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"I would've came sooner if I could" Paul smirked, looking down at Alyssas long legs in those shorts.
"well your here now" she smiled "I'll go change into the dress" Paul grabbed her waist just as she was about to turn away and pulled her flush against him.
"I'm not sure I want you to" he said in a gruff voice that made her knees weak.
"oh, I think you do" she smiled, patting his chest before turning to her closet and grabbing the dress. "I'll be right back"

Alyssa pulled the dress on and zipped up the back, patting the dress down and looking to the mirror, smiling at her reflection.
"I'm coming out!" she whisper yelled.
"aww, here I was thinking I had a chance" he said, making her chuckle before she opened the door, stepping into the room, standing in front of Paul, she ran the back of her hand up her leg that showed through the cut in the fabric. Alyssa looked up to see Paul watching her hand intently, she ran her knuckles from the edge of her shoulder to her collar bone , grazing her hand to the center of her chest and down to the cleavage showing through her dress.

Paul growled lowly before picking Alyssa up and pushing her against the wall.
"what're you doing to me Rica?" Paul's low voice made her eyes close, his warm breath on her skin.
"I'm making you wanna kiss me" she whispered, her soft voice like honey.
"I always want to kiss you" he muttered, she was driving him crazy, every move she'd make every flick of the hair every shake of the hips drove him mad and he didn't mind one bit.

"then do it" that was all the conformation Paul needed, his lips met hers in a fiery kiss, one of his hands cupping her cheek, the other one on her back pulling her closer to him. Their lips moved in harmony, a clumsy mess as she tangled her fingers in his hair, pulling away with his lip in between her teeth making him growl with a smirk on his face.
"I guess you liked the dress" she giggled.
"no, I like the girl underneath it" he grinned. "Alyssa hauser, your driving me mad" he admitted, looking Down to were their bodies met.
"good" she said cheerfully, grinning a toothy grin before stepping away from their embrace. "can you stay tonight?" she asked just as she was about to go the her bathroom to change.
"you didn't have to ask" he smirked already kicking off his boots and removing his jacket.

After Alyssa had changed back into her pyjamas and splashed water on her face in an attempt to recover from the fiery kiss, she left the bathroom and chuckled when she saw Paul already In her bed, half the cover folded over to let her under. Alyssa climbed in, Paul pulling the cover over the top of her and dragging her closer to him.
"your in your boxers" she whispered the obvious as she entwined their legs together.
"is that okay?" he asked cautiously. Alyssa grinned and ran her hands down his back, stopping at his boxers and tucking the tips of her fingers underneath the fabric before pulling him closer to her by his boxers.
"of course" she smirked, placing a quick kiss in his nose before snuggling into his chest.

Paul's heart melted at the beautiful girl laying next to him, she was perfect ; badass, sweet, sexy, cute, very angry and weirdly understanding. She was everything good about everyone in the world mixed into one beautiful person.

By the time morning had came, Paul and Alyssa were a sweaty tangled mess under the sheets, fast asleep and happy as can be. As he had last time Paul kissed Alyssas forehead and laid his head back on the pillow, her eyes flickered open and creased at the corners when she saw his grin.
"good morning" he said, sleep still in his voice.
"great morning" Alyssa snuggled her head further into the warmth of his bare chest.
"I'm sorry hermosa, I have to get up" he stroked her hair, at the same time pulling her closer to him.
"why" she groaned making him chuckle.
"have to meet up with the pack at Emily's" Paul admitted, alyssa lifted her head, Paul's hand still stroking her hair.
"what about?" she asked, raising her head to look at him, his hair disheveled on his head. Paul sat up and held onto her hands.
"you know I said there were dangerous things?" he said, squeezing her hands when she nodded, he smiled briefly at her tangled blonde hair. "well, one of those is vampires and we think it's the mate of a vampire we killed" he said, gauging her reaction the entire time, she didn't seem surprised, just confused.
"how many clans are there?" she asked.
"in the world? Too many to count. In Washington? Two that we know of" he confirmed her thoughts.
"anyone I would know?" she joked, smiling up at him, his tanned skin a contrast against her light sheets.
"actually, the cullens" he said, caution in his tone, before Alyssa burst into a fit of laughter, Paul looked at her with confusion and wonder as she rose their joined hands to cover her face.
"so your telling me, that fuckwit, Bella, isn't only an asshole but a leech lover too? This is priceless" she began laughing again, this time Paul joined in.

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