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"to me!" Alyssa screamed to Jacob as he narrowly dodged paul, rugby ball cradled in his arm. Jacob threw the ball backward slightly toward Alyssa, she caught it easily, barrelling forward, mud splattering behind her, she was inches from the try when Jared tackled her to the floor, Alyssa let go of the ball, it rolled right into Jacobs hands, leaving him to push the ball on to the grass just past where they had lined up two wheeley bins to mark the line
"YESSS!!!" Alyssa screamed, jumping up off of the floor, high-fiving Jacob before putting both hands in the air and doing her victory dance, which made her look like she was trying to escape a hoard of angry wasps, but Paul looked at her with adoring eyes nonetheless.
"that's it we need to change teams, you guys are too good" Jared complained, speaking to Jacob and Alyssa, stopping them mid-hip bump and making them look their way.
"no way!" Jacob Complained, "we're the dream team!" he said before finishing the dance and turning their way. Paul was about to argue the point when he stuck his nose slightly in the air, flinching at whatever he smelled.

"vampire" Paul said under his breath, but every wolf heard him.
"Jared, Jacob phase and see what Sam knows" Jared had a face of stone as he  began running toward the forest, pulling off his shirt and shoes, before phasing, Jacob stayed behind for a moment, unsure, Paul nodded his head meaningfully at him, before Jacob began barrelling toward the trees as well.
"what do I do?" Alyssa asked, slightly out of breath in anticipation, she could tell she looked panicked and tried to smooth the folds on her forehead.
"make sure Kim's okay,bring her to Emily's, lock all doors and stay inside" Alyssa could tell Paul was serious by the crease just above his eyebrows, but she couldn't help but ask
"are you serious?!" she shook her head in disbelief. "no I'm coming with you" she kicked off her shoes and ran toward the forest line, before feeling a slight but powerful tug on her collar, pulling her to a halt.
"you've had one training session, we can't afford to babysit you while taking down a vampire, stay here" Alyssas face fell.
"Paul, I can do this. I'll stay in the background I won't attack, you won't even know I'm there" she insisted. "and I'm not letting you out of my sight when there's a blood sucker around" Paul's eyes softened as he considered how he would feel locked in a room while alyssa was within reach of a monster.
"fine" paul said in a monotone, slightly defeated voice "but stay out of  the way, don't let it see you" Alyssa let out a sigh of relief, before she began running toward the woods again, Paul by her side as she focused on channelling all of her energy into getting swept under the waves.

Alyssa jumped and landed roughly on her shoulder, her paws leaning to one side to pull herself back up again, as soon as she was on all fours she yelped at the deafening noise blaring in her head, her ears turned backward, flat against her scalp. Paul turned back and nudged her neck with his head.
it's just the pack, Alyssa, you're not ready, please turn back. For me. Paul thought.
Paul! We need you over here now! Sam insisted, Paul huffed in frustration, he needed to go but he couldn't leave Alyssa wandering on her own, she could stumble across it and- Alyssas thoughts interrupted his train of thought.
Paul, go they need you, I promise I'll stay as far away as I possibly can. Go! Alyssa urged, nodding her head roughly in the direction of the sound of thudding paws she could clearly hear.
Alyssa is that you?! Sam asked incredulously,
Yes, but I'll stay out of the way.
Jesus christ we really can't be dealing with this right now!
Then don't, catch the filthy bastard, I'll just watch
Jacob laughed as Alyssas argument sounded in his head, she always loved the films where the villains got brutally murdered,
What is this a trip to the movies for you? Jacob chuckled as he ran just beside Jared, following Sam's scent.
Alyssa laughed before Sam's authoritive tone bellowed in all of their heads
Bella's near the vampire his thoughts  sounded slightly strained as he sped up, much more urgent.

Is it attacking her?
Despite Alyssas ears falling slick to her head as urgent voices bubbled in her mind, she could easily pick out Jacobs voice
Oh god, not Bella, how does she do this? I thought she was done with the bloddsuckers Alyssa rolled her eyes at his regular antics before she saw what he was thinking he saw Bella walking over to his shed,her deep brown hair twisting in the wind as she eyed the finished motorbikes,the joy on her face made his heart fill with hope. He felt her hand in his as they stumbled in the darkness to Billy and Charlie by the front door,her genuine giggles echoed in his head like she was right here. Alyssa suddenly felt awful for all she had said about the girl, jake really did love her, just becasue they're not imprints doesn't mean it's impossible, and for all the pain Bella caused him, she sure did make him happy, obviously Alyssa would never tell him she was wrong.

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