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I'm sorry, i haven't posted in ages! I've been playing with a new story idea and I've been pretty much focused on that but I'm back and writing this now, hope you like the new chapter!!

Alyssa started down the rain stomped grass past Jacob's house, trying to focus her hearing on the heated conversation at the edge of the forest and away from the guilt running past her ears and filling her throat, threatening to emerge in liquid form.
"he tells me nothing because he's affraid of you!" the screeching voice pierced her ears, she winced at the dreadful noise, Alyssa could feel her primal side working it's way forward, intent on taking over. She could see Paul already angry, towering over Bella's mineute form, his large muscles bare in the harsh winds. It felt wrong to admire him like she had with quil, she didn't have a right, she felt sick to her stomach. Her pack chuckled at the accusation and anger on bella's scrunched face, that was the tipping point her jaw tightened, Paul looked to Alyssa,the split seconds happiness that showed in his smile made her mouth form a straight line what had she done? the smile was wiped off of his face as his jaw was pushed to one side by the small fist of Bella Swan.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH" Alyssa yelled before her instinct clouded her common sense, she was dragged under the waves again pushed away from anything close to consciousness as she leapt into the air with two feet and landed with four. Her vision became sharper, her hearing cleared as Sam shouted her name but that was far from her mind as her vision became tunneled and only showed the brown flowing locks of bellas hair. She lunged before her distant self had anything to say about it, her teeth were inches from Bella's neck, when 4 teeth sunk into her flank as she was pushed to the ground. Jacob had her pinned to the ground with his two front paws, his teeth dripping with saliva inches from her nose, before her hind legs kicked him off of her, landing him 10 meters away from Alyssas snapping Jaws, she began stalking toward him as he struggled to flip himself up, her front legs bowing as she readied herself to pounce.

"STEP AWAY FROM EACH OTHER" Sam demanded in his alpha voice. Alyssa had no choice but to retreat, she looked over to Paul who had shifted and had the same idea as Alyssa.
Maybe we shouldn't kill Jacob Paul laughed to Alyssa making Jacob snarl, Alyssa couldn't laugh with him, knowing she will brake his heart.
"embry, take Bella home. i'll deal with these idiots" Sam commanded, Alyssa decided to ignore the last part of the sentence and looked to Bella who was lying with her back on the wet grass, her forearms holding her up as she stared at Alyssa and the boys with terror in her eyes.
Jesus Alyssa thought before she looked to Paul, still stood in a protective stance over her, her heart dropped to her stomach, raw guilt burning through her skin. She tried her best not to think of that feeling but the pain in Paul's eyes made it clear he knew something wasn't right. He nodded his head toward the woods before catching some clothes thrown by Sam in his mouth.

Paul placed the large shirt and boxers at Alyssas feet with a perplexed expression on his face as he attempted to get into Alyssas head.
Stop trying, you know I'll tell you anything if you ask she reminded.
But will it be the truth? He asked
I promise she jerked her head to the side to tell him to turn around so she could shift, it took her a few tries, thinking about Paul only made her even more angry at herself, in the end she managed to get from angry to upset and that seemed to do it.

Before she had the chance to steady herself, her naked body fell ontop of the small pile of clothes on the floor as she sobbed, Paul turned immediately at the sound, he would recognise the cry in a crowd of millions he didn't think twice before rushing to her side, he scooped her up into his arms and tried to do what he had done so many times before. Take away her pain.
"no, stop" Alyssa whimpered as she felt his warm hands spread on her back. "Paul I need to talk to you" she sniffled,covering her body with her hand and grabbing the large white t shirt as soon as Paul covered his eyes.

Alyssa stood, her posture stricken with guilt as she pulled Paul's hand from his eyes, she threw him a pitifully smile, a tear running down her cheek as she held onto his hands.
"Paul. I've done something stupid" her eyes felt the weight of a thousand confessions she kept looking at his worried face.
"I know" he said quietly.
"no, you don't" she shook her head you are the best thing thay ever happened to me, I don't know what I was thinking but I... I-"
"kissed quill" he gulped, the words spilling from his mouth like acid to his heart.
"how do you-" she began cut off by Paul
"I saw you" he admitted, replaying the image in his mind, her gorgeous lips on his, it made him want to puke. "that's why Bella slap made me shift, I was already pretty angry"
Alyssa bottom lip quivered as she thought about what he must have seen, she shook her head in denial but the truth was looking her in the eyes, his tanned skin and brown fluffy hair.
"Paul I'm-"
"so sorry" he finished for her.
"it was a-"
"mistake, look Alyssa I know I pissed you off but did you really feel he need?" he laughed cynically, running a hand through his hair.
"no, it wasn't a revenge kiss I just, I wasn't thinking" she explained.
"so unlike you" Paul teased sarcastically, putting a small smile on Alyssas face, Paul rolled his eyes a small smile of his own lifting his eyes.
"look, Paul, you have shown me what unconditional love feels like, you've shown me that I don't have to fill a criteria for someone care for me and I stomped all over everything we've built together. I've ruined us and I know it, there are no other words to describe how much I regret doing what I did, but as soon as our lips touched I knew it wasn't him I wanted , it was you" she said her hands reaching for his until he pulled away, that is what broke her heart more than anything, his rejection
"so I should be grateful that you want me?" he chuckled, but no humour was there just pain.
"no! I always knew, from the moment our eyes met I've known what I've wanted from life and its you, your all I want, all I need I was just angry, not at you but myself, I needed a way to make myself pay for everything I've done wrong and what better way than to ruin the good thing in my life?" she said, another tear running down her face. Only this time it didn't reach her jaw before Paul had wicked it off of her face with his thumb.
"I'm so fucking pissed off" he stated, placing his thumb on her lips.
"but I need you to know that I forgive you" he said immediately, Alyssa ran into his arms letting out a breath she didn't realise she was holding. His hand spread on her back, warmth ran through her veins, her lungs began to breath new air again as she refused to let him go.
"I will never make you feel like that again" she promised.
"feel what?"
"fucking pissed off" she repeated smiling when his grip on her tightened.
"you can't believe how happy it makes me to know you've forgiven me" she said, her face didn't show a bit of happiness "but I know that you will never forget. Because I can't, I just really, really need you right now" she admitted.
"and you have me, and the pack" he reassured "and quil by the looks of it" he let out a roar of laughter, making Alyssa smile, she slapped his chest lightly.
"too soon"

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