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"are you finished?" Sam asked impatiently from the edge of the forest, Paul and Alyssa walked out of the trees with their heads held high despite the scolding they knew they were going to get "do you have any idea what you've done?"
Alyssa felt an overwhelming need to flinch at the disspaointment of her brother.
"you've exposed us to a mortal, you have been in this pack for less than a week and-" he was interrupted by Paul's low growl, Alyssa looked to him, his head was bowed as if punishing himself, she laid a hand on his arm, smiling up at his protective figure standing over her, Paul nodded to her and stepped back leaving Sam and Alyssa face to face.
"I'm certain you heard our entire conversation back there so I'm sure you've already lost a bit of respect for me but none of this is Paul's fault and Jacob was only doing his job by protecting the people in this town" she smiled apologetically to Jacob, who was standing behind Sam, rain dripping from his growing out- hair, he considered before giving a slight nod "I'm sorry for what I did, its dad's funeral on a few days so I guess I'll be able to have some actual training soon. so yell at me all you want but let Paul leave before you do I don't want him to see it" Alyssa took another deep breath.
"I'm not going to yell at you" Alyssa let out a relieved sigh,she didn't think she could take any more emotions today. "but you're right, we should start training you soon. I'm gonna let you off because Bella isn't exactly innocent in this whole situation but firstly, you need to get your phasing under control" Alyssa nodded in agreement before grabbing Paul's hand and walking back up the hill.

She looked back to Sam to check he was following whilst tugging the oversized shirt down.
"secondly were gonna have to hide you're clothes in the forest, as your brother I refuse to let you walk around looking like that" he smiled, catching up to the couple easily, and slung his arm around her shoulders.
"thirdly?" Alyssa asked cautiously
Sam chuckled.
"thirdly, you aught to keep your mouth away from quill, I've seen the way he looks at you and I can't believe I'm about to say this but I much prefer the way Paul looks at you, at least he's not a full animal" Alyssa chuckled looking up at Paul to see him laughing as well.

Sam squeezed Alyssas shoulders before jogging ahead of them, feeling their need for privacy.
"you know I'd never leave you, right?" she said, keeping her eyes on the trees in front of them. "you're the best thing that's ever happened to me" she looked up to him for what felt like the first time as she saw his slightly overgrown buzz cut hair, rain droplets settled on his head,his eyes, his nose. His lips.
"yeah I know" he said looking down to her with kind eyes "Besides why would you leave me? I'm great" he smiled cheekily.
"you don't have to make everything into a joke, I know you're insecure about people leaving, I just need you to know you don't have to worry about that with me" his smile softened, a single tear welling in his eye before he caught himself.

His smile turned mischievous as soon as they found themselves in the shelter of the trees, he jogged a few paces in front of her and knelt down, his back facing her. Alyssa giggled just like she had the first time he did this, but instead of clambering clumsily on top of him, she walked forward and stopped a few inches away, kneeling just like him, a mirror image, the confused look on his face disintegrated as she locked her lips around his, their mouths moving in tandem as Paul slowly pushed her down onto her back, one of his hands in the ground beside her head, the other on her waist as she leant on her arm.
"god, I love you" Alyssa breathed, her lips qrazing his ear.
"I'm sure he'll be happy to hear that" he chuckled, Alyssa groaned before pushing Paul on his back and climbing on top of him.
"shut up" she smiled against his lips as she pushed her fingers under his shirt, he pulled it over his head and threw it to the floor before retiring his hands to her waist,moving his hands up until they met her breasts under the baggy fabric of the top
"just take it off already" she moaned, breaking their kiss to pull off the shirt,Paul's eyes almost popped out of his head, making Alyssa giggle. She saw the look in his eyes and sensed this wasn't going to stop at just kissing,"you know I'm a virgin right?" she confirmed he looked shocked at the idea.
"seriously?!" he asked.
"Is that bad?" she asked, more angry than curious.
"NO!" he blurted "I mean of course not, I just... I want your first time to be special" his cheeks tinted red.
"any time with you is gonna be amazing" she said, looking at him with soft eyes.
"I don't mean that, I just mean maybe not lose your virginity on the floor of the woods" he chuckled, looking around him at the trees and moss on the ground.
"but this is our place!" she argued, trying not to sound desperate.
"look around you" he commanded, she took a look at the slugs and snails on the floor
"yeah maybe you're right" she admitted, laughing lightly.
"I always am" Paul corrected as he sat up, reaching for his shirt
"shut up" she shook her head

Alyssa cheered as Paul jumped high enough so Alyssa could feel the branches nearing her head, clinging tighter to his shoulders. Paul whooped loudly as he leapt over a fallen tree, Alyssa looked down, leaning far enough to see the exhilleration in his eyes and the smile on his lips.

