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Alyssa woke up the next day with a start, she gathered the events of yesterday in her head and pursed her lips before giggling to herself.
"fucking werewolves" she shook her head before going to her bathroom to shower, bringing a shirt with her, remembering to put it on the shelf and chuckling when she remembered the last time Paul lahote was in her bedroom.

It was officially the weekend and, after the eventfull week she had just had, she deserved a shopping trip. Alyssa sighed happily before stepping out of her bathroom and into her sun drenched room, quickly throwing some clothes onto her bed to change into. Alyssa flipped her wet hair over her head and began rubbing it with a towel. She gasped when she heard a whistle and almost had a heart attack when she saw Paul lahote smirking at her from the window sill. Alyssa shook her head, her hands on her hips but a huge smile on her face.
"asshole" she said to him as she opened her window.
"that was a nice view" he smirked even more as he stepped into her room, shutting the window behind him and leaning on the wall with his hands in his pockets. Alyssa couldn't help but admire the way she could see his shirt clung to his muscles beneath his jacket.
"so is that" she nodded her head toward him, Paul grinned like an idiot at this and made his way toward her, his hands still rested lazily in his pockets.
"oh yeah?" he smirked, winding his hands around her waist and pulling her close.
"yeah" Alyssa smiled pulling his head down toward hers, before slapping the back of his head lightly "but however gorgeous you are, today is a no boy day" she smiled at his pouty face before pulling a pair of jeans up under her top.
"but how can you resist me" he pushed his bottom lip out and hung his head low in mock hurt.
"oh believe me, my loins are burning at the mere sight of you but I must resist" she teased motioning for him to turn around as she pulled the shirt off of her head and slipped on a  cropped v neck.

"you look amazing" he said as alyssa looked in her mirror, paul coming up behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist. Both of them looking in the mirror.
"we look amazing" she corrected him, spinning around in his arms, putting her hands on his chest as she looked up at him.
"yeah we do" he smirked, loving the 'we'. Paul couldn't help but lean down, tightening his grip on her hips. Alyssa rose her hand to cover his lips
"no boy day" she smiled.
"no boy day" he grumbled, letting go of her waist and jumping into her bed while she did her hair in her bathroom.
"so, where you girls going?" he asked admiring his imprint in her mirror.
"just port Angeles, there's a mall there that has this arcade, thought we could check it out" she smiled at his reflection before continuing to brush her hair.
"your bruise has almost gone" Paul thought outloud.
"yeah, it has" Alyssa smiled brightly.

"ALYSSA? GET UP!"Alyssas mum shouted up the stairs.
"ALREADY AM!" Alyssa shouted back, smiling sarcastically at Paul. "time to go" Alyssa stood up and walked over to her window "scram dog" Paul growled playfully as he stepped out of the window. She couldn't help but notice the defeated look on his face and couldn't resist.
"come here" she smiled grabbing Paul by the shirt and pulling his head back through the window.
"what about no boys" he smirked, looking down to her lips
"well, your a man" she smirked pulling him even further so their lips met, his, warm and soft against hers.

Neither of the teens wanted to move away but Alyssas mum shouting kind of ruined the moment.
"see ya" she smiled before shutting the window on a stunned  Paul, blowing him a kiss before closing the door to her bedroom behind her.

"so where we headed first?" Alyssa asked as kim pulled away from her driveway.
"don't laugh but there's this arcade I've been wanting to go to for a while" Kim said, slightly embarrassed.
"no way!" Alyssa rose her voice "oh my god, I've been wanting to go there for like, ages!" both girls looked twice as excited as before.
"I'm so glad, I brought so many 2p  coins it's embarrassing" Kim giggled, jiggling her purse and sending both girls into a fit of laughter.
"same!" Alyssa said through laughs, jingling the pocket of her cardigan and making the girls laugh even more, to a point tears were threatening to burst out of their eyes.

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