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"what are you doing here Jacob?" Alyssa yelled, Paul quickly threw her his jacket which she gratefully accepted and wrapped around her body.
"I saw you two love birds from the road. What the fuck Alyssa!?" Jacob began yelling, he was shaking profusely, his face red with anger and it scared Alyssa to no end.
"don't talk to her like that!" Paul warned.
"Paul what's happening to him?" Alyssa asked, seeing jacobs sweaty shaking figure, he knew exactly what was happening to Jacob and needed to get Alyssa out of here, but the woods were dangerous, they had recently been hunting Victoria, she could be here. But he couldn't leave Jacob.
" Alyssa stay there!" Paul warned holding his hand out toward her as he faced Jacob
"oh so now your protecting her? Mr steroids if you don't step away from her I'm gonna-" Paul noticed his shaking getting worse.
"Jacob you need to calm down" Paul ordered before turning to a very frightened and cold Alyssa."look, hermosa, there are a lot of things we need to talk about, things you can't even imagine and I swear I was gonna tell you but it looks like your gonna find out in a minute, just stay calm, I'm not gonna hurt you just stay here and don't go any closer to Jacob" the serious look on Paul's face made her comply with his request as she stood very still and watched the events unfold in front of her eyes.
"whats happening to me?" Jacob screamed as he fell to the floor clutching his chest though every part of him was hurting.
"you need to let it happen Jacob, the longer you fight it the worse it gets" Paul knelt down so he was at eye level with Jacob but still a few metres away
"let what happen?" Jacob groaned in pain, his hands pulling on his long hair.
"just let it go, Jacob, let your mind be free from your body" Paul nodded his head when Jacob looked at him "you got this" he said before Jacob morfed, his bones made a cracking noise that made Alyssa wince harder with each one yet she couldn't tear her eyes away from Jacob, his transforming body, his stretched skin, his heaving chest and his popping veins. One last groan of pain was released before a tanned wolf lay cowering on the floor where Jacob had been. The wolf wimpered and got to its feet looking like a new born foul attempting to find its footing. Jacob looked down to the two front paws that unsteadily held his now huge figure up, he couldn't believe his eyes. Or his ears he heard Embry somewhere but he couldn't see him, it sounded like he was right there
Oh my god! It's jacob, hey man took you long enough!
"alright, welldone Jacob, I know this is confusing okay, and I know you have a lot of questions but I need you to listen to me okay?" Paul sounded slightly patronising to Alyssa but Jacob found it hard to consentrate at that moment, so the over annunciation was needed. Jacob huffed and attempted to nod his head before Paul continued. "for you to turn back I'm gonna need to to picture yourself as a human, think of something that makes you happy and consentrate really hard on it" Paul said slowly Jacobs wolf closed his eyes as Alyssa stared in disbelief, cuddling Paul's worn brown leather jacket closer to her body.

Eventually Jacob turned back just in time for Embry to come barrelling out of the woods and hug him.
"its been too long, buddy" he said as he pulled away clapping him on the arm.
"dude what the actual fuck" Jacob looked at his hands and had never been so appreciative to see them.
"i know man, we can talk on the way to Emily's" Embry turned to Alyssa and smiled widely at her.
"Hey Allie" he grinned "guess you know why I haven't been taking a lot lately" his grin faded as he realised the extent of his ignorance to Alyssa in the last few weeks.
"hey, its no problem, I'm just glad to know your alright" she smiled at the grin on his face before turning to a confused Paul.
"ill catch you up" he nodded to Jacob before turning and walking cautiously toward Alyssa.
"thank you for looking after Jacob" she smiled as he made his way over to her. Paul was confused and relieved at her cheerful tone. "are you one too?" she asked her tone still light.
"yes" he confirmed stopping a few feet away from her.
"its okay, Paul, I'm not scared" she smiled and walked toward him, kissing him on the cheek and grabbing his hand "you could never scare me" Paul couldn't have been more grateful for his imprint but he was also slightly worried, she should be scared, she might not understand.
"you know that I'm dangerous, I could hurt you if I get angry and I really, really don't want to hurt you" he looked to the ground in shame as he thought about Emily's scars.
"hey" she whispered cupping Paul's face in her hands and lifting his gaze to her. "you are the biggest softy I know, you might get angry but you can calm down, because I believe in you and right here" she placed a kiss over the top of his heart, "is the softest, most loving and kind heart on this planet" Paul smiled down at her.
"don't ever be ashamed of what you are, you are absolutely fucking awesome! I mean you trun into a wolf for fucks sake!" she hyped and smiled when Paul looked down to her lips.
"don't think just because your a wolf that means you can just kiss me though, you need to work for it" she teased, sending him a wink.
"oh yeah?" he smirked
"yeah" she bit her lip and played with the hem of his shirt, he easliy lifted it over his head to show his amazing toned torso.
"hmmmmm" she pretended to consider, tapping her finger on her chin and grinning when Paul went from smug to shocked. "I don't know, looking a little chubby there" she teased before running away and squeeling slightly when Paul began to chase her. Paul caught up to her and wrapped his arms around her, twirling her around with his arms around her torso, her hands gripping his biceps. Alyssa squeeled before Paul put her down.
"so, you know Embry?" he asked "should I be jealous?" he teased making Alyssa roll her eyes.
"very" she winked "we fucked just about every weekend" she laughed at Paul's fake gagging.
"we should probably head to Emily's" he suggested, Alyssa was about to agree when she was reminded of something
" can we go in your car? I left the beers in there" Paul chuckled before nodding his head and knealing down, his back facing her.
"your chariot awaits" he said before she giggled and climbed on, resting her head on his shoulders as he ran through the forest.

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