I'll do you one better" he promised smirking at an idea forming in his head.
"Alyssa hauser" she said, still wondering what one better was. He smiled a huge goofy grin before standing up and pulling off his shirt, her mouth fell open at the sight of his perfectly toned torso, so perfect and tanned.
"like what you see?" he teased stepping closer, she felt her cheeks burn red as she  immediately looked away "aaaww Allys embarrassed" he teased using a nickname she had yet to hear, she liked her name coming from his mouth. He jumped over the puddle that had separated them and  threw her his shirt, she raised her eyebrows gesturing for him to turn around before she pulled off her soggy top, her bra was slightly wet, Alyssa pulled her head through his over sized black shirt and as she popped her eyes over the top she saw him doing his best not to look, she appreciated it.
"you can turn around now" she said as she lowered herself back to the floor "now, what's one better then?" she asked he grinned sheepishly , considering how she might take this move, but he honestly couldn't bare not knowing what touching her felt like. He sat down next to Alyssa throwing his  arm over her shoulder, she was about to resist when she, noticed the sheer warmth of him, he was shirtless for crying out loud. She sighed as she rested her head on his chest, Alyssa felt him let out a breath of relief at her reaction. She was so cold, yet he had never felt more comfortable in his life than with his imprint safe, in his arms, she had turned him into such a marshmallow.

They sat like that for hours talking about nothing and everything. She told him about Jacob, embry and quil, about her parents and her dog, he was happy to know that she liked dogs.

"so, Paul" she began, looking up at him "why are you known as the man whore then?" she asked he took a deep breath considering his answer.
" I slept with a girl once and then after that it was a downward spiral, my father and mother divorced when I was a kid, my mum left me with a drunken woman hater with no respect for anything with breasts" he chuckled sarcastically.

Alyssa looked him in the eye for a minute before hugging him tightly her arms not quite meeting behind his back. He was shocked at first but soon his brain realised that this was what he had been dreaming about all of last night, so he buried his head in her neck and absorbed her as much as he could, her smell, her feel.

"I'm sorry" she whispered, barely loud enough for herself to hear it yet he pulled away and held her by the shoulders looking her right in the eye with his deep brown ones.
"its okay, I'm fine now, I'm done with all that stuff, I met someone recently who changed my views on literally everything I thought I knew all about" he smiled, she matched his grin with her own.
"oh yeah, and who might that be?" she asked, faking ignorance.
"oh I don't know, she wouldn't tell me her name" he joked she  punched him in the bicep earning a fake ouch before he began tickling her, she could barely breath but his hands on her body felt amazing his fingers grazed her hips as she tried to sqirm away from him,  she giggled until she was red in the face, Alyssa attempted to get away from him one last time before he pulled her back towards him somehow she ended up on his lap and was looking down at him, her chest heaving from laughing. She hooked her arms around his neck as he placed his on her hips. His brain was going into overdrive, he had kissed girls before, but she wasn't a girl she was his imprint. She noticed him leaning forward and before she knew it so was she, their lips were a breath apart, he skimmed his lips over hers before placing them on her forehead, Alyssa giggled like a dumb school girl, his breath made her skin tingle. Her laughter was the greatest piece of music he had ever heard.
"chicken" she teased standing up away from him and walking the opposite way from the school.

"where you going?" he asked catching up to her almost immediately,
"I don't know" she said honestly, picking at a fern as she passed it, twiddling it in her fingers.
"we could go to Emily's?" he suggested, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
"and why would I go any where with you?" she teased a smirk playing at her lips, paul looked shocked for a minute before he saw her grin.
"because you've just spent 2 hours in the forest with me"
"touché" she said "but I best go home, the schools gonna call my parents when I'm not there, mums gonna go on a rager" Alyssa  laughed, putting the fern in her pocket careful not to squash it. She attempted to do this discreetly, but nothing about her went unnoticed by Paul
"can I walk you back?" he sounded slightly disappointed which made her smile.
"you shall escort me if you wish" she stuck her nose in the air, grabbing at her invisible skirt. Paul bowed, lowering his head and holding out his hand, Alyssa took it in hers before they both went out in a fit of giggles.
"what're you gonna do with that plant?" he asked gesturing to her pocket. Alyssa blushed slightly embarrassed at her hobby and took her hand out of his to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. Paul frowned slightly ay the loss of contact and shoved his hand in his Jean pocket.
"I press flowers" she admitted looking down at the moving dirt beneath her feet.
"you've lost me" he said chuckling slightly.
"its where you flatten a flower using two pieces of wood on either side of a few pieces of cardboard, you tighten the bolts on all four corners and then after a while when you take it out it will be flat and really well preserved, I just like to put them in a book "she shrugged.
" that's cute " Paul said  Alyssa blushed immensely and laughed nervously "you'll have to show me that book sometime"
"yeah, I will" she said, tilting her  head to the side to take a small smell of his top that was hung over her  shoulders, Paul couldn't stop the grin that worked its way onto his face.

"do you have any idea where we're going?" he asked, smirking toward her . Alyssa lifted her eyebrows and looked at her surroundings.
"absolutely no clue" she admitted with her head still held high. "how long have we been walking, my feet hurt so much!!" she complained
"literally like 2 minutes" Paul chuckled "here, hop on" Paul knelt down in front of her gesturing for her to get on his back, Alyssa chuckled before climbing on, he stood with ease and started swaying around pretending to drop her
"PAUL!" she screeched as he bopped up and down, he chuckled a throaty laugh before quitting and continuing on "yeah, you answer to me now bitch" Alyssa teased
"like hell!" he said before running around once more, making her flail about.

So cute!

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