"we're here" Paul said, slowing down as he turned the corner to Emily's house. Alyssa slipped off of his back onto the porch steps, Paul feigned relief at the loss of weight
"god, you've grown" he smirked jokingly
"you're telling me?" she pinched at the skin on his stomach.
"who are we kidding were both gorgeous" Paul smiled at Alyssas laugh as they reluctantly made their way to the house.
"ugh we're gonna have to make small talk with blood lover in there" she sighed as Paul let her down onto the porch steps.
"we could just go upstairs" Paul smirked throwing a smooth wink her way.
"NO YOU CAN'T" Sam called from inside,making Alyssa and Paul explode with laughter, bursting through the door.

Their laughter died out when they entered the room, bella leant against the counter, a half nibbled muffin in her hand, Emily stood by the oven, sprinkling a newly cooled batch of cupcakes with icing sugar, Sam's arms wrapped around her waist, smiling at Paul and Alyssa.
"that was totally badass" Embry high fived Alyssa from his seat at the table earning a warning glare from Emily before she sent one to Alyssa, nodding her head slightly toward Bella. Alyssa rolled her eyes before turning to face her.
"I'm sorry for trying to kill you but lay one finger on my boyfriend again and I won't hesitate to-"
"Alyssa!" Emily scolded, Alyssa shrugged before looking to Bella, seeing no fangs or vamp bites helped, she doesn't actually know the girl and she did just try to kill her...
"I really am sorry, I've been stressed lately but that's no excuse" she smiled genuinely at Bella, earning a small nod back seeming to satisfy Emily as she returned to her baking.

Paul led Alyssa by the hand to a chair by the table, pulling her onto his lap, smiling at the distaste on sam's face.
"oh I forgot to say" Emily piped up, setting the cupcakes aside on a serving plate "I called into the funeral office to check to see if everything was lined up for the funeral and they said they're still deliberating on whether or not you're dad needs an autopsy" Emily sat beside Alyssa.
"What!? " she exclaimed "but we had everything sorted! An autopsy could push everything back a whole day!" anguish crashed onto her as she realised she had failed at the one thing that mattered.
"why haven't they sorted it yet?" Paul asked no one in particular. "I would have though an autopsy was compulsory, given the situation" everybody was silent for a few seconds, thinking of an answer.
"it's likely that they just don't know the proper protocol down there for this kind of...thing, but my dad's the chief, I'm sure I could get him to have a word with them" everyone turned to Bella as if forgetting she was in the room, Jacob stood beside her.
"you'd do that?" Paul asked skeptically,
"of course, I can't promise he'll be able to change their minds but he could at least weigh in" she assured "I can't imagine what you're going through" she seemed to be hiding behind her hair as she kept picking at the muffin in her hand, clearly uncomfortable at all of the eyes on her.
"thank you, Bella, I mean it" Alyssa nodded to her "it would mean a lot if you'd join us for the funeral" Alyssa suggested.
"yeah, of course..." Bella began, before filling the expectant silence "I'm not sure what the etiquette is for accepting an invite to a funeral" everyone in the room laughed, although they were certain that was not Bella's intention, her awkwardness seemed to lighten the mood.
"i'll send you the details" Jacob said a slight smile on his face at the companionship forming "could we talk somewhere else?" Bella nodded, looking relieved at the escape as she turned toward the door.
"alright well me and Paul are going to go upstairs" Alyssa stood, grabbing both of his hands and pretending to haul him up.
"no you're not" Sam deadpanned, letting go of Emily after kissing her on the forehead.
"look Sam we're not gonna do anything, besides we wouldn't do it with you in the house, we would definitely make too much noise and-"
Sam cut her off, looking like he was going to puke.
"I meant we were going to do some training but I'm not sure I want to be near you after that" The look of sheer regret was not new to Alyssas face but the speechless was never something that's happened to her.
"oh- shit" she said "I thought we were- I don't know- like... Banter?" everyone stared at her in disbelief.
"oh my god" Embry gasped.
"she's speechless" Jared said.
"I don't like it" Paul stated "this has never happened before"
"oh shut up, I could easily kill everyone of you"
"oh yeah? Well we'll find out shall we?" Sam smirked, grabbing a cupcake before following Alyssa out of the door.

again, I'm probably going to get the timeline wrong for this bit but I will try my best xx

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